( Authors Note: Sorry for any errors, I fixed what I could find. I had a lot of people asking me to continue this, and after having hard year dealing with a few things here and there I decided to continue it. Everyone who asked for it, I've sent messages too, so thank you! This part is short, more so just a intermission, but I promise I'll have more to come! )

The voice sent chills down the back of his neck. He felt himself staring at the eye that was looking back at him, the chuckle is what cause him to break away. He didn't feel hands nor a arm that was trying to prevent him from moving either... no, he was simply allowed to step away. It occurred to him that Duke might know how he was feeling, sick. He felt so sick suddenly, he dropped to his knees and felt the bile rising to his throat before he could stop it. It emptied what was left in his stomach from the night before right into the toilet. He felt that burning sensation through out his throat and nose, he cringed at the feeling and gasped for breath. He saw the vision of last nights attack and merely leaned back away from the toilet. He felt his body turning abruptly half expecting Duke to be there but he wasn't.

He stood a moment after and brushed his teeth almost instantly wanting to get ride of the taste, when he was done he let his finger tips grip the cold marble counter. He felt a quick shake over take his frame and he pulled his body away from the counter and walked into the living area. He felt like he was being watched almost instantly he turned around but he didn't see much of anything around him. Just the normal stuff in his room, no open windows or doors. He sighed and placed a hand on his head, he kept telling himself over and over again that it was going to be alright but he really wasn't sure if that was going to work.

He stepped away from where he was and headed back towards his bed, he felt that sinking feeling deep with in his stomach again. "...Duke." He whispered as his finger tips touched the blanket and he felt a fist forming beneath the material. "...Why," He felt the next words slipping from his lips as if he was pleading. He didn't understand why that man couldn't let him go, he didn't want to be involved with him... nor did he want to be tortured by him. A long sigh escaped his lips and he pulled away the sheets and slipped into the bed, pulling them up along with the comforter. He rested there a moment and stared out into the rest of the room.

He didn't realize he'd even fallen asleep till he woke some time later to the phone ringing. He jumped up so quickly he felt himself almost tripping on the blankets and hoping out to reach the phone. Once he did so he picked up the phone, "Hello?" He asked partly breathless. Their was no response on the other end, "...Hello?" He asked again a sinking started in his heart. He could hear something on the other end, it sounded like a static mix, and then their was a voice.

"...Y...you... ca...ll...ed?" The voice was distorted but David knew how it was, he felt frozen in time, as if he couldn't even take a breathe. "...D...a..vid." It spoke his name. "...an...sw...er.."

"...D-Du-ke..." His voice trembled at his own reasoning of thinking who was on the other end. Why did he do this to him, why wake him in the middle of the afternoon just to bother him more. He felt a wave of stress over coming him. He needed to get out of here, anything to get away. He was about to move the phone away from his ear when he could make out a voice once more.

"...M...ine...Mi...ne...Min...e...Mine...MINE!" The voice was low at first, it was hard to figure out just what he was trying to say, it was sudden when he yelled into the males ear, causing him to slam the phone down and disconnect the call completely. He wasn't going to deal with this, he turned around and let a sigh escape his lips. He glanced around the room, he felt like he was being watched.

He made his way into the bathroom, he would shower and go out for something to eat. It seemed for the moment that things were calm, but he didn't dare pick up his phone when it range once more before he left. He tried to forget about that moment, it wasn't like last night but he felt like things we're going to get worse. He wanted to just pack up and move away, but he knew it wouldn't be that simple, no... Duke was with him now and the only way to face him was to deal with what was going on. Even if he was unsure of his over all intent. He didn't want to kill him... but harming him seemed to be the next option. David felt his brain being pushed into over drive, he had to figure something out... anything before it was too late. He knew something bad was going to happen.