
Leader: Lionstar- fluffy golden tom with green eyes

Deputy: Fawnheart- small lithe white she-cat with amber eyes

Medicine Cat: Tinyleaf- tan she-cat with emerald green eyes Apprentice: Spottedpaw


Moontail- black tom with blue eyes

Hawkshade- large brown tabby tom with amber eyes Apprentice: Oakpaw

Falconflight- black and white tom with green eyes

Duskfang- dusty brown tom with orange eyes and long fangs

Wildlily- dark golden she-cat with amber eyes

Roseflame- redish black she-cat with green eyes

Tansylight- goldenish tan she-cat with deep blue eyes and white paws

Icepath- large white tom with blue eyes

Cinderstream- sleek silver she-cat with fluffy tail and green eyes Apprentice: Pigeonpaw

Swiftsong- black she-cat with blue eyes and white tail

Morningbreeze- light grayish brown she-cat with green eyes

Nightclaw- jet black tom with gleaming gold eyes

Bristletail- ginger tabby tom with fluffy tail and blue eyes

Dawncloud- cream colored she-cat with blue eyes

Whitefeather- white tom with gray paws and green eyes

Mosspetal- tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes

Hollyshine- black she-cat with long gray tail and striking blue eyes

Tailwind- dusty orange tom with green eyes

Willowheart- gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Flamestrike- fiery ginger she-cat with green eyes


Spottedpaw- white tom with dark brown and light brown spots and blue eyes

Oakpaw- large brown she-cat with blue eyes

Pigeonpaw- fluffy gray tom with green eyes


Hailfoot- gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes (mother to Lionstar's kits: Dustkit- brown tom with amber eyes, Sorrelkit- brown and white she-kit with brilliant blue eyes, Sandykit- tan she-kit with sparkling amber eyes)

Daylily- black she-cat with white paws (mother to Moontail's kits: Snowkit- small weak skinny white tom with green eyes and Redkit- large orange tom with green eyes)


Twistedtail- gray tabby she-cat with bent tail and blue eyes

Bramblesong- brown tabby she-cat with green eyes

Cloudfoot- white tom with gray spotted legs and amber eyes


Leader: Dewstar- white tom with long messy fur, and dark blue eyes

Deputy: Rushstalk- sleek black tom with green eyes

Medicine Cat: Waterwish- blueish gray she cat with small silvery flakes, honey colored eyes, and a strikingly pink nose Apprentice: Leafpaw (brown tabby tom)


Wolfclaw- gray tom

Amberheart- ginger she-cat with white paws

Copperfur- goldish-gray tom

Lilyfeather- blackish gray she-cat

Creekblossom- gray calico with green eyes Apprentice: Milkpaw (long furred white tom)

Silverheart- silver she-cat with bright blue eyes

Aspenfur- orange, gray tom with blue eyes

Streamsong- blueish-gray she-cat

Moonpebble- blueish gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Berryblossom- tortoiseshell tom with green eyes

Echomist- sleek black she-cat

Suncloud- fluffy ginger tom Apprentice: Mosspaw (grayish green she-cat)

Grasswhisker- grayish brown tabby tom

Rosecloud- white she-cat with orange tail

Tanglethorn- tan tabby she-cat

Fernleaf- gray she-cat with green eyes


Splashheart- orange and white she-cat (expecting Wolfclaw's kits)

Brightflower- ginger she-cat (mother to Berryblossom's kits: Podkit- black she-kit, Fishkit- gray she-kit and Brownkit- brown tom)


Fogwhisper- dark gray tom

Mossywhisker- old white and brown she-cat


Leader: Moonstar- ginger and orange she-cat with odd moon like shape on her forehead, and sea green eyes

Deputy: Ghostfur- light gray tabby tom with blue-ish stripes

Medicine Cat: Hollowheart- brown and white tom with blue eyes


Bearfoot- large brown tom with black paws

Ravenspirit- night black tom with crimson eyes

Midnightclaw- jet black she-cat

Littlefeather- small tan she-cat Apprentice: Spiritpaw (ghostly gray tom)

Wildsong- light reddish-gold she-cat with white "snowflakes" all over her pelt, and one dark smoky hazel-brown eye and one light frosty honey amber eye

Blazecloud- ginger tom

Shinningheart- silver, orange she-cat Apprentice: Graypaw (gray she-cat)

Talonclaw- sharp faced brown tom

Ivystorm- black and gray she-cat

Moonshine- black she-cat

Reedtail- brown and white tom with black paws


Breezefoot- black she-cat (mother to Talonclaw's kits: Cedarkit- gray tom, Gingerkit- fluffy orange she-kit)

Fallensong- gray and white she-cat (expecting Ravenspirit's kits)


Dustythroat- raspy old tom (formerly known as Quickpaw)

Leaffall- old brown tabby and white she-cat


Leader: Gladestar- skinny black tom with piercing yellow eyes

Deputy: Breezeflower- light orange she-cat with green eyes Apprentice: Maplepaw

Medicine Cat: Deadleg- thick furred black tom with green eyes (was thought to be dead as a kit)


Jayflight- gray and white tom with blue eyes

Brackentail- brown tom with amber eyes

Dustfeather- brown and white tom with amber eyes

Rapidriver- blue gray tom with white flecks and light blue eyes

Marshheart- brown she-cat with blue eyes

Darkcloud- black tom

Stonefur- Gray/black she-cat with blue eyes

Leopardheart- Yellow she-cat with black spots

Crowmask - A black tom with green eyes and a silver muzzle.

Duskflame- pale grey and ginger tom

Owlleaf- dark brown tom with dark blue eyes

Smokefang- smokey gray tom with blue eyes

Sunblaze- black tom with golden paws and eyes


Ivymoss- white and black she-cat (expecting Smokefang's kits)

Cloverleaf- dark gray she-cat with light green eyes (mother to Rapidriver's kits. Lilykit- white she kit with brown paws light green eyes, Duskkit- Fluffy dark grey tom with light indigo eyes, and Mosskit- white Tom with blue gray flecks and light blue eyes)


Swanfeather- fluffy white she-cat

Petalfrost- silver she-cat


Starry warriors begin to fill into the mossy clearing, their eyes glinting in the gloomy darkness. A large orange tom is in the center of the clearing,his tail curled over his paws.

"Greetings cats of StarClan!" he meows, his voice growing louder and louder with each word. The StarClan cats shift on their paws, ears pricking at every slight sound around them. "I assume you all know the prophecy about...him" the tom continues. StarClan cats begin to nod their heads and the tom gets to his paws, "Alright like normally we need a cat who will guide this tom. Though we cannot change his fate we maybe be able to change his mind..." his voice trails off just as a black she-cat pads forward.

"Why can't we just tell him the prophecy? Then surely he'll know what not to do in life" she murmurs quietly, the tom lashes his tail.

"Hollyheart you know as well as I do that knowledge isn't always power!" he growls, Hollyheart's eyes flash but she dips her head to the tom before withdrawing back into the ranks of StarClan cats.

"That's what you always say Foxclaw! Maybe if we tell him, he'll be able to change his future!" a gray tom suggests padding forward until she's nose to nose with Foxclaw. Foxclaw blinks in surprise, but he quickly shakes out his fur and turns to face the StarClan cats around him.

"I respect, what are first leaders. Thunderstar, Riverstar, Shadowstar and Windstar once said. Knowledge can kill a cat, burn them with worry and responsibility." he explains,

"But that'd be good! After all we all know his future," a long furred tan spotted she-cat meows stepping forward. Foxclaw shakes his head,

"All we can see is darkness, Poolstream-" he starts, a large black tom cuts him off.

"That's all we need to know! For the Clans sake Foxclaw, you know as well as I do that we should end this cats life early. As a kit, we can blame it on a fox or a badger!" he growls, Foxclaw lashes his tail.

"No! Never! We will give this kit a chance! We will not tell him the truth but we will guide him so that he doesn't well..." his voice trails off.

"Go into darkness?" a silvery white she-cat murmurs, Foxclaw nods to her.

"Yes, Silverpool. So who will it be?" he scans the cats expectantly, no one comes forward.

"Why not you?" a brown tabby tom sneers, "To much of a hard task for such an important warrior!" Foxclaw's fur bristles but he manages to stay calm.

"Mouseflight, we all know that I...I..." his voice cracks, Mouseflight grins.

"That you failed! Poor Foxclaw failed to lead what's her name?...Oh yes! Mapleshade! You failed to help her on her way and now she's stuck in the darkness! The darkness that you created!" he yowls, Foxclaw lowers his head.

"The Place of No Stars..." he murmurs quietly,

"Yes...exactly!" Mouseflight sneers, Foxclaw rises his head to meet Mouseflight's cruel gaze.

"I would guide him if I could...I promise you but...but...I...I...I...failed..." his voice cracks again. Silverpool pads forward, she whispers something in his ear. Foxclaw smiles thankfully at her before padding away, Silverpool turns to face the gathered cats.

"Foxclaw will not be able to do this task, due to his...failure at the other one so the question is...who will?" she asks. Mouseflight sneers,

"Not me!" he jibs. Silverpool smiles sweetly,

"Thank you so much for offering Mouseflight I'm sure you'll be a great mentor!" she meows, Mouseflight opens his mouth to protest but no sound comes out. Silverpool nods to him,

"You can prove your right to be in StarClan. You realize you almost got sent to Mapleshade's territory, you realize this is your last chance."

The prologue is done :) Please, please review it gets me more motivated to write the next chap! I don't have much else to say...its FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY GOT TO GET DOWN ON FRIDAY! EVERYBODY'S LOOKING FORWARD TO THE WEEKEND! I HATE that song but it is Friday so :) anyway please review I don't own warriors and yeah!

Until next time...
