Chapter Ten (CPOV)

The little one died screaming, begging for mercy. Such a pitiful way to go. If you are to die, begging for your life is disgraceful. At least the boy accepted his fate and chose not to struggle. The little seer however, she was persistent in keeping her life. I was surprised at the venom my Isabella showed towards the both of them but I also knew she let them off easy for the sake of the rest of the coven she still held dear. I held her close to me as the vampires were ripped limb from limb. She was strong but I wanted her to know that she did not have to be strong all the time I would always be there to support her and help her through times she could not help herself.

The Cullen's that had chosen to stay would be assets to the guard, two of them anyway. The big one, the Felix look alike, would be a huge asset to training new recruits and in fights and battles that would inevitably occur. The Major was the one I was most interested in, partially because of his interest in Isabella, but mainly because of his reputation. He would definitely be a huge asset to strategizing and training. I had a sneaking suspicion he would quickly become head of the higher guard simply with his credentials. The blonde one that reminded me of a Barbie doll had no noticeable skills I knew of that could be considered useful. I knew she would be allowed to stay though seeing as her mate had use in our castle.

Once the bodies were gone Aro stood.
"I think, it is time for our friends Carlisle and Esme to leave while our young friends are shown to their new quarters," I agreed and released my hold on Isabella as she stood to say her goodbyes.
"Stay safe," she told them, nodding curtly before turning to talk to Aro, "I'd like to show our new members to their rooms," she told him. Aro nodded.
"Why of course, how lovely it would be for you to catch up at the same time," she nodded and smiled, the kind that would have any self-respecting vampire in the palm of her hand. She glanced back at me and motioned to follow. I stood and the five of us left the throne room.

"So, Caius here is your mate Isabella?" The Major asked, breaking the tension even I could feel, didn't need to be an empath for that.
"Yes, as it turns out," she looked up to me and smiled that beautiful smile. I looked down at her and smiled back growling as a coughing brought us out of our little word.
"Are you happy here? Do you want to stay here Bells? You can leave if you want," the large one told her, I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not leaving here Emmett, I like it here, I'm at home here," she told him and I smirked, there was no way she'd leave.
"Bells," He started but I cut him off with a glare,
"Her name," I hissed, "Is Isabella, you would do to remember it," I fixed him with a glare until he whimpered and looked away. Pathetic really.
"Where would I go Emmett? If I didn't want to be here? I certainly can't go back to Forks, I don't have any money, even if this castle didn't feel like home I'd still stay," she finished quietly before shaking her head and saying, "These are your rooms, Rosalie and Emmett on the left, Jasper on the right. I'll see you guys tomorrow maybe," she said turning away, clearly not wanting to hear their questions and accusations any more. I leaned down to whisper in her ear, "I'll see you later, mia cara, I would like to talk to the Major first," I kissed her temple before watching her head back the way we came, to the library most likely.
I turned towards to Major, "Shall we?"


I sat down in my chair behind my desk and watched as the other vampire surveyed his surroundings subtly before sitting down. A very tactical move, note down exits and possible items to use a weapon if a fight broke out. He sat down and I started,
"Well, you've taken quite an interest in the Volturi's new princess it seems. Would you care to explain why?" I asked him, leaning forward. He chuckled and I narrowed my eye's before he had a chance to explain.
"Calm down sir, I'm not here to take her away, quite the opposite really," he drawled getting comfortable in his chair. I motioned for him to continue, "you see, when Isabella was a human, I wanted to eat her, but I didn't at the same time, I wanted a taste definitely, but above all I wanted to change her. Make her a part of a new coven, make her my family. I worked out why too. You see, she is family, only slightly and distantly but through blood most definitely. I couldn't deal with it of course, somehow she, this little plain but beautiful human was related to me. I wanted to know all about her. The way she thought and her opinions and I wanted to protect her but Edward wouldn't allow it. Some bullshit about not wanting to shock her 'she's under too much stress already, don't add onto it' he'd say to me," he scoffed, "But now she's here and with the one she's meant to be with. I want to know her, be a brother and a protector, not that she doesn't already have two of those in the form of your brother's," I took a breath.
"You want to connect with her, to be her best friend," I said slowly.
"Yes," he laughed, "I do."
"I hope she agrees. No. I know she will, as unpredictable as she is she wants all the family she can get," I told him, "And your residence here would improve our guard immensely. You will of course, ascend the ranks quickly, I have no doubt."
"Neither do I," he replied with a cocky smirk.
"I have no doubt I shall see you lot's Major Whitlock, good evening," he stood up and bowed slightly.
"Good evening," he turned and left.

A/N: I am SO SOSOSOSOSOSO SO UNBELEIVABLY SORRY! School just buried me by the end of last year and I had to get on top of it this year however you'll be happy to know there's only one chapter to go! To all my new reviewers and followers, THANK YOU SO MUCH 3 I'm so glad people are reading and still enjoying. Also, got my first flame! I feel like a real author now :D

Please forgive me.

Love ya xx