A day in the life of a Viking

By Samhoku

Disclaimer: I do not own How to Train your Dragon or Brave. If I did I would make a cross over movie with both in it. :p

Reviewers: I only did one baby...Sorry my people. (=

I will be starting work soon, so I will have less time for my stories.


Merida started to notice that something was wrong when the child was a couple months old. She wouldn't answer to her name or be comforted by someone speaking to her. She started testing her daughter's hearing and discovered that she couldn't hear. Merida held the baby in her arms and wondered if Hiccup knew anything about a visual language. When Hiccup came home Merida asked him.

Hiccup thought a while about the question before answering, "Sort of. Mostly for animals and finger spelling, but that's about it. Why?"

"I think Amara is deaf." Merida said bluntly, glancing over at the baby, "She can't hear me."

Hiccup nodded slowly then gave Merida a smile, pulling her over to place a gentle kiss on her lips. He pulled back and rested his forehead on Meridas, "It's alright, Merida. Even if we have to come up with a visual language ourselves, we will do it."

Merida nodded and took comfort in her husband's certainty. She wrapped her arms around him and put her head on his chest, "I never thought I would fall in love with ye, wee lamb."

Hiccup felt happiness fill his heart and he returned the hug, resting his head on hers, "I never thought I would grow to love you either, Fiery Redhead."

Merida went on tip-toes and kissed her husband on the cheek before going back to the baby. She picked up Amara and kissed the top of the baby's head tenderly, "I love ye little Amara." Merida looked over to see her husband watching them with an affectionate expression. Merida would never doubt that Hiccup loved her. Never in a million years.

At the same time Hiccup was thinking along the same lines. He went and got his dinner from the pot and then some for Merida, he knew his wife didn't eat without him. Despite the fact he had told her plenty of times that she could.

Merida finished nursing the baby then went to join her husband for supper at the dinner table. Herself and her husband were silent as they ate dinner. It wasn't an awkward silence but a very comfortable one. Both enjoyed the meal prepared as they watched their only child sleep.

"You are making a great mom."

"And ye are a wonderful father."