Sighing deeply, James loosened his tie roughly and jumped onto his bed, swinging his legs up with him so he was lying face up on top of the covers.
"What a load of Bull that was." He groaned aloud to himself.
He didn't know how to feel. He just stared at the ceiling; listening to the sound of soft footsteps walking upstairs overhead. Thoughts were flooding his head. The image of Lily looking fearful when he raised his wand at that boy, her voice full of concern when she asked if he was okay. But she's always concerned when something like that happens? No, no; this was different. There was something else in her voice. Something rang out, the tone was too...friendly? She hardly knew this boy, she couldn't /like/ him!

James scoffed out loud; his stomach sinking deep into his body.

Outside, Lily and Devon were the last people downstairs; with their friends all sensing the tension and making awful excuses to leave them alone together.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Lily asked, walking over to the sofa were Devon was sitting; after helping Afshan up the first step safely.
"Yeah I'm fine, nothing new." He answered with a slight laugh, willing his eyes to keep off Lily; but it was proving very difficult, as there was only so many things he could look at without appearing rude-which he certainly didn't want to do.
"I don't understand his problem!" Lily almost shrieked, throwing her hands in the air and bringing them back down to her sides sharply.
"He probably just fancies you." Devon laughed, pretending he wasn't hurt by the words.
"Oh, he does. I'm the love of his life, apparently." Lily rolled her eyes and sat on the arm of the chair opposite the boy.
"Oh." Devon's heart sunk. He wasn't laughing now he knew that.
"Oh don't mind him," Lily waved her hand, brushing it aside, "he's been trying to get me to go out with him for years, but trust me, never gonna happen!" Lily smirked, her eyes searching Devon's shadowed face, trying to see any sort of reaction.
"Oh." It was all he could say. He didn't know what to do. Looking at Lily, it was like his whole heart was warming, and then her eyes would meet his and his stomach would have a panic attack, sending sparks through him; just to remind him how beautiful she was.
"So, erm..." Lily was at a loss as to what to say, she didn't want to be the one driving the conversation; was he going to ask her out or not? Of course, she couldn't speak this thought out loud-which was actually rather unfortunate as it would save all the awkward pauses; and if there was she couldn't stand, it was awkward silences. "I'll tell him not to touch you again-" Lily stopped short, "-you or anyone again that is." She added hastily.
"I can handle him." He smirked, looking up at Lily and meeting her emerald green eyes.
"I am glad." She smiled, her stomach doing somersaults.
"Me too." Devon smiled back at her, losing himself in her eyes.

"I should be going to bed now really." Lily finally broke the silence as the grandfather clock chimed 3 o'clock.

"Yeah." He was still searching her face, taking all of her in, he might not get the chance again. She stood up carefully, her heels only giving her some slight support under her thin weight. He stood too, ready to catch her if she were to lose her balance, but luckily for her, she didn't.

"Well, goodnight." Devon concluded awkwardly, turning away from her.

"Hang on." She said, as he made a move to go upstairs to his own room. Devon turned back to see her half-run to the drinks table and grab the last bottle of Firewhiskey, lifting it to her lips and downing as much as she could. With his own head foggy, everything sped up as she took off her heels one second, the next she was running up to him, the next her lips were on his, her arms around his neck, his lips on hers. And then it was over. She unmatched herself from him and stepped away, her arms falling back down at her sides.

"I don't usually do that. Sorry," She giggled embarrassedly, turning to walk away. "Goodnight."

Devon was still in shock, he was just staring at her back as she walked away from him, from that kiss. Suddenly his feet were moving in her direction, and he spun her round quickly, locking his lips onto hers; he had caught her by surprise, but she soon melted into the kiss.

Lily's hands snaked up to stroke the boy's hair, her soft fingers running through his short but silky hair as she pushed his head a little closer. His hands held tightly to her waist, his fingers slightly digging into her flesh in a protecting way, she wanted nothing more than to stay like this forever. But of corse, like all good things, the kiss ended much too quickly as Devon pulled away, smiling at her as she pouted slightly up at him.

"Goodnight, Lily." He said softly, listening his grip slightly on her sides.

"Do we have to go?" Lily slurred, sliding her hands out of his hair.

"You'll thank me for it tomorrow." He cooed, placing a hand on her her chin, pushing it up slightly, making her meet his eyes.

"Will I." She mused, biting her lip seductively at him, her eyes gleaming.

"I certainly hope so." He almost growled out the words, he didn't even realise it was possible that she could turn him on anymore than she already had several times that night.