A/N: Yes, another one. Don't have much to say this week except to stay safe, it's crazy out there! Hope you all enjoy! :)

Leaving two people alone in a vast plain on a search for something that may or may not be around was a terrible idea. If the two people are a desperate father and brooding son, the terrible idea becomes a ridiculous idea; nobody would bother doing such a thing. Yet here Ketsui and Jiyuu were, searching around a vast plain on a search for the Hidden Abyss Village which may or may not have been nearby, all the while slowly getting annoyed with one another.

"We've been going around in circles," Jiyuu reasoned through grit teeth, pointing a finger to the left. "So, we should be going this way to change our course."

"Kiddo, we'll just end up loopin' around again," Ketsui spoke with half-lidded, tired eyes. "Let's just keep goin' straight for now, huh?"

"At that point, we're just wandering! We need-"

"We've been doing nothing BUT wanderin' for hours, kiddo. No direction's gonna make a difference."

Spitting to his side, Jiyuu was trying his hardest to not let this difficult situation throw him for a loop. "Whatever, I'm going my way. You can do what you want."


Without waiting for approval, Jiyuu did in fact face the direction he pointed in, and started to walk. Not just casually, mind you, but with haste. He was on a mission, he had no time to dawdle around and chat like Ketsui had been trying to get him to do for the entirety of their time out here. Tensions were high enough when they were together in their own home, but with this current situation, Jiyuu figured it best to stay focused on their goal as to avoid letting personal issues get in the way. Though, he had to admit, seeing his father's upset mug via the Byakugan was making it hard to focus.

"Kiddo, hold on."

No response, not even a bit of hesitation when he was asked to wait. Jiyuu kept walking, maintaining his speed and keeping his attention forward. He wasn't going to stop simply because he was asked, that was ridiculous. However, he would once he saw Ketsui's upset face break into a rather annoyed one, and when The Man of Five used surprising speed to run around and stop on a dime before his son; he had moved so fast that the wind almost seemed to flow with him, and small blades of grass were kicked up and carried away by it. He was staring his son dead in the eye, brow furrowed and fists tightened.

"I said to hold on."

Oh, so we were using the intimidating 'dad voice' now, were we? Jiyuu glared and folded his arms, not showing any sign of respect for the man who helped raise him. "Yeah? And I bet you think I should listen to you? Why? Because you're my father?"

"Yes, and also because I'm leadin' this mission."

Instead of seeing his son respectfully back down, Jiyuu instead shook his head with disbelief, throwing his arm to the side in dramatic fashion. "I don't believe this! You actually think after all this time, and after ALL that's happened, that we can still be like we used to be? Seriously?"

To have one's hopes crushed right before their eyes, to have them cut to shreds by the very person they centered around, was enough to break anyone. Deep down, Ketsui felt as if his heart had just been ripped from his chest, but he hid it well with a stoic front.

"...why's that so hard to believe," he spoke, yet his voice was low and deeply troubled, conflicting with the calm exterier; his facade crumbled away slowly, only showing a hint of sadness at his son's words.

Jiyuu frowned harder at the older man, but didn't speak back, allowing Ketsui to continue.

Trying to maintain some composure, Ketsui shook his head and folded his arms. "...on second thought, don't say anythin'. I don't wanna know..."


"...but I understand, really. I remember the last conversation we had before you left...I'm always rememberin' it, because it's been hauntin' be in my nightmares every single day of every single week." More of Ketsui's stern face began to loosen into something sad, and he squeezed his arm tighter. "...I couldn't accept what happened, kiddo. You ran off...you could've been killed, and it'd have been my fault. I didn't want our argument to be the last thing you'd remember about me, and I didn't want it to change you..."

"That's ironic, isn't it," Jiyuu deadpanned. "That was the catalyst for everything I went through."

"Jiyuu, it's not as easy as you'd think."

"What isn't?"

"Being a father."

For some odd reason, Jiyuu felt his forced frown drop at that, but his cold and indifferent Byakugan continued to stare right through his father.

"...I'm sure you've heard all the tales about me when you were away, stuff like how I was either a monster who could bring down mountains, or a hero who helped push a battalion of shinobi towards the final battlefield of the Fourth War. I bet you heard The Man of Five is a hero, but only because he was second to none in terms of raw ninjutsu power and his mastery of many kekkei genkai that should've gone extinct. But kiddo, nobody's gonna speak about my past, or what I did after the war." He scratched at his beard, looking out to the grassy fields as the wind blew a little harder, and he felt his brow harden. "...I hate my title, Jiyuu. It's all I've been known for since the war ended. I ain't no hero, I'm a survivor who happened to get the REAL heroes to the final battle."


"I never had a Pa, no kinda father figure whatsoever. It's hard for me to really know what to do. All I can rely on is bein' the person that your Ma had brought out of me, the real me that wasn't worried about survivin' another battle or becomin' more powerful...but, old habits die hard." Pocketing his hands, the Man of Five turned back to his son, and gave him a sad smile. "I knew I could fight whatever battle they needed me to, kiddo, but I didn't want you to be put in a similar position. I'm sure you know now that fightin' all your life ain't a luxurious way to live."


"...I was scared the Byakugan would pop up one day, and that it'd cause all sorts of trouble. That's why I trained you ever since you could walk, kiddo, from the very basics of chakra by doin' 'magic tricks,' to spars when you were five, and only sent you off to the academy once so you could graduate and become a shinobi." The Man of Five walked a bit closer to his son, and placed a firm, but loving hand on his shoulder, shaking him a little. Despite Ketsui's fear, Jiyuu did not shake it off, instead looking at his father in confusion. Ketsui's small smile grew a little. "...kiddo, I never thought you weren't good enough."

The words that Jiyuu needed to hear but never knew he did...they had pierced him, breaking the stone-cold front and letting his true emotions shine through. His eyes widened while the Byakugan deactivated, and his mouth even opened some. Ketsui could feel Jiyuu's body quivering a little from the words, and squeezed his shoulder tighter.

"If I ever felt someone wasn't up to snuff, it was me for bein' a lousy Pa. You were the perfect son, and to me, you still are."


"...you alright, kiddo?"

"How did you know?"


"...h...how did you know what I was thinking...what I felt..."

A hearty laugh came from the Man of Five, and he pulled his hand away from Jiyuu. "Kiddo, if there's anythin' bein' a Pa rewards you with, it's the unbeatable talent of knowin' what goes on in the head of your kids and spouse." His grin weakened when the word 'spouse' left his mouth, and his gaze become a little downcast. "...yeah...I always knew what your Ma was thinkin' just by lookin' at her...that's how strong our bond was. And you, Jiyuu...I always knew you'd aim above your weight class and pick fights too big for yourself to win. You're just like me, and that was somethin' I hoped wouldn't happen, not 'cause you couldn't handle it, but 'cause I didn't want it leadin' you down a bad path in life. Even then, I know you. I know my boy'll put together what little info he's got and assume the rest, all to put together a situation he can understand. I knew it, and I still couldn't control my anger that last day we were together. I spilled out all my negative feelings at the worst time, and I knew you'd take it personally...you always did wear your heart on your sleeve, kiddo." His smile faded altogether, and shut his eyes. "...I knew if you lived, if you survived, that it'd just be so you could become better than you'd ever been. You'd live just to improve so you could earn the respect of me and your Ma."


"...I'm sorry, kiddo. It'd never have happened to you if I was a better Pa."

Turning about-face without warning, the Man of Five began to walk. His pace was slow, easy-going, but Jiyuu knew it wasn't because he was relaxed or taking it easy. He was bummed out, he had bummed himself out by accepting his faults, and vocalizing his own thoughts. "Where are you going," Jiyuu asked.

"The way you want to go."

As the man began to walk down the path his son wished to take, Jiyuu had to admit: this was the first time in a long time he was at a loss for words. What could he possibly say? His own father had been silently suffering on the inside for years, and Jiyuu's own stubbornness added to it. There was a purpose for all that training he underwent, and none of it was because they wanted him to be a good fighter. No, his parents, his father, had wanted Jiyuu to be able to defend himself if he ever needed to, yet took in the possibility that he would potentially have the Byakugan at some point...perhaps they had made him practice taijutsu the most because they figured he would be better off...as a Hyuuga, and all. The foundation on which Jiyuu built his skill set was laid by Ketsui and Warai, yet neither of them would ever admit it.

Taking a deep breath, Jiyuu followed his father, walking behind him.

"...why'd you grow up without a Pa?"

The innocent question from his son revived a small grin on Ketsui. "Hm? Oh, it's nothin' huge or dramatic, I just never had a Pa growin' up."


"Sometimes, the past don't matter much. Sure, some split-second choices can change your path in life, but overall there's no point in frettin' over any of it. What's done is done, and it can't be changed. It's best to live in the 'now,' and try to make a good future. That's how I've been able to keep goin', same with your Ma. If there's anything either of us would want for you, it's for you to do the same."

"...that's exactly right."

The voice that spoke was new to the conversation, low and calm but carried a chilling air with it. The wind picked up and the temperature dropped, and with a sudden burst of powerful chakra coming from behind the two Hidden Mist shinobi, it took little for both men to become ready for battle. Jiyuu's spun around in his taijutsu stance, and Ketsui had his hands ready to weave signs for ninjutsu.

Stood atop a small hill not too far from them, Father peered down with his haori flowing gently in the wind. How had he been able to sneak up on them so easily? Both men were kicking themselves inside for having been lost in their conversation...they had been far too comfortable in letting their guard down. They recognized the cloak alright, Jiyuu from fighting the Family before and Ketsui from a briefing after coming home to a destroyed village. The color white, if they both recalled, was the same one worn by the leader; it was a red flag, an indication to retreat. But there was nowhere to run in this vast plain, nowhere to hide. The Hidden Mist was a three day trip away...there would be no help arriving for them now.

"...and that," Father continued while extending an inviting hand to Jiyuu, "...is why you should come quietly. Wouldn't want to complicate such a delicate situation, now would we?"

Jiyuu's response to the invitation was for him to shout 'Violent Air Palm' and thrust his arm forward, shooting a whistling cone of compressed, spinning air towards the enemy. A simple sidestep was all Father did, and the technique flew right by him, exploding in the distance.

"Why must you be so violent, child. You have nothing to fear."

"This isn't about fear," Jiyuu shouted back, bringing his fists up. "This is BIGGER than just me! It's about the jinchuuriki, the Hidden Abyss, and whatever little circus act you have running in the shadows! I'm going to put a stop to it all right HERE!"

At that, Father shook his head. "And you believe killing me will really be your best option? You'll not know where the jinchuuriki are if you do so."

It was a good point, and Jiyuu didn't want to admit it. He grit his teeth in anger, but remained silent as Father continued to speak.

"I apologize. I'll admit, I am aware that a majority of your issues were caused because of Mendona's leave of the Hidden Mist, on top of your innate dislike of the Hyuuga. We must have made it hard for you to reclaim the life that you lost." He held his chin between thumb and forefinger, and his second arm went behind his back. "To be frank, I had been waiting for a moment to speak with you, Jiyuu...alone."

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say."

"Just be patient with me, please. I haven't even begun my proposal."


"Jiyuu, I am extending an invitation to you. Join us, become part of the Hidden Abyss, a place where none will judge you for being different. You'll not be praised, nor frowned upon. You will be an equal, like all others there. It is a place of true happiness...one where you can live your life as you please, and not be considered inadequate."

Jiyuu didn't speak, but his anger did subside some. A slow, cautious glance at his father was all he did, and Ketsui noticed it out the corner of his eye. That kind of a response bothered him deeply, and he felt his forehead start to sweat due to the whole mess.

Father wasn't lost on the tension, and had the perfect final ingredient to add to the pot.

"...nobody in my village needs to be...perfect."

"That's enough." Ketsui threw his arm out to the side, and stepped in front of Jiyuu, glaring at the leader of the Hidden Abyss. He found himself under Father's direct gaze, and it's pressure was immense, heavy, making him sweat more. Kami...was he scared? How long as it been since he felt like this? Not since he knew his son could be killed during his first REAL mission. His legs shook a little, and he had to focus in order to make it stop.

"Seriously? Are you actually worried that I'd say yes to such an obvious lie," Jiyuu questioned from behind.

"That's not it, kiddo."


Ketsui's eyes became half-lidded, and he struggled to keep his composure. "...do you really think he'd come all the way out here for his little invite to get declined? No. He came for either a yes, or to take somethin' back home with him by force. No reason for him to physically be here otherwise..."

"...hm." Slowly, Father began to clap his gloved hands together in a mocking fashion. "Bravo Ketsui, you would make a fine detective indeed...however, you omitted the part where I truly did not desire a fight of any sort."

"Yeah? But you didn't want to get shot down neither, huh?"

"...true. And regrettably, sometimes it's necessary to get one's hands dirty."

Maybe it was the tension breaking him, perhaps it was the adrenaline...or it could have been the sensation of knowing that everything was on the line, but something broke inside Ketsui, and the madman smiled confidently at his enemy.

"You do realize that you'll have to get through me if you want my boy's eyes..."

"Oh yes, I fully understand that," Father replied with a rather reserved tone, not the least bit worried. "I am quite aware of how great your power truly is, Ketsui. As I am now, I would never stand a chance should the battle become intense...and it would, given you have no reason to worry about civilian casualties so far away from society. You would be able to perform at peak capacity in an open field like this. That is why I didn't come alone."

A single hand sign was all Father did, and seven plumes of smoke erupted in the air, surrounding both Mist-nin. Quickly they stood back-to-back, with Ketsui still facing Father, but the smoke cleared to reveal that their situation was going to be much more trying than simply killing one enemy.

All eight members of the Family were now present, all dressed in similar garbs as Father and a few of them assuming their unique battle stances. Jiyuu happened to notice that the ones directly ahead of him were Uncle and Aunt...the ones who tore apart his home...and killed Warai. His blood boiled when he noticed the Aunt chuckle and cracks her knuckles, while Uncle summoned his sword, Widow's Bane, and held it at his side. Of course Jiyuu was ready to fight with them, Ketsui was also...but the killing intent was so thick, so palpable, that it was hard to even breathe.

Father let his arm collapse to his side. "This is where you will meet your end, but know that I am not a man without mercy. Ketsui, give Jiyuu to us. If you can do this for me, then you will be allowed to fight another day. Should you refuse, you will both die, plain and simple. The choice is your's to make."

That settled it then. Tightening his fists, Jiyuu prepared for the one battle of his life that would decide the future. He had no clue how he would get out of this one, it seemed like a very deadly situation, but he had Ketsui with him. The Man of Five, a shinobi who's ninjutsu prowess was something of legend, some even claiming it to be kage-esc. A man who's full list of known jutsu was a mystery, and the idea that he always had some trick up his sleeve would terrify any enemy. This was a fight they could win, if they played their cards right.


Jiyuu...thought that he may have misheard his father. He turned around and faced the man's back, arms collapsing to his side as the fighting spirit struggled to stay in him. Ketsui's fists were held up at his sides, and his head was bowed. Gentle wind swept through the field once more, and small blades of grass flew about.

"...fine," he repeated, but this time looking up at his enemy; Ketsui had what one would call a 'game face,' and the slight bow of the head from Father showed he understood how things would play out. "If you're gonna take a single life today, if you're that desperate, then I guess mine's free to take..."

A cocky, smug grin wriggled onto his stiff mouth, despite all odds.

"...if you can, that is."

No audible answer was thrown Ketsui's way. Father knew full and well what the Man of Five intended to do, and that there would be no way of convincing him otherwise. All that could be heard was Jiyuu muttering 'Pa' beneath his breath, but the older man didn't dare look back at his boy. This wasn't the time for him to get emotional, he couldn't afford to...his son's life depended on it. And if he could do anything substantial for his son now, anything at all, it was make sure he could see what tomorrow looked like.

"Pa," Jiyuu mumbled, "...what are you saying? We'll fight together, we'll win like we used do..."

At last, Father responded, though a low laugh was all he gave. "It looks like age hasn't made you change at all. Look at you, putting your best foot forward and facing trouble with a smile. It sure does bring back memories, good ones that I cherish so."

The Father reached for his mask, gripping the bottom and pulling it from his face with ease. Jiyuu held his breath for the grand reveal that was about to unfold, yet found the results to be...a little underwhelming. This was no major historical figure, no famed assassin or prominent name in the bingo books. This man was simply an older-looking Hyuuga around Ketsui's age, nothing more. Nobody special, a regular joe, a passer-by, a basic, Caged Bird Seal-branded Branch Hyuuga who seemed to be in good health and wore a pleasant smile. Hell, there weren't even any scars on his face, no missing eyes, no indication that this monster, this dirtbag who's been responsible for so much hate and malice within the Hyuuga and tension across the Five Nations, was even a seasoned shinobi. The worst the Father had was a five-o'clock shadow and bags beneath his eyes, clear indications that he wasn't getting much sleep. Other than that, more plain than vanilla, the man was.

...and yet, he still looked familiar to Jiyuu...he didn't know how, or why, but he felt this creepy sensation of de ja vu just looking at the man.

And despite understanding right away, Ketsui would not say anything on the matter. No, he remained silent, and waited for what this Hyuuga had to say.

Pulling his hood off, the man's short, but tame and combed-back hair shifted around in the soft wind; the roots of his hair were greying. He parted his arms towards Ketsui, and his smile grew; oddly enough, he gave off a warm and welcoming aura despite the mass of killing intent surrounding the Mist-nin, and it helped them both breathe. "Well? Aren't you surprised to see me again after all these years, my old friend?"

Though Ketsui's grin faltered, it didn't fade. He felt sweat roll down his neck, and shook his head at the fact that he might appear worried in front of this person. "Nope, I ain't. I figured good ol' Kanpeki would be up to the task of doin' somethin' this insane."

Kanpeki. Jiyuu took the name and applied it to memory, but couldn't draw any connections. No, this 'Kanpeki' person was a blank to him.

"Heard you died after I left home," Ketsui spoke up.

"Hm, an exaggeration. I merely disappeared, probably for similar reasons to you. The old familiarity of our day-in and day-out lives, knowing we couldn't change anything for the better. Oh, I remember quite vividly how you were, always claiming you would become strong and use your power to make a difference...yet it only brought you here." He parted his arms wider, and lifted his chin upwards. "My own ambitions, however, are already in full motion. Come a few generations, and the Perfect Hyuuga, a shinobi clan without discrimination, will reign supreme from a village hidden from all others. The Perfect Hyuuga, the Perfect Clan, the Kanpekina Clan. They can ensure that peace truly lasts, they will be the enforcers needed in the future...and it's a shame that none other than my people see it yet."

A single raindrop fell, then a few more, then a few more, and then a light drizzle began to fall. The rain clouds finally caught up to Jiyuu and Ketsui, and light thunder rumbled in the distance, indicating a storm was drawing closer every second. The Hyuuga's Black Eye was concerned, and had trouble hiding it; nothing about this situation was good, from Ketsui saying he'd throw his life away to Kanpeki being a complete nutcase. And yet, his father continued to smile like a confident fool, making things seem more unsettling for Jiyuu.

Kanpeki lowered his arms, and his smile disappeared as he looked right at Ketsui. "...it's unfortunate, it really is...but I'll be needing Jiyuu. This is your last chance to surrender, and I mean it this time. Even I have limited patience."

For some idiotic reason, Ketsui found himself chuckling beneath his breath. Then, it evolved into light laughter, and from that to hearty laughing, and from that to full-on gut-busting howls that didn't please Kanpeki in the slightest; for some reason, he just looked like this was nothing new to him. Ketsui was absolutely beside himself, hunching a little as he slowly, but surely, eased his laughter for the sake of his fearful son. It was no time for laughter, but Ketsui couldn't help himself. His whole body trembled when he began to finish, not out of anger, but in fear, anticipation, worry. Everything he had been feeling, it was giving him a rush of adrenaline he wasn't prepared for...but by Kami, he would take advantage of it.

"You're as nuts as ever, Kanpenki. I already told you my answer."

Thunder cracked overhead, and a bolt of lightning stretched through the clouds. The Father was not happy.

After a brief moment of silence, Kanpenki sighed, and placed his mask back on. "Hm, that's a shame. In that case, this will be the end for both of you."

"Seems like you ain't rememberin' what I said. Only one life's gonna be taken today, and it's mine...if you can."

Of course, Jiyuu wanted to protest this. He was about to begin lecturing Ketsui on practicing what he preached, and not taking on fights bigger than he was. He was going to, but then this incredible warm glow surrounded his father. It was an unusual color for chakra, something akin to aurora borealis with multiple shifting colors. The older man grabbed the necklace he held at his neck, and his smile faded.

"Jiyuu...I'm sorry for bein' such a bad parent."

The chakra around him started to glow brighter, and brighter, and then suddenly, it burst all around his body, unleashing an amazing surge of power that made the skin tingle if they were close enough. The wind obeyed his chakra, flying around in all wild directions to avoid going near the powerful aura. The ground began to shake, making Jiyuu stumble as he took a step back, and a pillar of aurora-colored chakra burst into the sky as bright colorful light. Lightning started to strike the ground around him, each flash loud and deafening, yet none of it phased Ketsui. He was not unfamiliar with this technique, he knew what was to come. With a single pull, Ketsui's necklace was tugged off of his neck, and the Man of Five clutched the item out to his side.

Everyone was on-edge, save for Ketsui and Kanpenki. The intensity of his chakra was not something common at all, and to anybody using the Byakugan, they could see that it was emerging from the seven chakra nature seals on his body, wrapping around his flesh and bursting out in all directions. The level of power was alien to Jiyuu, and once again, his world was thrown for a loop. This power, this massive amount of chakra...was Ketsui always like this? Had he been purposely trying to limit himself?

Father was motionless, despite lightning nearly hitting him a few times. He felt a hand tug at his own, and the Abyss Leader looked to see Mother grabbing him.

"What should we do?!"

Ah, concern coming from her was new. It seemed today was full of surprises. "Nothing, there is no need. His actions alone will do the job for us."

"I wish I could've done lots of things differently in my life," Ketsui spoke again to his son, back turned. "In general, I wish I was a better person. I made lots of mistakes in my youth, and had it not been for your Ma, I'd never have been blessed with you in my life."

He tossed the necklace over his shoulder, and without needing to be told, Jiyuu caught it, glancing down at the object. The Yin symbol glowed with Ketsui's warmth, and inside, Jiyuu knew it begged to be with Warai's own. Yet it was all happening too fast, and Jiyuu could only look back at his father, wordless. "Pa..."

"Put it on, kiddo. It's your's now."

He felt hopeless, he truly did. Badly, Jiyuu wanted to fight, and despite how much he knew he would protest, Ketsui wouldn't have it. Perhaps he could convince him, but...he just didn't know anymore. Almost automatically, Jiyuu slipped the necklace around his neck and fastened the latch in the back. Yin and Yang hung in front of his chest, not connected, but still together. The weight of them felt heavy, not physically, but on his soul. Wearing both of these at once was a sensation Jiyuu never wanted to experience. Ketsui looked over his shoulder at Jiyuu, eyes glowing with a white light, and then turned his attention frontwards once more, nodding.

"Looks good on you."

Without warning, Ketsui ripped off his own shinobi vest, literally having torn the item in two in the process, and flung both halves to his sides. Next, he ripped off his shirt, and finally, his forehead protector with the Hidden Mist symbol found itself flung off in some random direction. His entire upper body was covered in Chakra Tags, and all of them were burning off into blue flames the moment they were exposed. Those tags were just external chakra reserves, something Ketsui made for himself in the event he needed chakra he didn't have...to wear that many at once was something he did on every mission, but burning through them all at once was never something he had done before. His chiseled upper body was glowing from the aurora chakra, and all seven on his chakra nature seals were glowing white. He wasn't the average Hidden Mist shinobi anymore, he was something beyond a shinobi, but the cost was greater than many would like to pay.

"Jiyuu. Be better than I was. Head home."

"You're out of your MIND, Pa! I WON'T LEAVE YOU HERE!"



A clone from Ketsui blurred in front of Jiyuu too fast for him to react to, and a swift punch to the gut while he wasn't prepared was enough to knock him out. It was definitely not something one would expect, as Ketsui had conjured the technique without forming a single hand sign. A surprised cough from Jiyuu was the last thing Ketsui heard before his clone caught the young man, now cradling him in it's arms as it stared at it's maker. The Man of Five pointed towards the direction that he knew home was, and the clone was already running off at a breakneck pace. Aunt, being the fastest individual of the Family, was already in hot pursuit of the clone, and slowly gaining on it.

But when the real Ketsui blurred in front of her in a fraction of the time it took for her to reach the distance she did, she understood that the situation was not going to be that simple.

"Final Release: Aurora Sweep."

All this man did was swing his arm to the side, but the Byakugan showed that there was far more to the technique than a simple wave. His chakra was surging through the ground, and was so intense that it was nearly blinding to the doujutsu. His area of effect was going to be massive, and Aunt wasted no time in retreating, leaping high into the air to avoid what came next. The grass began to glow white with light, and gigantic pillars of aurora chakra bursted from the earth, soaring up into the sky and agitating the storm further. Dirt and debris were kicked up all around, and the earth was tattered. In front of the wreckage, Ketsui stood with his arm still stuck out at his side, and his game face was on.

Aunt landed beside her Family members, and she swore aloud. "This old bastard..."

Solemn and quiet, Kanpeki stared at his old friend in his current state, and gazed at the destruction caused by a single jutsu. So...this is the famed 'Final Release' I heard about, a bloodline limit that isn't even a real bloodline limit...but one unique to Ketsui that utilizes all seven chakra natures at once. It's raw, concentrated chakra from what I can see, and that jutsu alone would have been fatal even to us. This situation is dire, indeed...and yet...

"It must feel nice to be at your absolute peak once again," he announced to Ketsui, "but it was foolish to throw away your life and such great power away."

The white light burning from Ketsui's eyes grew more intense, and his hair was starting to turn grey.

"I've only used Final Release once in my life. I swore to not do it again...but if it's for my own son, I think it's a worthy sacrifice."

But even then, this might be a bit short-lived. I feel myself agin' every second...all this chakra, all this life energy is circulatin' through my body at such a ridiculous speed that it's forcin' me to age faster. I need to either end it fast, or keep them busy long enough for Jiyuu to get home.

"Ah, screw this guy! To hell with waiting!" Losing her patience, Aunt blitzed forward again, trying to loop around the Man of Five. Once more, he appeared right in front of her, but this time went for a more 'close-up' solution. He slammed his fist against her face, hard. So hard, in fact, that she flew off of her feet and was twirling around in the air, only stopping beside Pet because he used his own special ability to catch her in midair. She levitated for a moment, and then was dropped to the ground like a toy, scrambling up to her feet and huffing with rage.

"You don't get it, do you," Ketsui announced. "I'm not stuck with all of you, YOU'RE ALL STUCK WITH ME!"

He stamped a foot in the ground, and made the seal of confrontation. Lightning crashed all around the field once more, and the Man of Five smirked at his enemies.

"So...who wants to be the one to kill a hero today?"