Disclaimer: Harry Potter is NOT mine! I am not JK Rowling, if I was, I wouldn't have gotten caught up in the Twilight-shipping craze and forced Hermione to marry Ron and Harry to marry Ginny. Hope you all enjoyed my tale and this epilogue wraps up any questions you might have.

The aftermath of the final Fall of Voldemort was as chaotic as the first Fall of Voldemort in 1981. Members of the Order and the Cysgodol rounded up the Death Eaters that had accompanied Voldemort to Godric's Hollow, though they were nothing more husks. Their magic had been stripped from them, in a last ditch effort to keep himself alive, Voldemort had drained his followers of their magic. However, Harry's Killing Curse had done its job too quickly for Voldemort to drain all of the Death Eaters' magic from them and kill them. This time there would be no Imperius Curse defense for those captured. The Ministry for Magic, now run by competent leaders, made sure all of the captured Death Eaters were dosed with Veritaserum and made to spill their guts.

The round up of the Death Eaters and their supporters was the single most extensive operation that the Auror Corps had ever undertaken; the Corps' numbers had been bolstered by the Order and the Cysgodol, allowing the remaining Death Eaters and supporters to be rounded up with very little fuss. Any wards that had once protected the Death Eaters had fallen when Voldemort had drained them of their magic.

When word began to trickle out to the wider world about how Harry had killed Voldemort, it was met with mixed reactions. Most people were relieved and happy that the horror of Voldemort had been taken care of and that they no longer had to live in fear of being killed by a madman. However there were some that felt that Harry needed to be punished for using an Unforgivable. And that brings us to the current situation.

"Harry James Potter, you have been called to appear before this council of the Wizengamont in order to answer some questions about the events of July 18th of this year," Minister Bones announced, looking down at Harry who was seated at a table along with Hermione and Sirius. She didn't want to be here, Amelia believed that Harry had done this country a service in taking care of Voldemort, it didn't matter how he went about doing it. But the use of Unforgivables, and them being the instruments of Dark witches and wizards, was so ingrained in the psyche of the British magical world that even the Hero of the Wizarding World using one to destroy the Dark Lord was reason to scream for a inquiry into the events. "Do you understand why you have been called here?"

"Because some people can't realize that they could be wrong," Harry growled, glaring over at the other table where Albus Dumbledore was seated calmly, with his hands folded neatly in front of him. "I have been called here because I did something that I was supposedly prophesized to do and now I'm being punished for saving all your lives."

Amelia sighed heavily. She agreed completely with Harry but she couldn't just ignore what the Wizengamont wanted. "Very well, let us begin," Amelia said. "Mr. Dumbledore, as you are the one who brought this issue before the Wizengamont, you may begin with your opening statements."

"Thank you Madam Minister," Dumbledore said genially as he gracefully rose to his feet. "Members of this tribunal and Wizengamont, I wish that this was not necessary but now is not the time to do what is easy but what is right. We have just succeeded in surviving under the yoke of one Dark Lord and are ill equipped to deal with another one. The fact that Harry Potter used the Unforgivable, the dreaded Killing Curse, against Tom Riddle, also known as Lord Voldemort on July 18th. The use of any of the three Unforgivables against any witch, wizard or muggle is an immediate life sentence in Azkaban; that has been the law ever since those vile curses were created. Now I am not suggesting that we send Harry to Azkaban, he has only just begun down the Dark path, and I firmly believe that he can be turned from his path and returned to the Light, under my guidance of course."

"Lord Potter, your opening statements," Amelia said, nodding to Harry.

"Thank you Minister Bones," Harry answered. "As Mr. Dumbledore pointed out, in our current situation, we are ill equipped to deal with another Dark Lord gaining strength and attempting to destroy our society but I am not turning Dark. For Mr. Dumbledore to suggest such a thing is an insult that, were I a lesser man, would call for an honor duel. Mr. Dumbledore does make a point that saying the use of any of the Unforgivables against a witch, wizard or muggle is to mean a life sentence in Azkaban. However, he is wrong that I did use the Killing Curse against a wizard. I used the Killing Curse against a monster, against Lord Voldemort. Mr. Dumbledore accuses me for using the Killing Curse against one Tom Marvolo Riddle, but I have evidence that Riddle has been dead since 1981!" Harry pulled several pieces of parchment from the folder at his table. "These documents are from the goblins of Gringotts state that the wizard once known as Tom Marvolo Riddle, born December 31, 1926, died October 31, 1981. Riddle ceased living when he attempted to murder me that night. So the being that I used the Killing Curse on was not human, magical or otherwise. It was just a magical construct that housed the spirit of Lord Voldemort. And as far as I know, there is no law on the books that can punish me for using an Unforgivable on a magical construct."

Harry sat back down at his desk and crossed his arms, looking up at the tribunal with a blank look. Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder and the chamber could see Harry's shoulders relax noticeably at her touch. The members of the tribunal looked over the copies of the Gringotts' file that Harry had given them. Amelia had to hide a smug grin behind the parchment as she looked down at Dumbledore, who had also been given a copy of the file. His lined face was pale and his eyes had lost their twinkle and gleam. This was over.

"These look all in order," Amelia said. "It seems that this session will be finished quite quickly." She turned to her left and right, looking to the other members of the tribunal and received two nods. "It is the decision of this tribunal that Lord Potter is innocent of any charges stemming from the events of July 18th. We are in agreement that the being that Lord Potter used the Killing Curse on was not the wizard once known as Tom Riddle, as such Lord Potter can not be charged with murder as the being that was destroyed was not truly alive. We would also like to thank Lord Potter for ending the scurge that the Dark Lord was. This tribunal is concluded." Amelia slapped the gavel down on her desk hard, the hard clap resonating throughout the chamber signaling the end of an era, an era of fear, hate and mistrust.

The morning of July 31st dawned bright and sunny over the town of Chesterton, Cambridge. For most of the town, it was shaping up to be a brilliant summer day but for some, it was also the day that one of their own was to be married. The daughter of Alexander and Julie Granger, who had somehow survived the lethal gas leak that had taken her parents away, was getting married to a Harry Potter. Rumors circulating around the town said that this Harry was a friend of Hermione's that went to the same prestigious school that Hermione attended. However, most of the villagers had no idea who Harry Potter truly was. Some villagers believed that he had gotten Hermione pregnant and was only marrying her to save face, others felt that they were both much too young to be getting married. But none knew the true story and that was just how Harry and Hermione wanted it.

"Feeling nervous?" Sirius asked Harry, as the older man entered the small office that Harry, Neville and Ron were waiting in. The two teens were watching Harry pace back and forth, wringing his hands restlessly with small smirks on their faces.

"Sirius, I'm marrying the one person who has always been by my side, the woman I love more than life itself," Harry answered. "Of course I'm nervous, I feel like my stomach is wanting to rebel. Bloody hell, I feel even more nervous than when I had to fight Voldemort."

Sirius laughed heartily at Harry's admission. "Don't worry pup, your dad was the same way when he was marrying Lily. It was hilarious to watch him try and not spew his breakfast all over Lily's dress when they were exchanging vows. And Lily wasn't much better, though she held it together much better than James. I'm sure that Hermione is going through the same thing that you are."

In fact the bride-to-be was wringing her hands much like her fiancé.

"Calm down Hermione, everything is going to be fine," Daphne said. "If you keep this up, you are going to end up wrecking your makeup and nails."

"I know," Hermione said. "But I'm getting married, and getting married to Harry. How can you think that I wouldn't be nervous?"

"Hermione, it is fine to be nervous," Luna said. "You and Harry love each other, so what's the point of worrying about it? Nothing will change that fact, so just enjoy the moment and the fact that you are marrying Harry."

"I know," Hermione repeated softly. "I just can't believe that I'm marrying Harry Potter, I mean, me! How could Harry have chosen me, I mean there are so many more beautiful women out there, and he's settling for me! Why?"

"Because he loves you," Luna answered. "Get it through your head Hermione, Harry loves you! Out of all the girls and women in this world, Harry chose you! Harry loves you not only for your physical beauty but your spirit, your will to never give in, and your heart. You have one of the most precious things that this world could ever offer; you hold Harry's heart in your hands. If you need another reminder of Harry's love for you, remember he is willing to spilt his magic with you to give your magic back. How many men, let alone people would be so selfless to do so?"

"No one," Hermione whispered, a warm feeling filling her entire body at the thought of having her magic back, and that it would be Harry's own magic powering her magic.

A knock came at the door and the girls turned toward the door.

"Can I come in?" a soft voice asked from the other side of the door.

"It's ok Remus," Hermione called out. "You can come in, we're decent."

The door opened and the soft-spoken werewolf entered the room. Remus was wearing a basic tux that fit him much better than the ragged robes that the girls had first seen him wearing during their third (or in Luna's case, second) year at Hogwarts.

"You look radiant Hermione," Remus said as he took in the five girls. "Girls, its time. Everyone is waiting for you."

The others turned to Hermione who had gone pale.

"Hermione, take a deep breath and relax," Susan said. "You've been waiting for this moment for years, don't fall apart now Hermione." Hermione nodded her head and took a deep steadying breath.

"Are you ready?" Remus asked. Hermione nodded again to the care-worn man who gave her a soft smile. "Come on then, Harry's waiting."

The bridesmaids filed out of the room, and Remus linked his arm with Hermione's arm.

The sound of the wedding march swelled up throughout the church as Remus and Hermione appeared in the doorway. Instantly, Harry's vivid green eyes caught Hermione's sparkling brown eyes and everything seemed to fade away for the pair of them. They only took notice of each other. Remus had to physically place Hermione's hand in Harry's when the pair reached the altar; the engaged couple was so focused on one another that they could barely make their way through their vows.

"Now you may kiss the bride," the broadly smiling priest said, holding out his arms in a broad and embracing gesture.

"One moment father," Harry said as he smiled down at Hermione. He drew his wand and raised it above his head and incanted, "Gyda addunedau hyn, yr wyf yn cynnig fy lledrith i'r dde yn anghywir sydd wedi bod yn ymroddedig yn enw cariad a chyfiawnder!" (Welsh translation: With these vows, I offer my magic to right a wrong in the name of love and justice!) Harry spun his wand in a broad circle that encompassed both he and Hermione. A golden ring spilled from Harry's wand and encircled the couple. Leaning down, Harry pressed his lips to Hermione's and a brilliant white light encompassed the pair. The wedding party and guests had to shield their eyes from the light, as it seemed to billow out of Harry and Hermione.

When the couple finally parted their lips, they were both panting heavily as if they had both run a marathon. Silence filled the church as everyone waited to see if the ritual worked and Hermione was given her magic back.

"Did it work?" Hermione whispered, leaning her forehead against Harry's.

"You tell me," Harry panted, enjoying the view of Hermione's flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes. "Try a spell," he said handing over his wand to Hermione. She took the wand and felt the achingly familiar warmth rush up her arm as her fingers gripped Harry's wand. Looking up at Harry with a broad smile, Hermione raised the wand and cried out.

"Lacarnum Inflamarae!"

A wreath of blue flames flowed from Harry's wand and circled around the couple. The church erupted in cheers as Harry scooped his bride up in a laughing and spinning hug.

"For my father!" a shrill voice shrieked from the wedding party. The church turned to see Ginny Weasley standing ramrod straight, with her wand pointing right at Harry and Hermione. Ginny's normally brown eyes were blood red, just like Voldemort's. "Avada Kedavra!" she screamed. A bolt of sickeningly green energy spat from Ginny's wand and soared toward the couple.

Harry, still with Hermione in his arms, dove off the altar and rolled over, making sure he didn't land on top of Hermione. He snatched his wand back from Hermione, and rolled over, bringing his wand to bear on Ginny. But it was too late as nearly a half-dozen Stunners had already caught the redhead and sent her crashing to the floor.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" Ron shouted, his booming voice echoing over the terrified screams from the wedding guests. Harry raised his wand and fired off a Noise-Making spell that silenced the crowd.

"Harry, something has to be wrong with Ginny!" Ron said. "There is no way she would have done this by herself, she has to be under someone's control!"

"I think you're right Ron," Harry agreed. "Did you see her eyes when she cast that spell, they were pure red."

"What could have done that?" Hermione asked. "When someone is under the Imperious, their eyes are glazed not red."

Suddenly, a terrifying thought shot through Harry's mind. "Ron, did Ginny ever get any help after her first year?" he asked. "I mean did she see anyone to help her deal with being possessed by Riddle's diary?"

"I don't know," Ron answered, his face paling drastically as he thought back to that summer. "We went to Egypt that summer Harry, remember we got to visit Bill."

"Mrs. Weasley, did Ginny see anyone to help her deal with the aftereffects of being possessed?" Harry asked to the Weasley matriarch but Mrs. Weasley could only stare blankly at her unconscious daughter. "Bill?"

"I didn't know anything about it," the eldest Weasley said. "Why didn't you all tell me? If Ginny had been possessed by Voldemort, she needed help immediately!"

"Albus said…" Mrs. Weasley whimpered. "Albus said that all Ginny needed was some time away from Britain, some sun and fresh air would do…"

"Mother! You can't be serious!" Bill shouted. "Ginny was possessed by the Darkest wizard since Mordred, and you never thought to get here some help! Bollocks to what Dumbledore said, you should have made sure that she was seen by St. Mungo's at least!"

Mrs. Weasley didn't react to her eldest child's rant; she could only stare at her youngest child in horror.

"Bill, do you know anyway to exorcise any remnant of Voldemort from Ginny? Any spell?" Ron asked.

"I do but I don't know if it will work," Bill sighed. "Ginny has been carrying this thing around in her head for four years, it will be very difficult to remove. Step away from Ginny and no one say anything, I can't afford any interruptions." He raised his wand and uttered a spell chant in a guttural tone that none could understand. A brilliant white light formed at the point of Bill's wand and encased Ginny.

Suddenly Ginny threw her head back in a silent scream as the white light tightened around Ginny's head. Slowly a black mist began to spill from Ginny's mouth, it writhed and wrestled against the white light of Bill's spell much like a fly wrestles against a spider's web.

Harry raised his wand. "Ysbryd drwg, tynnaf i chi o'r diniwed fel gwenwyn yn cael ei lunio o glwyf a gwared chi i'r pyllau tân tragwyddol!" (Welsh translation: Evil spirit, I draw you from this innocent like poison is drawn from a wound and banish you to the fires eternal.) A bright beam of white light spat from Harry's wand and pierced the writhing black mist. The mist screamed in agonizing pain as it was pulled free from Ginny's unresponsive body. Once the black mist was pulled completely free from Ginny, the white light surrounded the mist and then streams of the light began piercing it like a multitude of arrows from a large host of archers.

The wedding guests covered their ears at the screeching sound coming from the black mist as it was completely enshrouded by the white light. The mist had one final card to play as it erupted in a large explosion, the shockwave sending Harry and the others flying backward.

Groaning, Harry and the others got to their feet and stood around Ginny's unmoving body.

"Is she all right?" Ron asked.

"She's unconscious but magically exhausted," Bill said after casting a Diagnostic Charm on his sister. "We need to get her to St. Mungo's for a check up."

"We can take care of that," Ron said. "You and Hermione have done enough for our family Harry, let us handle this."

Harry and Hermione looked at another and nodded. "Ok Ron, we'll let you handle Ginny but you better keep us updated on her."

"We will," Ron said.

Harry turned to his guests. "I'm sorry for the outburst everyone, and unfortunately it looks like there won't be a reception," he said. "Hermione and I thank you from the deepest depths of our hearts for joining us on this most special day but now it is time that we bid you all goodbye and good fortune. Come on then Mrs. Potter, we have a plane to catch."

Hermione's eyes brightened as Harry used her new name. Their hands intertwined as they walked down the aisle for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Potter.

The Potters left the church to begin their new life together, free of the dark shadow of Voldemort, free of the manipulations of one who called himself the 'Leader of the Light', free to pursue whatever might catch their fancy. The British magical world, under the leadership of Amelia Bones, Sirius Black and the Cysgodol, brought about a new age of peace and equality for all magical beings. There were rough patches as there are during any change of leadership in a country but without the stain of Voldemort and his followers to muck up the process, the transition went much smoother than after the First Fall of the Dark Lord. When the Potters returned from their extended honeymoon, the world they returned too was a much different place.

And all was well.

P.S:Oh and Dumbledore was ousted from Hogwarts due to all the incidents that came to light after Harry's defeat of Voldemort. Snape was put in the Janus Thickey Long Term Care Ward of St. Mungo's due to the loss of his memories, much like Lockhart.

A/N: Well there you have it, the epilogue for 'Rise from the Ashes'. I hope that I wrapped up any questions that you might have had. I know it isn't the longest or the most comprehensive of epilogues but hey, the Epilogue in Deathly Hallows wasn't all that good either. If you've enjoyed this tale, check out my newest Harry Potter story, Two Sides. It is a post-Hogwarts tale of what I think should have happened after the Death Hallows but before the epilogue. It draws from Seel'vor's Birth of a Dark Lord one-shot and Teufel1987's epic Rise of the Wizards. Check it out.