A/N: So I decided to just continue into the next year. I didn't feel like trying to show them go through the attraction because I feel like I might actually mess it up. Don't wanna do that. xD
Disclaimer: Alex, Nicole and Tobi are mine. Beth and Quinn are not. Mistakes are also mine. The story in this is not mine either, I just used it.
Beth was running around in her room trying to get everything in order for her weekend. She had a duffle bag sitting on her bed with very little items of clothing in it at the moment. It was friday afternoon and her god mother was due to picking her up in two hours, and she still wasn't ready. For a ten year old Beth was pretty stressed at the moment. Quinn walked into her daughters room and leaned against the door frame to watch the yong girl run around like a chicken with her head cut off.
"Sweetie, are you okay?"
The girl looked up from her duffle bag and her eyes grew wide, "Mom, where's my jean jacket?"
Quinn glanced over to her daughters computer desk and saw the clothing item draped over the computer chair, she opened her mouth to talk but Beth beat her to it as she zoomed towards her closet.
"I can't find it and aunt Alex is gonna be here soon, I have to be ready but i can't find my jacket and I really wanted to wear it," she began to talk from inside the closet and Quinn watched as a few different shirts and hoodies flew from the area as if Beth was tossing them over her shoulder. "Momma got it for me for my birthday and Tobi's gonna be there and I really want him to see me in it,"
Her mother raised her eyebrow slowly at this information and thanked god that Santana wasn't home to hear that. She crossed her arms and waited about two mintues, watching Beth run around her room and completely missing her jacket each time she passed her computer desk, before she opened her mouth to speak.
The girl was now on her knees looking under her bed.
She got up and ran towards her bathroom that was built into her room. Quinn sighed.
"Beeeeeeeeeth?" she sing songed the name, it made the girl stop in her tracks right in the middle of her room as she placed her hands on her hips in the same manner as Santana would and in that moment Quinn could see a tiny version of her wife standing right there in her daughters room.
"What mom?"
Quinn cocked her eyebrow onces more before pointing a finger in the direction of the computer desk. Beth followed the gesture and spotted the jacket. She turned back around and smiled sheepishly at her mother before rushing over and hugging the woman then rushing to grab the jacket and pulling it on before finishing up her packing.
The mother stood there a little longer before walking out of the room and down to the kitchen where she was cooking dinner for her wife and herself. This year for halloween was a little different. Since their daughter loved the holiday so much, they decided to let Beth do whatever she wanted the weekend of. And the passed few years she's always wanted to do something with Alex.
Last year they all went to the new Haunted Attraction and had a blast. In the end Santana got scared the most and ended up sitting out the last part of the entire thing. Quinn wasn't going alone so she sat it out as well, they everntually went home and called Beth before she went to bed to tell her goodnight and that they loved her. This year they decided to stay home and have dinner together then watch some movies.
Beth was going to Alex's for the weekend, to which the older woman decided to do something indoors. All Quinn knew was that Nicole and her son were going to be there so she figured letting Beth go wouldn't be too much of a problem. The girl knows not to do anything that could get her in trouble and Alex had made sure to let Quinn and Santana know that Tobi already agreed to sleep in the guest room.
She was brought out of her thoughts when the door bell rang. She furrowed her brow because she wasn't expecting anybody and if it was Alex, the girl would of just let herself in like normally. Quinn wiped her hands off on the apron she was wearing as she walked to her front door and opened it to find Tobi standing there. He smiled up at the woman; he was such a sweet little kid and his smile was to die for. Quinn couldn't help but to smile back.
"Is Beth home?" he asked.
"Of course she is, come on in," she stepped to the side to let him in and waved out to the black truck that Nicole was sitting in. The woman waved back before looking down to her phone. Quinn closed the front door and passed the little boy. "Beth! Your rides here!"
"Coming mom!" she hollered from upstairs. Quinn allowed Tobi to follow her into the kitchen where she pulled out two bottles of blue gatorades and turned to him, "You want one?"
"Yes, thank you Mrs. Fabray," he grabbed the offered bottle and opened it to take a small sip.
Quinn giggled, "Please, call me Lucy,"
As Tobi went to reply to the woman, Beth walked into the kitchen and came to a stop before she could bump into the little boy. Her heart instantly began to beat rapidly as he turned around.
"Tobi and his mother are here to pick you up," Quinn announced, leaning against the counter to watch her daughter. Beth smiled at Tobi who smiled back.
"Are you ready?"
Beth nodded as she looked down at the duffle bag in her hand. Quinn watched the blush creep on her childs face so she walked over and handed the nervous girl her gatorade.
"Here, have fun and be good. I'll see you Monday afternoon when you get home from school," she kissed her cheek.
"Thank you mom, I love you," Beth whispered in her ear as they hugged then walked with Tobi out the door, Quinn followed. She waited as the two got into the truck, looking out at the sky and thinking that a storm might be rolling in soon before shutting the door and continuing her cooking.
Alex walked into the dim lit living room, handing a big bowl of popcorn to Tobi. He set it between him and Beth so they could share. She sat down next to Nicole and looked at the two children.
"Since the storm came through alot sooner then expected, we'll just have to wait for the electricity to come back on."
"Thank god the popcorn finished before then," Tobi had stated as he popped in a piece of the food. The two adults chuckled.
"What do we do before then?" asked Beth.
Alex looked next to her just as Nicole turned her head, they caught each others eyes and smiled, "I don't know, you have an idea babe?" Nicole asked. Alex smirked and cocked an eyebrow as she glanced towards the kids.
"I might have an idea,"
Candle lighting the living room, making spooky looking shadows, Alex sat on the edge of her sectional couch with her arms placed between her legs. She had creepy music playing in the background from her phone to set the mood just right.
"The story starts off with a young girl, sixteen. She had the opportunity to a job one night for a married couple who were friend's with her parents. The couple explained where all the emergancy numbers were and which ones to call before she had to call them if need be," Alex began the story, her voice low and eerily.
"She was babysitting two young kids in a three story house that was located in the secluded area of the town she lived in. After she made sure the kids were in bed, the girl sat down in the living room and turned on the tv," all three of the listeners were waching Alex intently. "Once she was comfortable and well into the show she was watching, the phone rang and she answered, Hello?" Alex made a high pitched tone for the girls voice. Nicole smiled.
"At first she didn't hear anything over the line till a man's voice could be heard, Check on the children," she lowered her voice in a low and creepy tone, "The girl slammed the phone down and looked back to the tv screen, she was a little creeped out but didn't pay no mind to it. That was until the phone rang for a second time ten minutes later,"
Beth and Tobi were getting into the story very well, they were staring at Alex with wide waiting eyes.
"She answered again and this time the man was laughing then said, Why haven't you checked the children? the girl instantly hung up then called the police. The operator had told her to keep him talking next time he calls so they could trace the call," Alex was making sure to make eye contact with each kid as she told the story, she could feel Nicole place a hand on her lower back.
"About five minutes after she had called the police, the phone rang for a third time and it was the man. He breathed heavily into the reciever before saying in the most terrifying voice, You should really check on the children, the girl was so frightened that she barely was able to stay on the phone while she listened to the man laugh hystarically. After a while though she got fed up and slammed the phone onto the reciever and instanly it began to ring again." the girl stopped to lick her dry lips quickly, "She answered and this time it was the operator, in a frantic tone he said, You need to get out of the house, get the kids out, the call is coming from the upstairs phone,"
Beth was grabbing onto Tobi's arm as she hid into the boy but kept her eyes on her godmother. Nicole thought it was cute as she continued to listen to her girlfriend.
"The girl dropped the phone and just as she was about to run up the stairs she could hear heavy foot steps coming down the steps. Instead of standing there to wait and see who it was, the girl ran out the front door quickly and just as the door shut behind her she heard him slam his hands onto the glass of the door. She screamed and ran out into the road just as the cops pulled up,"
Tobi and Beth were both on the edge of their seat by this time.
"The cops searched the entire house, finding the kids in a closet upstairs, trembling with fear. They checked the parents room and what they found was a bloody ax in the floor. The windows were wide open as the curtains blew in the cool breeze." Alex lowered her voice as she slowed her talking, "The cops couldn't find the man who was making the horrible phone calls. Just the ax and the phone that was covered in bloody hand prints,"
She let the story hang in the air as the music from her phone continued. She looked to see that Nicole had gotten up and the kids hadn't notice. She smiled at the wide eyed look they were giving her and just then...
"BAH!" Nicole screamed from behind the kids and made both of them jump high into the air and off the couch, screaming their heads off. Alex fell off the couch laughing so hard she couldn't breath. Holding her stomach tightly and rolling on the ground as she roared with laughter.
"You are so mean aunt Alex!" Beth stomped her foot, her arms crossed. It just made Alex laugh harder, so hard that tears started falling down her cheeks. Nicole was behind the couch giggling. Tobi just glared at his mother.
"You two are awful," he stated. Once Alex calmed down, she sat up and wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Come on you two, it's halloween weekend. Get into the spirit,"
Beth pursed her lips then nodded slowly, "Don't worry, I got you Aunt Alex,"
Alex raised an eyebrow and glanced to Nicole who shrugged with a grin. Something about the way Beth said that made Alex feel slightly scared.
Oh shit, I'm in trouble. She thought to herself.