This takes place after Night of the living Virus. The fact that they worked together and Chase congratulated Adam made me think of this. :)

The idea just came so... enjoy.

"Come on, Chase, it was almost like an A." Adam practically begged.

Chase crossed his hands over his chest, looking serious, but really, he was trying really hard to fight a smirk from coming to his lips.

"Adam, you technically didn't pass any test..." He trailed off.

"We beat evil Teddy, we did great teamwork, Mr. D said so. I think I passed with an A +++++++." Adam said bragging.

"Did you?" Chase couldn't hold it, he smirked. He shrugged. "Well, when you put it that way."

He pulled Adam down and gently kissed the taller boy, who wasted no time in engulfing Chase in his arms, bringing him super close.

"My patience, good looks, and brilliance make three more A's." Adam said, trying to smuggle another kiss.

Chase chuckled softly, gently keeping Adam from kissing him.

"I'll give you an A for thinking on your feet, that was really smart of you. Two more A's and you'll get your reward."

Chase pulled away and Adam watched him go down the hallway, then he headed off to earn himself two more A's.

My Lab Rats stories are like really short, but that's the way I like them I guess.

Short, sweet and to the point. :)

Hope you guys liked it.