Flame King ran through the portal, breathing loudly. He had escaped from his daughter's lamp by convincing the oaf, now his daughter's trusted assistant, Cinnamon Bun that he needed to take a shower. The idiot was stupid enough to believe that a fire elemental would ever need to take a shower, which, of course, would be the end of that fire elemental. He jumped across the floating rocks towards the large cube as his daughter and the goody-two shoes Finn chased after him.

"Flame King, get away from the time room!" The puny hero yelled, leaping over the rock behind him.

He had heard of the time room about a year ago from a snail that showed up at the Annual Evil Convention. Apparently, there was an all-powerful being who would grant wished who resided in that room. After this, he would be rid of Finn the Human for eternity. He leaped through the door, jumping down to stand in front of the being, who appeared to be painted on the walls.

"Hello! I'm Pris-" The being attempted to introduce itself.

"No time! I wish…"

"Dude, you know there's a trick to-"

"that Finn the Human…"


"was never found by Joshua the Dog." Flame King finished his sentence and disappeared.

"I tried to warn him that these things never turn out quite how you expect." Prismo said, looking towards Flame Princess, who had just appeared in the entrance.

"Where's Finn? And where is my father?"

"Did Finn make it inside after you?"

"Er…yeah. And then he just disappeared." Flame Princess looked confused.

"He wasn't in the safety of the time room when your father made his wish. They are both now in the alternate universe."

"Alternate universe!" She looked back at the now closed portal she had entered through. "Dang. I wish-"

"Oh no! Wait wait wait-" Prismo started waving his arms.

"that I could"

"NOOO!" Prismo screamed.

"follow them somehow." Flame Princess finished her sentence and looked confusedly at Prismo. "What are you making so much noise for?"

"Too late." Prismo replied as Flame Princess disappeared.

Joshua the Dog walked along the path on one of his every-weekend walks with his wife, Margaret. Tree Trunks was babysitting Jake today and Jermaine was now old enough to stay at home alone, so he would have the entire day for himself. Jake was 8 magical dog months old now, and was already stretching everywhere after he rolled in that mud puddle. Joshua still couldn't believe something as mundane as a mud puddle would be magical, but the proof was there. He'd been busy the past week helping the aging hero Billy finish his retirement to his cave, which had been pretty hectic due to the sheer number of magical artifacts Billy owned. But today, he would just be by himself and able to relax. The two dogs came to a fork in the path. They normally chose the right one, as it was faster, but Joshua felt like mixing it up today.

"What do you think, Margaret? Should we take the left one today?"

"Sure, Joshua. I'm up for some variety."

The two continued walking down the path. The forest was especially beautiful today, and Joshua enjoyed the sweet smell of the pinecones, the trees, the smoke…wait! Smoke?

"Fire! He ran forwards, seeing a raging inferno before him on the path. He scooped some water from a nearby pool into the fire a couple times, then threw on some sand. The crackling of the fire faded and was replaced by…a crying baby? In the center of the charred area, a small fire elemental girl was lying on the ground. Joshua stepped towards the now cool clearing, looking at the forehead of the baby and noting the gem. This wasn't an ordinary fire elemental. She was royalty, probably the princess of the kingdom. Joshua had heard rumors that the Flame King abandoned his heirs if they were too powerful. That must have been what had happened with the baby. He carefully picked up the baby, wincing as she burned him slightly and looked towards Margaret.

"I think this baby needs some love and kisses Margaret. Let's take her home."

And so the two headed back along the path. On the other fork, a human baby cried, still yet to be found.

Hey! I'm cutting off the chapter there (I know, pretty short), but I'll probably update again soon, maybe this weekend even. Do you like it? Please read and review.