I do not own nor am I affiliated with Supernatural, WB, CW, Kripke Enterprises, actors, or other affiliates there of. No profit is being made from this.

Jared was an ask a guy out for a coffee or drink kind of person. He didn't like to ask anyone out on an "official date" unless they had the preliminary beverage. He'd done the date thing with too many jerks in the past, now he had a sort of predate test, see if the person he was interested in was worth a date. Jared knew that "worth a date" made him sound like an asshole but he wasn't looking for "perfect" he was just looking for "not a jerk" and hopefully an "IQ bigger than his shoe size" to go with it.

Jared had fantasized many times about having a coffee or a latte or a cappuccino with Jensen many, many times. Somehow it was always autumn in his imagination. They would sit in Jared's favorite coffee shop, the one just around the corner from his apartment. They would sit in a tiny booth next to a window or maybe take a walk in the park across the street. They would talk about anything and everything, the foliage crunching under their feet. Jared would say something to make Jensen laugh, make those eyes light up and dance with mirth.

It was cheesy and saccharine and quite possibly the prettiest daydream Jared ever had.

Unfortunately, reality was a total and complete bitch that probably hated Jared and played nasty, nasty pranks on him.


Sometimes, Jared wondered why exactly he was friends with Chad Michael Murray. The guy was possibly the most obnoxious and arrogant person he'd ever met. He was also incredibly rude, especially to people he didn't know and clerks and waiters.

Then again, they had been college roommates. He knew Jared and he was probably the only straight guy that would listen as Jared bitched endlessly about "his crush" and the agony this particular crush was causing him.

So if Chad would not only sit and listen (about how Jared knew that Jensen certainly remembered who he was now because every time they saw each other, Jensen would duck his head and quickly dart off in a different direction) but also buy him a lunch consisting entirely of pastries and a double mocha latte at the upscale coffee shop near Jared's work, then maybe Chad was pretty okay . . . most of the time.

"You could just talk to him," Chad told him for what was most likely the hundredth time since Jared had started talking about Jensen months ago.

Jared snorted, "Right because he looks so eager to talk to me when he's practically running in the opposite direction. I'm lucky he didn't file a complaint with HR. The only way I'd get to actually talk to him is if I followed him around work. I'm sure that would go over really well, he'd probably get a restraining order against me or something."

Chad rolled his eyes, "Dramatic much?"

Jared just pouted and sullenly flicked a crumb off the table.

"None of this would have happened if you'd just taken my advice to begin with," Chad sighed.

Jared scowled, "Your only advice has ever been to talk to him."

"Actually, I also told you to try dating girls," Chad reminded him.

"I haven't been interested in a girl since I had a crush on Punky Brewster when I was six," Jared glared at him.

"Yeah," Chad contemplated him for a moment. "I've been meaning to ask, what made you switch your game up?"

If it were anyone else, Jared would have coolly informed him that he was born this way and at six, he wouldn't know the difference between a crush and extreme like of a fictional television character.

This was Chad though, so Jared just shrugged, "My parents rented The Neverending Story." When Chad raised a questioning eyebrow, he elaborated with one word, "Atreyu."

Chad snickered, "Seriously? Hm, I always had the hots for that empress chick myself."

Jared wrinkled his nose, "She was pretty but her teeth were kinda dingy, perfectly straight but dingy."

"See, just the fact that you noticed her teeth shows how really, really gay you are." Chad smirked.

"Don't you have any other advice." Jared changed the subject. "Y'know, real advice?"

"What do expect me to tell you?" Chad asked, "To bend him over his desk -"

Jared held up a hand, "Please, just . . . no."

"Hit a little close to home?" Chad smirked, "One too many masturbatory fantasies coming to light?"

"I'm leaving now," Jared slid out of his seat.

Chad followed him, snickering, "C'mon Jared, it's not so bad, there are hundreds of other eligible guys in the world, surely you can find at least one that will put up with you."

"Gee, thanks for that," Jared replied glumly.

Chad slapped him on the back as he passed him, at the door he turned back to his friend with another smirk and a shrug, "But really, give the girls things serious consideration."

Jared glowered and flipped him off. Chad threw back his head and laughed, pushing open the door. Unfortunately, there was some one on the other side of the door, which Chad would have seen if he hadn't been facing Jared. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if the other person had not been staring down at his phone but he was. The door slammed right into him, Chad looked back frowning slightly at the door, then looked down at the sprawled figure on the ground.

"Oops," Chad said mildly, looking down with a raised eyebrow.

Resisting the urge to face palm, Jared hurried up to the door, ready to profusely apologize for his friend not only for knocking the poor guy down but also being not at all concerned about it.

Though, when he got to the door and looked down, he froze. There, sprawled out on the ground, dazedly sitting up and groping for his phone, was Jensen Ackles. For a moment, Jared thought he was hallucinating. That his lunch hour spent talking about his constant mooning over Jensen had somehow affected his mind. Or maybe he'd just snapped, or hopefully, he had a brain tumor, or better yet, he was having a stroke. He closed his eyes momentarily, willing the apparition to disappear. No such luck, when Jared opened his eyes, Jensen was still there. When Jensen lifted his head, Jared ducked behind Chad. Literally ducked because he virtually towered over him.

"Dude, should watch where you're going." Chad said mildly.

Jared heard a groan followed by Jensen muffled voice, "Fuck, my nose . . . maybe you ought to pay attention to what you're doing, idiot."

"Maybe you should stop sexting in public," Chad returned.

Jared shot up again, "Chad!"

Chad turned to him with a questioning look, "What?"

Jared glared at him and then heard Jensen again, "You!"

Jared felt his face burning as he turned toward Jensen. He'd pick himself up and was dusting himself off. He looked furious . . . and beautiful.

Jared tried to smile apologetically, "Hey Jensen." He gave an awkward wave.

Chad blinked and looked between the two, "Jensen?" He directed the question to Jared, "That's Jensen? The Jensen?"

"Shut up, Chad," Jared hissed between clenched teeth.

Jensen shifted his glare to Chad, "Who the fuck are you?"

Chad just smiled brightly, at least that's what most people would have seen. Only Jared could see the smile for what it was, evil glee.

Jared's eyes widened, he put as much pleading as he could into his gaze. Sadly, Chad was the one person on earth that was immune to his pleading puppy look. The man seriously wasn't human. He his grin just grew and he placed a hand on Jared's shoulder.

"It's been great, Jared but I really have to be going," he brushed past the irate looking Jensen out the door, "I'll call you later buddy, see you around."

Jared was going to kill Chad, slowly . . . or maybe just bludgeon him to death, he wasn't sure yet. Right now, he had other things to worry about. Like remembering how to speak when Jensen was in the same room looking murderous and somehow gorgeous at the same time.

"I am so sorry," Jared finally forced himself to say. "That was Chad . . . my friend, er ex-friend, I'm really sorry, he's . . . he's a little . . . uh-"

"Bit of an asshole?" Jensen supplied, still glaring.

Jared felt defensive for half a second then shrugged a shoulder, "Yeah, kinda." He rubbed the back of his neck, "Are you okay?"

"I'll live," Jensen grumbled, stalking past Jared.

Jared bit his lip before blurting out, "Wait!"

Jensen turned slowly, he was obviously trying to keep his temper and not cause a scene.

"Can I buy you a coffee?" Jared asked hopefully.

When Jensen started giving him an incredulous look, Jared rushed on, "It's the least I could do after what Chad did. Please?"

Jensen looked uncertain and Jared decided to test his puppy eyes on him, couldn't hurt after all.

Jensen gave a put upon sigh, "Fine."

Jared tried to tone down his smile.