Hi! Finally I felt like writing the epilogue of Onodera Ritsu's Sister! I know my readers begged for this XP Took me like a week to write because I was sick all week -_-
There will only be two-four chapters max. First chapter will be….RIKO'S WEDDING! HOORAY, SHE'S GETTING MARRIED! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD This is set about a year and a half in the future, so I think Onodera and Riko are now 28 and Takano 29. (The twin's birthday passed again and Takano's is coming up, let's just say XD)
When they speak English, the dialogue will have asterisks (*) around it.
Disclaimer~ I only own Riko and my other OCs.
-Chapter 1-
Onodera sighed as he dragged his suitcase into the hotel room. He plopped down on the bed and took off his jacket as Takano came in.
"Nice room. Is your sister paying for this too?"
"No. I refuse for her to pay for everything. She already bought our round-trip plane tickets," Onodera relaxed back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. His boyfriend laid next to him and wrapped his arms around his waist.
"Why did she decide to have her wedding in the beginning of December in England? It's going to be freaking cold," Takano laughed through his nose as Onodera curled up next to him. They both were exhausted from the long flight from Japan to England.
"It's going to be inside. She always wanted it to snow on her wedding day, so she's trying her luck."
Onodera laughed a little and mumbled, "You know what she said to me when she called me last? She said now that she's getting married, it's my turn. She said we should tie the knot."
Takano imagined his little lover in a long white dress and veil, walking down the aisle with a blush on his face.
"Hmm, that's not a bad idea. You in a ruffley wedding dress, holding a bouquet of roses, with a flower girl throwing petals in front of you-,"
"Shut up! That's a horrible idea! I am not wearing a dress!"
"….Please?" Takano smirked because he knew Onodera was blushing.
"…I hate you…evil bastard…"
"Mmm, you love me."
They fell asleep together, Onodera dreaming about the previous events of the year and a half that passed.
-One Month After Riko Left-
Riing! Riing! Riin-!
"Nii-chan! How are you?"
"Oh, Riko! I'm great. I should be asking you that, actually. How's the treatment going?"
"It's awesome! I'm taking medication to help my personality disorder and it's actually working. At first I was hesitant to take pills, but finally I decided to give it a shot and I'm so happy! I feel like my old self before Isamu died."
"That's great Riko! I'm really happy for you," Onodera genuinely smiled. Riko had always referred to Isamu's death as 'the accident' because it was hard for her to say his name without automatically depressing herself. She obviously had made progress if she could talk about his death openly.
"Oh, and guess what Nii-chan?" Riko's voice quieted down to a whisper.
"I met somebody! He's a nurse for the same hospital I go to for treatment, and he became my personal nurse. We started talking and he's actually really cute and cool. He asked me on a date tonight!" Riko squealed at the end. Ritsu actually felt a bit of jealousy start to gnaw at the pit of his stomach.
'Wait, why am I jealous? I knew I wasn't going to be her only family forever, so why do I feel like this?' Onodera frowned at his own lame self and shook his head. He realized that he wasn't going to the only one to take care of her now, and he felt threatened by that.
"That's awesome Riko. What's his name?"
"Hamada Tamotsu. Tamo-chan is actually from Japan too. He's half English, half Japanese. I think you would like him Nii-chan," Riko giggled then gasped, "Oh! I got to go unless I want to be late for my date. Bye Nii-chan! I'll call you later!"
"Bye Ms. Hamada Riko."
"Shut up!" Onodera laughed as his sister hung up, knowing she was blushing.
-One Year After Riko Left-
Onodera felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He fished it out to see a text from his twin.
From: Onodera Riko
To: Onodera Ritsu
Call me. NOW.
Onodera rolled his eyes and snapped his phone shut. He was on the train going home with Takano right now, so he refused to call her in a crowded place. God knows what embarrassing things she'll talk about.
After they left the crowded carrier and started walking, he decided to call her. Dialing her number, it only rung once before he heard a fangirl scream.
"KYAAAAAA!" Onodera quickly held the phone away from his ear, probably half-deaf now. Takano laughed at Riko's typical squeal.
"R-Riko, what is it?"
"…Engaged…Tamo-chan….asked…yes…" Riko panted as she stumbled over her sentence.
"I can't understand you. Speak clearly."
Riko took a deep breath and squealed, "Tamo-chan proposed to me last night and I said yes! I'm engaged Nii-chan!"
Onodera gasped slightly and stopped walking. His jaw dropped and he yelled, "No way! Really?!"
"Oh my god Riko! That's amazing!" Both Riko and Ritsu flipped out. Takano saw the growing smile on his face and chuckled. He looked like the typical excited Riko and that somehow made him smile genuinely, too.
"So Riko finally found someone for her. That's great," Takano mumbled, happier for Riko than he realized.
"I'll call you later. Love you Nii-chan!" Riko finished her freak out and hung up, leaving Ritsu unbelievably happy. He continued to smile for the rest of the night. Too bad it was the beginning of Hell Week tomorrow, so his mood wasn't going to last.
-Two Months Before Riko's Wedding-
"Oi Ritsu, you've got mail from Riko," Takano sifted through the stack of letters in his hand and passed one to Onodera in the kitchen. Onodera dried his hands from washing dishes and grabbed it. Ripping it open, he pulled the card out and his eyes widened. A smile emerged on his face and he read the card.
Opening it, two tickets fell out. Onodera passed one to his lover and smiled, "Here."
"Eh? What's this?"
"A plane ticket to England. For Riko's wedding."
"W-Wedding?" Takano's jaw dropped.
"A wedding card from Riko," He held the mail out to Takano and he saw it clearly was. He smiled too and said, "So, when is it?"
The alarm screeched the next morning at 7 a.m. Both men grumbled as they rose from the comfortable bed.
"What time is this….event again?" Takano yawned in the middle of his sentence. Ritsu stretched and replied, "Noon. But Riko wants us there early."
"She probably has your 'Maid-of-Honor' dress for you," Takano snickered as Onodera shot him a hateful look.
"No, you bastard. She wants me there to meet her guests, like our past English friends who apparently didn't take the time to learn Japanese, but have Japanese friends."
"You know English?"
"No, it's not like I lived here for almost five years and finished high school and half of college," Onodera scoffed sarcastically. Takano only snorted.
"Do you know anymore languages?"
"French actually. But hopefully she doesn't have any French friends."
They continued to get ready, changing into their suits. Takano straightened Onodera's tie and chuckled, "Maybe I'll see you in a dress on our wedding."
"Just shut up about the dress," Onodera sighed, rolling his eyes. They were out the door by 8:30. They hailed a taxi and Onodera gave the driver the address in English.
Arriving half an hour later, they walked into the reception hall. Almost immediately, they saw a girl jog up to them, hugging the life out of Onodera.
"Nii-chan! How I've missed you!" Riko let go and smiled. She looked different from the last time they saw her. Her hair was much longer now and her skin was a light tan. The spark was now permanent in her bright emerald eyes and it almost looked like she was taller.
They saw she wasn't in her dress yet; just a blouse, dress pants, and flats.
"You look great Riko!"
"Thank you! You look different too Nii-chan…your hair is even longer, you should get it cut," Riko giggled as she tugged at his bangs.
"Takano-san!" Riko hugged the tall male and smiled. She led them into the main hall and saw the room was filled with people and beautiful decorations. A woman called, "Ritsu!"
The twins' mother hugged him and laughed. She greeted Onodera before she asked, "Oh Ritsu honey, who's this?" She indicated Takano.
Onodera felt his blood run cold and both he and Riko froze. Takano plastered a smile on and held out his hand, "Takano Masamune, ma'am."
"Pleasure to meet you Takano-san," She smiled and shook his hand, "Ritsu, I asked you a question."
"Mom, its not-," Riko started an excuse but Ritsu stopped her.
"No, it's okay Riko. I guess it was time to tell her."
"Tell me? Tell me what?" His mother looked around, obviously confused.
"W-Well…Um…Mom, you see, Takano-san is m-my boss and my….u-um," Onodera's face was beet red and he stared at the floor, "m-my b-b-boyfrie-boyfriend."
He had murmured the last word more to himself, but it didn't escape the sharp ears of his mother. She gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. They watched as a blush spread across her cheeks. She removed her hands and surprisingly, she was…smiling?
"Ritsu, that is," She giggled, "so cute!"
All of their jaws dropped to the floor, including Takano's. Onodera's mother looked like a teenage fangirl, fawning over them. In fact, she looked like Riko right now. Riko started giggling and said, "Mom, I didn't know you were a fangirl too!"
"Yes! I mean, it's strange it's my own son, but still just adorable!"
"My thoughts exactly!" Riko and her mother both squealed, watching the couple through big eyes. Onodera was scowling, but Takano was amused. Onodera-mama leaned forward and whispered to Onodera, "Ritsu, you scored good too! Takano-san is very handsome!"
"M-Mother!" Onodera roared as his cheeks lit up even more.
"W-We're not here to talk about me. This is Riko's wedding," Ritsu stomped his foot and sighed.
"Oh that's right. I'll leave you with Riko now to meet the guests. Takano-san, you can call me Onodera-mama," She giggled again.
"Er, okay," Takano chuckled as she walked away. Onodera buried his face in his hands and murmured, "Oh my god, that's so embarrassing!"
Riko continued to lead them forward. They met Tamo-chan first, Riko practically bouncing in joy for her brother to meet her soon-to-be husband. She tapped lightly on a man's shoulder and he turned around smiling.
Hamada Tamotsu had raven-black hair; a bit shorter and neater than Takano's. His crystal-blue eyes complimented his long dark eyelashes and slight stubble along his jaw. His facial structure was sharp, but smooth and the build of his body was similar to Ritsu's, but he was tall. He was very good looking and Takano could tell he wasn't full Japanese.
He smiled to show perfect teeth and said, "Hello."
Riko looped her arm with his and announced, "This is Hamada Tamotsu. My almost-husband."
"Hello, I'm Onodera Ritsu," He smiled and shook his hand. He was glad this man talked Japanese.
"So you're the fabled twin brother. You two do look alike," He laughed a little and shook Takano's hand.
They continued to chat a little and Onodera saw that he was a pretty "cool" guy, as Riko put it. He played guitar, was top of all his classes, and lived in Japan until the beginning of junior high. He then moved to England with his mother after his parents divorced. His mother was English and his father was Japanese. He pointed out his parents and they noticed he was 'pretty' like his mother, who had sharp blue eyes too but light brown hair.
Some time passed before some friends of Tamotsu's came to talk to him. He dismissed himself and they exchanged their condolences.
"So," Riko bit her lip excitedly and whispered, "Whatcha think?"
"He looks like he stepped out of a Calvin Klein model magazine," Onodera chuckled. Riko rolled her eyes and said, "Seriously?"
"Okay, okay. I guess he's good enough," Onodera gave her an encouraging smile. She squealed-really loud-and threw herself at Onodera with arms wide. She hugged him so hard, he wheezed, ".…Need…Can't…Breathe!"
"Thank you Nii-chan! Thank you for accepting him!" She hugged Takano again too. Her face was flushed from excitement.
*"Riko-chan!"* Riko turned her head around and they saw a girl with brown hair and blue eyes approach them. She looked like Tamotsu and was slightly taller than the twins.
She threw an arm around Riko's shoulders and sang, *"It's time! Time to get ready for your big day!"*
*"Already? Great! Oh, this is my brother Ritsu Onodera and his friend Masamune Takano,"* She pointed to them and they nodded at the girl. (A/N: Remember, she flipped their names around because their surname/last name comes last in English and first in Japanese.)
She flashed them a flawless smile and continued in English, *"Hello! I'm Amy Hamada, Tamotsu's little sister. Well, half-sister. I'm twelve years younger than him. I was born after he moved to England with our mother. We have different fathers, but I haven't seen mine in years. But I don't really care; I don't really remember him anyways. But Riko and I are besties!"* (A/N: Tamotsu is 30. So that makes Amy 18.)
Amy was breathless at the end of her speech and both girls giggled. Onodera could tell that she talked a lot, like Riko. He saw why they were best friends.
"Yes, besides you Nii-chan, this is my best friend. She prefers to speak in English since she was born here. Takano-san, did you catch all that she said?" Riko looked up at the older male.
"Only about half of it," Takano shrugged. He knew just a bit of English, and only caught snippets of what she had said.
"Okay, well she said-,"
"That's fine, Riko! Shouldn't you be getting ready?" Onodera waved his hands in front of her, stopping her from telling him the unnecessary life story.
"Oh, you're right! Make sure you come see me before the ceremony starts. You are my Maid-of-Honor after all," Riko giggled and waved as Amy led her out of the room. Onodera blushed but nodded in agreement.
"Let's just walk around. Maybe we'll run into the Porcelain Twins," Onodera chuckled but Takano looked at him confused.
"Porcelain Twins?"
"Their old friends of Riko and I. We went to college with them. They're identical twins too, but English. We call them that because-well, you'll see."
Takano was just more bewildered when suddenly, two figures slid out in front of them. They both called in English, *"Ritsu!"*
*"Alex and Alexis! How are you?"* They hugged and smiled. Well, the boy and girl were permanently smiling. Now Takano saw how they got their nickname.
The twins were a boy and a girl too, but they were even more identical. Eerily identical. Flawless white skin, rosy cheeks, and a permanent smile gave them the appearance of two living porcelain dolls. They had liquid blue eyes and white-blonde hair that was perfectly straight. The girl's -Alexis- hair fell down to her waist and the boy's -Alex- was a short, clean cut.
*"We are-,"* Alexis started.
*"Good. You?"* Alex finished. Okay, now they really creeped Takano the fuck out. He took a few steps back cautiously. They were smiling, but their eyes were empty of all emotion and they spoke monotony. 'They finish each other's sentences?!' Takano took another step back.
*"I'm great! I haven't seen you guys in years! What're you doing now?"*
*"We work-,"* Alexis started.
*"In government,"* Alex finished.
*"That's good! You always wanted to work in government right?"* Onodera chuckled when they nodded their heads in tempo. They looked up at Takano and said simultaneously, *"He's tall!"*
Now Takano noticed something else that bothered him about them. They were tiny! Both were several inches shorter than Ritsu and even skinnier. Takano could probably wrap his hands around their waists easily.
*"Ah, yes. This is Masamune Takano. He is my-,"*
*"Boyfriend!"* The Porcelain Twins squealed in unison. Ritsu's jaw dropped and he gasped, *"H-How did you know that?!"*
*"Riko-,"* Alexis started.
*"Told us,"* Alex finished.
*"My sister doesn't know when to shut up, does she?"* Onodera grumbled.
*"No!"* The twins giggled. Suddenly they perked up and looked over Onodera's shoulder.
*"There is-,"* Alexis started.
*"Our mother,"* Alex started. They hugged Onodera goodbye and walked in time to a woman who looked just as creepy as them.
"How are you friends with them?" Takano shivered. Onodera rolled his eyes in amusement and replied, "I don't know. It takes a while to get used to them, but they're actually pretty good friends."
Suddenly Amy was by their side. She beamed and exclaimed, *"Riko wants to see you now! The ceremony should start soon."*
*"Oh, okay. Can Masamune come?"*
*"Nope! Riko just wants to see you!"* Amy giggled strangely and fluttered off. Onodera sighed and said, "I better go."
"Yeah. I'll be out here, Maid-of-Honor," Takano smirked while his lover scowled. Onodera trudged off, heading in the direction Amy disappeared.
Onodera walked down a well-lit hall to a door at the end. He heard giggles and loud talking as he turned the knob quite reluctantly. Inside he saw his mother, Amy, and a couple other girls he didn't recognize. They were swarming a bench in front of a mirror, chatting happily. He cleared his throat and said, "Pardon for the intrusion."
*"He's here Riko!"* Amy whispered. They all turned from the bench and stood to the side. A figure clad in white rose from the bench and turned, smiling at Ritsu. He gasped when he realized it was his sister.
Riko wore a silk wedding dress that elegantly pooled around her feet. It was sleeveless with a heart shaped top and low back. The dress had a sash with a small bow on the side, and white lace lay lightly on the long skirt from the sash. It was a very beautiful dress, a bit old-fashioned but it fit Riko perfectly. Her hair was thrown up in a braid-bun and tied with white ribbon. Her bangs split in the middle and curved to the sides, making her look younger. A veil hung from the ribbon down to her lower back.
"R-Riko, you look…beautiful," Ritsu gave her a small smile and she blushed deeply.
"Thank you Nii-chan. This was actually Mom's wedding dress. It fits me, right?" She spun, the dress swirling around her. It made her look very graceful and tall.
"Perfectly," Onodera's smile grew a little sad. He knew it was time to give Riko up, but selfishly he didn't want to. She was his twin, and would always be. She looked so mature and beautiful, Onodera almost felt jealous that he had to say goodbye to his only sister.
"Maybe when you get married, you'll wear this dress Ritsu," Riko snickered and he scowled.
'Maybe it is a good thing she's getting married,' Onodera internally grumbled. He smiled though and hugged his sister. She sighed and smiled a bit nervously, "I guess it's almost time."
"You'll be fine. Tamotsu-kun seems like a good guy and he'll take care of you now. I'll probably become an uncle soon," Both twins giggled and embraced again. Their mother smiled and sang, "Riko, It's time!"
Haha, happy cliffy! I was gonna add the actual ceremony in this chapter, but I looked at my word count and decided next chapter will be the ceremony and reception.
Onodera's thought on how he has to say 'goodbye' to Riko now actually is from my experience. When my first sister got married, I thought just like him. Though she wasn't my only sister, she was probably my favorite because she always made me laugh and smile. I had to let go of her now so she could live her life and I admit…I was a bit jealous. But I got over it for her and now she has a great life! :D
Anyways, what was your favorite OC(s) so far? Personally, I like the Porcelain Twins XD
See you next chapter! :)