I bet you didn't expect to hear from me anytime soon! I've had so much writers block recently, but here you go, finally, the breakout chapter! This isn't even half way through the story, and I can't wait for you guys to join me on this journey! Remember to review, the more you guys do that, the faster I'll push these out to you! The first half of this Chapter is from Dave's point of view, and then it switches over to Mindy's. Enjoy! Also this hasn't been proof read!

Chapter Eleven


Me and the Colonel spent the better half of the next couple of days preparing. This wasn't going to be easy, not at all. But no, I was just going along for the ride. The Colonel had managed to get hold of a few contacts of his, armed forces that were actually on our side, disagreed with what the police force were doing with Hit-Girl. They wanted to join us too, in what I assumed was some kind of Renaissance of Justice Forever.

There was so much planning to do, which we had to do secretly, under the guise of Piano lessons, and catch up sessions The Colonel insisted to his wife he was obligated to give me... But finally, the night had arrived. I was anxious, to say the least. I mean if all went well, we'd have Mindy safe and sound back with us, and the worst that could happen was... Well... Prison for us too. But I was seriously willing to take that risk, honestly, I had never felt more ready for something in my entire life.

"Right. So everyone knows the plan?" The Colonel asked, smiling as he looked over his new troupe. There were probably around 7-8 people, all masked in bright heroic colors. It was kinda ironic considering what they were about to do, But hey, I wasn't going to argue. I just wanted Mindy back.

"Maybe go over it again?" asked one particularly large fat guy, who seemed to be going under the guise of 'The Atomic', not my first choice of name for him but whatever I suppose beggars can't be choosers.

I thought Sal was going to be annoyed for a second, I mean he'd already explained it like a thousand times already, but no. He just grinned and threw his hands out and began once again.

"Right! It's simple really, and I mean very very simple! So I've heard from my fantastic sources that Hit-Girl is on the third floor, locked up in Cell 341. So... We get through the main security gates using these babies." The Colonel pulled out some odd looking grenades from his pocket and winked at me. "These are a design of my own creation. Fortunately unlike standard grenades, these won't actually kill people. It'll just knock them about a little, and they'll be down and out of action for a good few hours. Perfect for this job."

I smiled, it was great seeing the Colonel like this again, I swear in a different life he could have been the President if things had worked out slightly different. I kinda blanked out for the next part of his speech, but I knew what we had to do anyway, the most important part of this was plain and simple. Follow the Colonel's lead.

"Okay!" The Colonel placed his hand in the middle of the large circle of us, and we all did the same. "Justice Forever!" we exclaimed, raising our hands into the air. It was time.


I had no idea what was going on, honestly, fuck. Here I was minding my own business, and then suddenly out of nowhere all I could see was a lot of smoke, the sounds of explosions, and shouting, a lot of fucking shouting.

I tried poking my head out from my cell, but I couldn't see anything at all. Sighing loudly, I swung around and just sat down on my bed. Whatever was going on, I sure as hell wasn't going to be of any use, not without my mask. But then – that's when I heard it. My name, I was sure as hell I heard it being shouted... And I was almost certain that the voice shouting for me wasn't just anyone in particular. I heard Dave.

"I'm over here!" I exclaimed loudly, my heart racing. I almost shouted his name, but knowing him he was in costume. I didn't want his secret identity getting out, not now mine was. That sucked, I knew that first hand.

Three security guards ran straight past me, staring at me in fear as they did so. What the hell? Did they seriously think this was my fault!? I didn't ask to get broken out of prison... Not that I minded of course! I just hoped that Dave, or whoever he was with could actually pull it off. I mean if it was that easy I'd have done it already by now, broken out I mean.

But then – I saw someone I really didn't expect. The Fucking Colonel showed up! He just waltzed straight over to the door, whistling loudly, and looked up and down the corridor.. Before unlocking my cell with ease!

I just stared at him dumbstruck for a few seconds, before Dave came flying out of nowhere stumbling around in pain. It looked like a dog had gnawed quite deeply into his leg. He just stood there in the spot for a moment cussing loudly, the usual shits, the fucks, the oh my gods... Before he turned and looked at me.

"Mindy!" he ran straight for me and pulled me straight into a hug, his injured leg long forgotten. He was covered in all sorts of cuts, but they just made me laugh. It was probably nothing more than a scratch for Dave. We just stood there embracing for what seemed like minutes, until an awkward cough came from The Colonel.

He just pointed towards the smoke, which was slowly clearing to reveal all of the current members of Justice Forever running away cowardly from seven or eight police dogs, straight into our direction. It was genuinely an 'oh shit moment'.

"It's okay. Follow me. We've got to get your costume yet!" Dave shouted loudly over the still booming explosions and screams. We started heading off through the corridor, there were prison guards every left right and center.
"Over here! Quickly!" Dave shouted, jumping over a stair banister. I did the same and we clambered up higher and higher until – A large guy, dressed in bright Pink appeared, his smile gleaming, holding a large cardboard box!

"Fuck okay, you found it!" I shouted, and again he just smiled, before bowing in front of me. "Uhm, okay dude – you can know it off now." It kinda creeped me out a little.

"Come on Mindy, It's time to go – Let's get you out of here." Dave said, the Colonel only just appearing at his side, with the rest of his men.

The Colonel had explained the way out to me hundreds of times the past couple of days. Our solution to getting out couldn't be the way we got in. Right now the Army were probably on their way to stop us. We needed something much more fool proof than just simply slipping back out the front door. No – This was pure genius.

Clambering up the stairs we smashed through the door, and onto the roof. There in all of it's glory was a helicopter.

"Oh my days, I was right." The Colonel said in disbelief, before running over to the helicopter and opening the door. "Come on gang! Let's get out of here!"


Mindy just smirked at me, and bolted straight for the cockpit. I wasn't going to argue, she could probably fly this thing 100x better than anyone else here. Within seconds everyone was in, and we were started up ready to go. Lifting off from the building it honestly seemed like we were home free. That was – until the planes showed up.

We'd easily got around twenty miles out of town before any of us noticed the lights around us, flashing over and over again. It was only then that Mindy looked around and whispered 'oh fuck' as to not upset the Colonel with her language. She looked over at me grimly and picked up the headset that lay next to her, and cringed turning it on.

Immediately we could hear shouts and demands. We had to land now – or they'd shoot. The next few minutes were a blur, but I know one thing that definitely did happen. We were shot out of the sky.