HELLO! Vanellope Von Schweetz here! Felix and Sarge are letting me use their computer and I 'overheard' them talking about this Fan-Fiction stuff so I thought that I might be able to give it a shot! And do you know what's stupid? Auto correct says that my names wrongly spelled! Uh, I think I know how to spell my own name, Ga-DOI! V-A-N-E-L-L-O-P-E V-O-N S-C-H-W-E-E-T-Z! Are you happy now you stupid computer?

Anyways...here is what I think about the whole 'Hero's Cuties' (A.K.A Hero's NUDIES! XD) thing. Stupid mushy gushy romance! YUCK! I bet that if it were a food, it would taste worse than healthy food! So ENJOY!

*My POV*

Every time those two come to one of my races, all they do is baby talk each other. It's either "Aww...I love you so much!" or "Oh Fixy, your so sweet!".

If you ask me? PLEASE! All I have to say to them is EWWW!

They hate it but it's the truth. And besides, I'm not the only one who thins that it's gross. I'm pretty sure that almost everyone else in the arcade can agree with me when I say that. Well, maybe not everyone. Like Ralph. That diaper baby is a sucker for that stupid junk. I'll tell ya that guy just stares at the gooey-eye'd couple with that dopey grin of his. Doesn't talk, move, nothing besides sitting there.

Let's start off with Hammer-time. That sappy hammer holding hero can't keep his eyes off of Sarge even to save his life. And if they were in a life or death situation, he'd still risk his own life to save her. Pretty weird, huh? I know. He also LOVES to kiss Calhoun. No matter where they are, he kisses her. Whether it be on the lips, cheek, hand, neck, ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE! I can't tell you guys how gross it is in person! But it's pretty gross. YUCK!

But it's not all Felix's fault. I blame Sergeant Smiles for most of it.

All she does is make him Kiss and hug her. He treats her like a queen...no joke! All Calhoun needs to do is call his name, or nickname, and he's instantly by her side. No matter what. Even if she is furious at him he still bows down to her and kisses the ground she walks on.

And those stupid 'HONEYGLOWS'! Every time Calhoun grabs Felix's hand he lights up as bright as the cherry bombs that Candlehead uses. Once again no kidding! He does, and it's awful.

I know that their married but sheesh. It's like save it for the bedroom, why don't you?

Although I have to admit that they both seem a lot happier with each other than without.

Even with all of the sappiness, silly nicknames, kisses, hugs, and those awful Honeyglows...it's nice to know that they love each other...As sappy as it sounds. But what do you expect? I'm the president of a game called Sugar Rush. Not to mention that I'm around candy all day and am nine years old! But, they are sweet together.

And I really don't think that there's another character out there for either of them...

Sweet Mother Of Monkey Milk, this is harder than it looks! I could never do this like Felix and Sarge do...but, Oh well! I just hope that they don't come in and-

VANELLOPE! What are you DOING!?

Wait...Cavity? What do you think your Doing?

Oh cheese balls! WELP! I hope you guys like this story! Oh, and the readers to! Hope you liked it!

Van! You know how rude it is to do this and go through people's stuff! It's very rude and I REALLY believe tha-