Sup' guys? Here is the 2nd chapter. I see that a few people are supporting me, but that's enough for me, because this story is just getting started! I got inspired by watching my favorite Adventure Time episode, Too Young, and eating Burger King yesterday. I also read a few Fanfictions. I had a huge wood disclaimer sign saying that I do not own Adventure Time, but Jake smashed it trying to save Flame Princess. Enjoy!

Chapter 2: Heart Attacks (Third Person POV)

Jake saw what was happening and caught Flame Princess, but Finn ran to some rocks and took out his Demon Sword. He took out the demon Ogdoad in the body of a mouse from his pack and quietly said "Remember the deal. Now do it!" "Alright!" Ogdoad said as he made a clone of Finn that was having a heart attack. He put him on the ground and hid behind some rocks and freed Ogdoad from the mouse. He knew that someday he would have to face destiny, and that day was closer than ever.

"Are you all right Flame Princess?" Asked Jake. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a little shaken." They both then looked at the clone on the floor motionless. "Finn, are you alright?! Finn, answer me! Are you alright?" Asked Jake and Flame Princess in unison, but Finn remained motionless while the real Finn was hiding behind some rocks.

Jake took his pulse and yelled "His pulse is very low, I think he's having a heart attack! We have to get him to a hospital!" Flame Princess nodded and put Finn on Jake's back and climbed on Jake. Jake winced, but he ran to the Candy Kingdom as fast as he could While the real Finn followed secretly.

When they reached the Candy Kingdom, Princess Bubblegum heard a commotion outside the castle. When she looked outside the window, she saw a giant Jake running towards the hospital. When she saw Finn motionless on his back, she gasped and ran to the hospital. When she got to the hospital, she saw Finn on a bed with Dr. Ice Cream and Nurse Poundcake examining him, while Jake and Flame Princess were next to him.

"Jake, what's going on?!" She asked anxiously. "I think Finn is having a heart attack!" Jake replied. "Actually, he had a heart attack." said Dr. Ice Cream. "What do you mean, Dr. Ice Cream?" Jake asked worriedly.

"I am afraid, that Finn is gone." she replied sadly. "WHAT?!" They all yelled at the same time. "Yes, I believe that Finn died on the journey here." she said sadly as they all got teary eyed. "No, this can't be happening." Said Princess Bubblegum sadly. "Sadly, this is true. He died at approximately 10:14. Nurse Poundcake, write down the time." She said sadly. "Yes, Dr. Ice Cream."

She walked to a lawyer's office as Dr. Ice Cream asked Jake "Since you are his only family, when shall his funeral be?" Jake sat down thinking, then replied "I guess that his funeral can be in 1 week."

Suddenly Nurse Poundcake entered the room and said anxiously "I went with the lawyer and he wrote down the time, but he also gave me this!" She held up a paper and continued "It's his will. The lawyer said that Jake should have it." She handed it to Jake who said "I'll make sure that everyone mentioned on this will gets what Finn left to them. Tomorrow, I will check the will."

"How many people are on the will, Jake?" Asked Flame Princess. "I don't know, but they sure are a lot. I just can't believe that Finn is gone. He was only 14. Well, I'm going home now. Goodbye Flame Princess and Princess Bubblegum." "Goodbye Jake." They both replied sadly. They went their separate ways sadly as Finn watched sadly. "It's for the best they think I'm dead." He whispered to himself and ran into the night to find shelter.

So how was my 2nd chapter? Hard to believe that I typed this chapter in a few hours. The clone is emotionless, so don't worry if you think it's cruel. Keep those reviews coming! Next Chapter: The Will.

Finn The Hero of Ooo out.
