Hello. This is my first Fanfiction. After reading Fanfictions as a guest for some time now, I decided to make an account to write one. A shout-out to some authors who inspired me to create an account and write this Fanfiction: XshadowswordX, Oolon Colluphid, 27scissors, Lovely Little Dove, CharlezeTheRobotBoxer, Globalnet, BubblyFlicket, 5applesonfire, KayleeForAT, FullmetalNinja25, HVK, CaramelandPopcorn10, chombit5, MissyCritical, Jinxtacular, blackstarcaity, ionilove, kayla1798, adventuretimeee, D.E. Drabbles, The Surreal Reality, 97kingdomwolf, HayaMika, Prluna, and paxtofettel. Thank You all for inspiring me to write this Fanfiction. Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. If I did, I would make my sister happy and would have made Princess Bubblegum stay 13 forever. Now here is the story.

Chapter 1: The Breakup (Third Person POV)

Finn The Human was dreaming. In his dream it was a peaceful day. He was sitting on a hill when out of a sudden, he heard screaming. He turned and saw a horrifying sight. His most dangerous enemy, The Lich, was causing death and destruction everywhere. The Candy Kingdom, the Ice Kingdom, the Tree Fort, and any other place you could think of were all destroyed. The Lich turned to Finn. "IN SIX YEARS, ALL OF THIS WILL BE REAL. ALL YOUR FRIENDS, DEAD. YOUR HOME DESTROYED, AND YOU WILL BE THE WORLDS WORST HERO." He screamed at Finn. The Cosmic Owl suddenly appeared. "You'd better prepare yourself."

Finn woke up panting. Was it a prophetic dream? He didn't know. "Jake!" Yelled Finn. "Jake, where are you?" BMO walked in. "BMO, where's Jake?" Finn asked. "He's at Lady's house, didn't you read the note he left on the fridge?" Replied BMO. Finn looked and read a note that was on the fridge. "Oh, thanks BMO, I just woke up from a really strange dream. I just wanted to ask him about it." "No problem" said the little robot. Finn glanced at a clock on the wall. It read 7:00 P.M.

"I'm going with Flame Princess for a few hours. Tell Jake when he come back that I'm there" "Sure replied BMO, as Finn set a timer.

Finn walked over to Flame Princess' house. "Hey Flame Princess!" Yelled Finn. "Hi Finn!" They ran to each other.

"Finn, thank glob that you're here, remember the recent Knife Storm?" "Yeah" replied Finn. "Well, that knife storm destroyed my home, would you mind fixing it? I had to stay in the Fire Kingdom in secret, because you know I don't want to see my dad." "Sure, no problem Flame Princess. Let's get to work."

After 2 hours of hard working and occasional 5 minute breaks, Finn finally finished fixing the house.

"Thanks for fixing my house Finn." "No problem." Replied Finn. "What's that over there?" Asked Flame Princess. "Oh, it's Jake. Hi Jake!" Said Finn "Hi Finn and Flame Princess! How are you two love birds doing?"Asked Jake. "Jake!" Yelled Finn as he blushed. Jake laughed. "Sorry Finn, I just came here to see if you wanted any snacks."

"Sure!" Answered Finn and Flame Princess. Jake stretched over to the treehouse and disappeared while Finn and Flame princess walked over to a cliff and watched the stars.

Meanwhile at the Candy Kingdom

Princess Bubblegum was confused. She did not know what to feel and think. Her mind told her that she didn't want Finn with Flame princess because of her Elemental Matrix, but her heart told her something different, she might be jealous at the bottom of her heart. She sat on her bed pondering about this mystery until she fell asleep.

Back with Finn and Flame Princess

"No matter what you think, Jake is why better than Cake." Said Finn. "Nah, cats are way better than dogs!" Flame Princess said laughing. Suddenly it started raining without warning like if it was a hurricane. "FLAME PRINCESS!" Yelled Finn. He shielded her from the rain. Jake stretched over to Finn and Flame Princess , saw they were in trouble, and turned into a net to shield them from the rain. Flame Princess collapsed and was grey because the rain extinguished her flames. She coughed as Finn felt relieved. "Are you alright?" Asked Finn. "Yes, I'm fine, I guess." Replied Flame princess.

"It's all my fault." said Finn. "Wait, what do you mean it's you're fault?!" she asked angrily as she got up. "Wait, I can explain it! You see, when I wa-" "No, I don't want to hear it! This relationship isn't working. I hurt you, and when I'm not hurting you, you're hurting me!" She exclaimed angrily. "Please Flame Princes!" Said Finn desperately as he got up. "No, I'm sorry Finn." she said as she walked back. "Finn, this relationship isn't working, and it never wiiiiiiiiiiiiillllll!" She screamed as her foot missed the ground and she was sent hurtling off the cliff.

LOL, I left you on a cliffhanger, and Flame princess fell off a cliff. So how has my first chapter? A very special thanks to Oolon Colluphid who helped me to edit this chapter to make it better. Next Chapter: Heart Attacks.

Finn The Hero of Ooo out.
