A day in the life of a Viking

By Samhoku

Disclaimer: I do not own How to Train your Dragon or Brave. If I did I would make a cross over movie with both in it. :p

Merida and Hiccup are older. The older hiccup looks much cooler. XP


"Merida, I have to speak with ya Lass." Fergus looked at his daughter and she followed him to another room, "Now, I know ye don't wish to wed, but I have to tell ye this. I am the last one to force ye into marriage, but the Vikings are threatening an attack if a treaty we have made before you where born is not upkept. Ye, I am afraid, where betrothed to a young lad named Hiccup. They are coming with the young Viking lad. Your mother tried to have you marry a fellow Scot, but I am afraid, lass, that ye must wed the Viking lad."

Merida stared at her father as he said all of this. Before she was born her fate was decided for her? She looked at the ground and started to think about this, "Father, ye know I didn't want to wed. But I feel as if I have met this lad, Hiccup..."

"Ye where 10 when ye last saw each other. A gangly lad, brown hair, Blue/green eyes...Clumsy." Fergus waited until it dawned in her. He could tell by the look of horror that crossed the girl's face.

"Not 'im! He is so skinny! Da, how is he supposed to protect me?" Merida looked horrified. Sure, she could protect herself, but she did want to be able to have a husband who would be able to protect her, not one that would be so skinny that he couldn't do anything if she was hurt.

"He is older now, Merida. I am sure he isn't as thin as he was." Fergus tried to comfort his daughter to no avail.

Hiccup stared at his father in disbelief, he was close to his 20s! Didn't he get a say in this? Merida was only 18, she couldn't be ready for marriage. He certainly wasn't, not since Astrid decided to go marry Snotlout. Hiccup said carefully, "You are threatening them...Why do you want an alliance with the Scots so much? You never liked them anyways."

Stoik looked at Hiccup and said, "We could use their help in some battles, son. And they would never help us unless their is a marriage relation." He crossed his arms over his broad chest and raised an eyebrow, "But the deal was made when you where 2. You have no choice. You marry Merida or our empire goes to waste."

Hiccup puffed his chest out and strutted around the cabin, acting like his father, "And heaven forbid that happen! After all, the big tough vikings will need help from the wee Scots!"

Stoik face palmed. Oh yes, Merida and Hiccup would get along just fine now. Hiccup was full of it and he was positive that Merida was still a hothead if he remembered correctly. Stoik let his hand slowly fall off his face and gave his son a glare, "Your mother wanted it too. She wanted to know that ye would have a good wife. She was good friends with Elenor."

Hiccup remembered Merida. She had been a hothead when they where ten, he didn't expect anything different now. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked his father in the eye, "If I am going, you had better expect to knock me out and drag me there."

Stoik looked at someone behind Hiccup, "I told you, now we have to do it." Someone knocked Hiccup on the back of the head and he fell down. Toughnut giggled and gave Stoik a big grin, "Now you can take him to get married! Better do it quick, when he wakes up he will go on a rampage."