A/N: Heya! The epilogue is here! Thanks to Jasmine-The True Believer and Moonbeam3926 for your reviews and inputs! I'm sorry that the chapters have been short as of late, so I'll try to make the epilogue as long as I can for the idea I have! Hope you enjoy! (Also, fair warning, there is a mention of sex. Just a heads up!)


"Oh god, oh man…" Rosie, now 20 years old, paced back and forth worriedly in the living room. "Oh my god, how am I gonna tell him?"

"Tell who what, darling?" Grell walked into the room. Rosie jumped at the sudden appearance.

"Oh, Grell." She turned around. "When did you get home?"

"A few minutes ago." Grell walked to Rosie. "Are you feeling okay, dear?"

"Y-Yeah." Rosie hesitated to respond.

"You hesitated." Damnit. Rosie mentally cursed herself. "What's the matter?"

"N-Nothing…" Rosie looked away. Grell frowned, then gently took Rosie's face in his hands, forcing her to look at him.

"Look me in the eye and tell me nothing's wrong." Rosie stiffened at Grell's seriousness. "Well?" Rosie gently placed her hand on Grell's.

"Okay." She paused. "Please don't be upset." Her heart beat like crazy, and she shivered as she spoke. "I'm… I'm pregnant." Grell's eyes widened. "I… I understand if you're upset, but… it's yours, so I thought you should know." Grell cried out with glee and threw his arms around Rosie, taking her by surprise.

"Oh, darling!" He cried. "Why would I be upset?" He loosened his grip. "Sweetheart, do you remember the night we made love?" Rosie blushed.

"I do." She nodded. Grell smiled.

"I know I'll never forget that wonderful night." He purred, his hands moving to Rosie's waist. "You looked so beautiful that night, my love, more so than you usually are." He pulled her closer, gently pressing her up against him. "I remember every detail. Every moan you emitted still fills my heart with joy." The color of Rosie's face now matched Grell's hair. "Oh, my darling." Grell gently nuzzled Rosie's hair. "I love you so much." He gently lifted Rosie's chin and pressed their lips together. Rosie smiled and kissed back. Grell pulled away and knelt down. He smiled. "And I love you, too." He whispered to Rosie's slightly swollen stomach.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Abigail, now 5 years old, ran to Rosie, holding a messily drawn picture. "Look what I drew!"

"What is it, sweetie?" Rosie smiled, bending down to see what her daughter had drawn. She smiled, seeing that Abigail had drawn their family. She paused as she saw a familiar person in the picture. "Who's that, Abigail?" Rosie asked, pointing to the person.

"That's my imaginary friend!" Abigail smiled. "His name is Ciel!"

A/N: So sorry for the short final chapter (even though I said I would make it as long as I could.) But Abigail sets the stage for a sequel! Will it come? Probably. Thank you for reading "Rainbow Veins"! Keep an eye out for my next Black Butler story, "Dream Guy"! Hope you enjoyed!