o0o~Preparation for Bishop Test~o0o

Rated: T for safety~

Disclaimer: I don't own 07 ghost

Warning: Bad grammars

Author note: Enjoy~

Frau is running very quickly until anybody can't see who or what is passing them. "HeYguYs...iGOtSoMeimpOrtanTnEwS,YoUhavEtOhEarIt!" Castor who is passing by, being crashed by Frau and Castor's head landed (very) hard to the ground. Frau ran away before Castor noticed that the one who made him like that is Frau.

"What was that?" Castor rubbed his head. Frau runs very quick until he really doesn't know what should he do anymore, the only thing in his mind is 'run, run, run and don't look back, don't let Castor catch you or you're done.' only that. Done in Frau's mind is dead btw.

"Oh well... I need to search Seri, Lance and Labrador." Frau was walking in the garden an d he saw them having a tea party, he ran towards them. "HeYgUYs!" accidentally, Frau punched the table and a cup of tea is flying and landed on Seri's head and cloth. Labrador only can watch it while Lance is planning to prepare a grave for him. If Seri isn't patient enough, Frau might end up in a hospital but luckily, Seri is in a good mood so she just go and changed her cloth.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Frau bows his head many times.

"Fine, fine. I accept it."

"Yayyy~" Lance and Labrador sweat dropped on Frau's attitude. If you judge on his attitude he's likes a 5 years old child but he's 10 years old now.

Seri sit back and looking to Frau. "What are you going to tell us?"

"There's a bishop test and it will be held 3 months later. That's why I'm going to be a bishop!" Frau is very exited about it.

"And can you know everything in 3 months?"

"Er... no." Frau lowered his head.

"And do you know who will be your partner or room-mate?"

"Er... no." He's lowered his head even more.

"And Do y-"

"Stop. Stop. STOPPP! Done already?"

"Yup~. Can girls be a bishop too?"

"No way! You can be a nun if you like." said Frau with a smug face.

"I don't like to be a nun." Seri puffed her cheeks then someone come and it's Bastien?

"Actually, Frau. Girls can be bishops too." Frau sulk in the corner because he didn't know about it and he pretended to know about it with a smug face.

"That's mean I can be a bishop." Seri smiled and the others too except for Frau because he's still sulking.

"I believe that Master Seri can be a bishop unlike that blond guy." Frau stood up after hearing that and grab Lance's hand and drag him into a room. Seri and Labrador only staring him until Seri broke the silence. "Have a safe trip~"

"I won't have that!" The door has closed.

"So... are you going to attend that test too, Lab?"

"Yup, I'll attend that test."

"Hmm... We should ask Sister Rosallie about it."

"We should. How about those two." Labrador pointed that room. (the one that Frau is using now)

"Leave them be."


"Sister Rosallie~" Seri called her with a childish voice that made her like this =w= and thinking that it's cute. "Sister, if we want to enter the bishop test, what should we do?"

"Well... it's easy. I'll give you the books that you need to study and I'll register you in the bishop test. How about it?"

"Okay. Thanks a lot~"

"I mean, Sister Libelle will give you the books. She's in the libary."


Labrador and Seri walks to the library and they met Castor on their way. "Are you going to the library too?"

"Yes, apparently I am going to the library for the Bishop test."

"Good, we are going to there too." As Castor about to speak, somebody just cross by and running very fast while behind that guy is Frau and he is trying to catch him with a net? Ehh? Is he an idiot trying to capture a person with a net?

"Just pretend that we didn't see it."

"Yep. Ohh... it's sister Libelle. Sister Libelle!" Seri called Sister Libelle until Sister Libelle know the one who called her is Seri. "Can you give us the books that will helped us at the Bishop test?"

"Sure." Sister Libelle gave 500000 books that we needed to learn. "You just need to remember all of this for 3 months." Then Frau came in and-

"3 MONTHS?!"

"Yes 3 months. Because the Bishop Test will be held 3 months later too."

"We got it. Thank you Sister Libelle."

"You're welcome." As Sister Libelle goes out all of them (except Frau) started to read.

"Are you guys serious? Going to remember all of this in 3 months?"

"Yes, we are serious. Why don't you start to study too."

"B-B-But... fine and Sister Rosalie said that your partner." Frau pointed at Seri. "Is Labrador." while Castor just gave Labrador a jealous look. "And my partner is him, the red haired boy."


Seri has a bad feeling about this and she thinks that those two going to fail at the bishop test.

"Oh well..." somehow Frau can see what's going to happen next. "I can study this tomorrow but for now." Frau gulped and praying that it's not what he thinks it is. "I'm going to lecture you." yeep, that's it. I bet it will be a hell for Frau. Poor Frau. May God bless you.

The last thing that Seri saw is Castor dragged Frau out from the library and Frau was struggling to save himself. Seri sighed and continue to study and she can hear that Castor is very serious about it since his partner is Frau so he need to lecture him until he memories all of it.

"Are those two going to be alright?" Seri asked Labrador.

"I don't think so but I bet Castor will continue to lecture Frau even though he's tired or sleppy."

"We do have the same mind, you know." Labrador just smiled innocently.

Author note: Sorry for the late update . I've been busy and lazy too XDDDDDDD but I got my spirit back now so back to update and I shall give you some spoiler because it will be a very long update again and I had exams too and I hate studying especially history and Javanese language.

1. Frau will not die but somebody is going to die and that person is a secret.

2. Only 1 or 2 chapters again and this fanfic is finish~ and I'll make the sequel.

I hope that you guys are still following me Q~Q

Reply to our reviewer:

Mega07Ghost: ikr? Well... it's just a vision but it'll happen soon.

Guest (Guest): Okay, I'll love Frau

Chamomile (Guest): Okay, I'll continue this story soon as I can because I'm busy with school's works. Awww... thanks, I thought that my fanfic is kinda boring.