Well, I decided that I didn't like the ending to Merlin, so like any fan-fic writer, I wrote a new ending. Some spoilers for the last episode of season five, but its different too, so read at your own risk if you haven't seen the finale. Lots of magic reveal, Merlin-whump, and an ending you'll never guess. (well you might but..meh)

Merlin stood in the crystal cave, scrying the armies at Camlan. He smiled at the ease with which he brushed aside the wards Morgana had placed around herself; reveling in his newfound powers. He frowned as he realized what Morgana was planning; a sneak attack at night with a force sent around to flank Arthur's army. The effects would be devastating and the battle would be over before it was even begun. A plan forming in his mind, Merlin did what only he, Emrys, could; he stopped time over the plains of Camlan. A spell of that size would have killed him before this night, hell normally it should have taken at least seven high priests or priestesses of the old religion to cast that spell, and he wasn't even tired. Grinning like a loon, Merlin gathered up his magic and cast a spell, "jumping" himself to a clearing just outside Camelot. Once there he let out a deep roar, calling Kilgarah in the dragon tongue. Moments later he was facing the great dragon. Merlin felt a twinge of remorse as the dragon landed heavily; he looked horrible and it was obvious that he was dying faster than he had previously told Merlin.

"My young Warlock. What is the meaning of this? Should you not be at Arthur's side protecting him?" Kilgarah peered at Merlin closely. "Something has changed about you young Warlock. What has happened?"

Merlin spoke quickly, describing all that had happened regarding Morgana, his magic, and the crystal cave. Then, taking a small breath to steady himself, he began to explain his plan to the great dragon. When he was finished he looked at Kilgarah questioningly. "Can you help me? Do you know the spell?"

"Yes, young Warlock, I know the spell. I warn you, though, changing fate, especially the fate of one such as Arthur, will have consequences. Are you sure that this is what you want?"

Nodding solemnly, Merlin replied, "I accept any and all consequences this will have. There can be nothing worse than a world without Arthur. In fact I think this is something I must do." Continuing in a strong, loud voice laced with magic, his eyes molten pools of gold, Merlin continued, "I solemnly swear upon the old religion, the earth and sky, and the magic that courses through me to accept the consequences of these actions. I, Merlin Emrys, vow to take upon my self the consequences that would befall any other due to my actions. So mote it be." When he had finished speaking, Merlin bowed to Kilgarah. "Thank you, old friend, for everything you've done for me. I wish that I could repay you somehow, for I owe you my life and that of Arthur many times over."

Kilgarah spent a long moment regarding his young Dragon Lord. He was not so old as to not realize the chance Merlin had for survival with his plan. He sighed and arched his neck over Merlin, blowing over him the spell he needed. That finished, he spoke, his voice filled with a deep sorrow and infinite warmth. "I see in you now something that has been too long hidden. Now it stands out, clear for the world to see. You have become a great man, young warlock, and I am proud to call you Dragon Lord. As for repayment for your life, there is no need. It is an honor to aid you, Merlin, just as it would be an honor to join you in this battle. I've not got long in this world and I can think of no better way to spend my remaining energy."

Knowing that Kilgarah would not be swayed Merlin simply nodded. "Thank you, old friend." He watched as Kilgarah took off into the night and then, bracing himself for the confrontation to come, "jumped" himself to the army at Camlan.

Time was still stopped at Camlan and Merlin left it that way. He knew that it would take Kilgarah nearly an hour to arrive and he wanted to give his friend sometime to travel before the battle began. Merlin took advantage of the time stop, walking through the camp spending a few precious moments with each of his friends, whispering small spells here and there to give his friends the best chance possible at surviving this battle. He made his way to the healer's tent, entering to find the Gaius in the middle of grinding herbs and Gwen preparing bandages. Merlin felt unexpected tears prick his eyes as he looked at the man who was like a father to him. Merlin knew what his actions would do to Gaius and, making a spur of the moment decision, conjured up a quill and piece of parchment. A few moments later he tucked the note in the inside pocket of the healer's robe and headed towards the king's pavilion.

He found Arthur standing in the middle of his tent, a hand pinching the bridge of his nose, obviously pacing. Merlin shook his head; the clotpole should be sleeping, gathering his strength for the battle. He spent a few more moments placing wards around the tent, ensuring that his plans wouldn't be disrupted, and then, standing right in front of Arthur, he started time again.

To say Arthur was shocked to find himself suddenly standing face to face with Merlin would be a serious understatement. Arthur opened his mouth to speak, but he promptly shut it as he saw the look on Merlin's face. Something was different about his friend. There was an unfathomable strength about Merlin now, and his face was a mixture of determination and sorrow. Arthur was thunderstruck and suddenly he began to wonder just how much he knew about his manservant.

Merlin, for his part, took advantage of Arthur's momentary stupefaction; he turned to where Arthur's armor lay. He began strapping it on, using magic to buckle the pieces on and take all the weight from it as well. He was just buckling on Excalibur when Arthur found his voice.

"Merlin! What…How…" He spluttered, unsure where to start, before settling on the most obvious question at the moment. "What are you doing with my armor? And my sword?"

Merlin grinned at Arthur despite himself. "Only you would be enough of a dunderhead to completely ignore the fact that I practically just appeared out of thin air and worry about your armor." He chuckled, amazed. In a more serious tone he continued, "as to what I'm doing: I'm putting on your armor. I figured seeing as how you wouldn't be needing it, I could borrow it."

Arthur's brow furrowed, still too much in shock to comprehend everything Merlin had said, but he did catch one thing. " Why won't I be needing my armor, you idiot? In case you haven't noticed we're about to be in a battle! Gods, why are you such a…" He stopped as Merlin looked up and met Arthur's eyes with his own. Arthur felt a lump forming in his throat as he saw the incomprehensible sorrow in his friend's astonishingly blue orbs. He barely had time to register the soft "I'm so sorry, Arthur" before Merlin raised his hand and Arthur fell into darkness.

Merlin kept his hand raised, casting another spell to catch the sleeping king before he hit the ground and lower him gently into his bed. Once he was certain Arthur was sleeping soundly, Merlin closed his eyes and began casting the spell Kilgarah had given him. He felt his magic wash over his body and then recede, leaving his skin tingling. Opening his eyes, Merlin walked over to the mirror and admired the spell's handiwork. The reflection in the glass was not that of Merlin's gangly form and raven hair, but that of King Arthur himself. Merlin rolled his shoulders and stepped out of the pavilion, turning to the guard on duty as he did so.

"Rouse the army, Morgana is on the move. And send Sir Leon and Sir Gwaine to me as well."

The man hurried away and the camp flew into action. So it was that barely an hour later, Merlin found himself standing in the valley at Camlan with an army at his back and another right in front of him. He had sent Leon and Gwaine off down the sloping path at rear of the army with a force of men; they would be the ones to deal with Morgana's men who were sent to flank the army. Casting out his magical senses Merlin located Morgana and Mordred, both of who were skulking in the shadows at the rear of Morgana's army; he'd have to keep an eye on them. Sending his magic out a bit farther he found the clearing where Kilgarah had chosen to rest; he opened up a channel to the dragon's mind and sent: "It is time, old friend," before pulling his magic back in to himself. Merlin angled his body so that he could see the men behind him while still facing the mostly towards the enemy. He drew Excalibur, holding it aloft, and shouted "For the love of Camelot!" The army charged. The final battle had begun.