Blake's Little Secret

I have been ordered by /u/ to turn my original 4-line script into an actual story, so here you go. Keeping it short because I don't want to go too far and ruin the charm the original had. Blake/Yang. Update 9/6: Title changed because there is an up-and-coming story that is more deserving of the original title than this was, and BlackenedHearts is cooler than I am.

Blake strolled down the cramped dormitory corridor, considering what she was about to do. She had been giving the coming moment a great amount of thought over the past few weeks, and Yang was the only person she trusted enough with her secret. Being part fauna wasn't very widely accepted in their society, but Blake had decided that her closest friend had the right to know what she was.

Nervously pacing in front of Yang's door, Blake gathered her courage. Taking a deep breath, she rapped her knuckles three times against the solid wood. Seconds passed. Then ten, fifteen, twenty. Just as a wave of relief washed over Blake, thinking she would be able to avoid this discussion for a while longer, Yang opened the door.

"Hey Blake! What's up?" Yang chirped, sounding cheery as ever.

"Hello. May I come in?" Blake's normally mellow voice was more timid than usual.

"Of course! Make yourself at home."

"Thanks." Blake walked past Yang into the small room and sat on the edge of the even smaller bed.

"So… what's up?" Yang asked again, sitting next to her. Blake wasn't normally one to make house calls.

"Yang… I have to tell you something. It's serious."

"What? That you're an animal?" Blake's amber eyes widened in surprise, but Yang continued, leaning in close and lowering her voice to a comically sensual tone. "…In bed?"

"Come on Yang, I'm being serious." Blake said, anger flaring.

"So am I." Yang retorted, grinning and looking Blake dead in the eye.

"Fuck you, Yang."


"Fine!" Blake hissed. Pushing Yang back onto the bed and straddling her hips, Blake leaned in close to Yang's face.

"But you're gonna have to beg for it."