Everyday is practically the same for Rivaille. With a face that always show a bored expression, he lives his life normally. Rivaille was a police, a high ranked one in fact. Well... was, until he decided that being someone in the military seemed more interesting. Now, he has the corporal title, and also known as the strongest soldier in humanity alive.

Won't this damn train move faster... tch... the considerably short man thought. He had been ordered to look out for any fresh graduates from senior high school that might be qualified to join the military. Commander Erwin had made a very, very wrong choice. Picking Lance Corporal Rivaille, who was the strictest, to look out for kids with qualification, as the corporal himself put it. After a few weeks, and when Rivaille had not gather more than 3 people, the Commander doubted they would have more than 10 recruits, let alone 5.

As how this 'mission' had been ongoing for quite some time now, this week was Rivaille's last to go through such boring routine. Sitting on one of the train's seat, still hoping that it would move faster, our favourite corporal heard someone shouted.


It was a man... held firmly by a... woman... Not being able to let this slip through, Rivaille took out his Corporal badge and headed towards the scene, squeezing between passengers. Remind myself to take a long long bath later...

"What seems to be the problem..." Rivaille said, still hiding his badge inside his palm.

"This man is a molester..." the woman said coolly.

"NO! Don't listen to her! I-" the man who was shouting got cut off by a girl by the corner of the train, everyone turned and look at her.

"I-It's true! He... molested me yesterday..." she said.

That was all Rivaille needed to know, he finally showed his badge, shocking the crowd.

"It's Rivaille! The former chief director!"

Rivaille was well known during his police work days, being the Police chief director. Any cases and he'd be on the news, doing a =n interview or something like that. The man, molester's, face portrayed horror, he tried pushing the woman away but failed, so he begged Rivaille to let him go. To no avail, he was taken by the security officers during the next stop. Sighing because he had to meet such a matter, he overheard the woman talking.

"It was nothing..."

"But Mikasa! You're only a third year! And you're able to knock down a molester! Let's not forget about the robber you help caught last week!" a blonde guy... or girl... said.

"That robber was going to hit Eren..." the woman replied.

Only a third year... Rivaille looked back at the woman whose name is Mikasa. She sure looked mature... He observed her again, this time, more closely. Maybe... just maybe this woman is qualified for the military... After listening a little more about her chat with her friends, he found out that she is attending the high school he needed to inspect. Rivaille smirked inwardly, thinking how interesting that woman is...

Mikasa, Eren and Armin stood in front of the stage, waiting for their daily assembly to be over. Misaka wasn't paying attention, not until she heard Armin gaped and saw him pointing a finger towards the stage. Her eyes followed and widen slightly in just a second before returning to its usual demeanor. On the stage, they saw the short man from the train this morning.

"Alright students. This, is Lance Corporal Rivaille. Some of you may know him as the former Chief Director, but today, for the week, he is here in search for those with qualifications for the military. This is directed to the third years only." the principle introduced and explained.

Rivaille then got closer to the edge of the stage and adjust the microphone stand, as it was too tall for him.

"This school was chosen as the average physical marks obtained are considered high. I hope you all are actually worthy of my time. One week, I will or will not choose those who claimed to be qualified. Try everything in your own abilities to prove yourself. I may have to warn you to try harder, I am not an easy person."