Thunder smiled at his little sister as they sat in Tibby's having lunch. "How was sellin' Storm?" He asked. She shrugged "could be better, could be worst." At the door someone called, "Thunder!" The older newsie turned around at the leader of Brooklyn, Hunter, "how ya been? He continued. Thunder shrugged, "not bad, not bad. Are we still on for poker tonight?" Hunter smirked, "you know it." Next to him stood a younger newsie with sand blonde hair, "oh Thund, meet my newest newsie, Spot Conlon." Thunder spat in his hand and stuck it out, as did Spot, "nice ta meet ya Conlon." Thunder responded. Hunter pulled Thunder of to the side. Leaving Spot.
Still at the booth, Storm drifted in and out of daydreams and didn't notice someone other then her brother sat down across from her. She almost had a heartattack when she looked over and there Spot sat, "who the hell are you?" She asked suspiously. Spot smirked, "I could ask you the same." Storm regained her ground and smirked almost identical to Spot's, "I asked first." She stated. He nodded, "Spot Conlon, at your service." He mock bowed. Storm rolled her eyes, "Storm, at ease." He nodded, "you Thunder's sister?" He asked. She nodded causiously. Before Spot could say anything, Hunter came back, "alright love birds, I need Spot back to Brooklyn." He said chuckling. "See ya tonight Thunder." Thunder nodded, and the Brooklyn boys left.
Thunder looked at his little sister and noticed something different, her eyes glowed a little bluer then they were before. He smirked, 'Spot took an effect on her.'
Walking back to Brooklyn, Hunter looked at the younger newsie and noticed something off. Instead of the smirk that was usually on his face, espcially after seeing a girl, a smile was there. He chucked under his breath, 'Storm took a toll on him.'
Both leaders knew one thing, they had caused a meeting to change history.