On December 26th, 2014, I updated the latest chapter of this story. It's been almost 5 years and now I'm back again. I apologize for delaying this chapter, but it's been quite difficult to find the time to write. I do hope you can enjoy it.

-Troubled Waters

The group teleported to Lake Hylia, landing on a platform they were warped too. A soft gasp escaped the mouth of the young hero. Sheik looked at Link, as he appeared crestfallen. The lake was almost completely gone. Only a small pool of water remained. He knew in his mind this was the evil that was at work here. The hurt in his eyes was evident, as he took a deep breath. His heart literally ached for those who lived here. He quickly changed from his green tunic into the blue one that was infused with magic capabilities. He wasn't entirely sure if he really did help him breathless underwater, but he'd try. He jumped into the pool of water and wore his iron boots to sink to the entrance of the Water Temple. Sheik, Rusl, Zeruda, and Impa watched him see if it was successful or not.

In the water, Navi flew in front of Link. With her being a fairy gave her the ability to breathe underwater and she could talk normally. "Are you breathing?" She asked the blond young hero. He shook his head, and she looked at him. "Listen, I think that the king gave you something that really works." Link released his breath, watching the bubbles float towards the surface. His body began to react to him not breathing. He hoped it worked. Closing his eyes, he opened his mouth expecting water. Instead, he had the air that he needed and nodded to Navi. "See, I told you so," the fairy commented.

Withdrawing his hook, Link focused on a crystal that was wedged in the wall. After hitting it, it floated out to rest on the surface of the water. The gate before the young hero opened and he made his hands into fists. He was finally a step closer to being able to save Rinku. He motioned for the others to join him. With that, he descended into the dark entryway with a look of determination on his face. Link heard a few splashes, letting him know that his crew was following him. It seemed that all of them were wearing blue tunics, which would allow them to breathe underwater.

Once he walked through the entryway, the water was noticeably colder and he shivered a bit. Link then removed his iron boots and placed them in his pouch. He pulled himself up onto a small ledge before he turned to help the others up. Once they were all up, Link looked through the doorway and saw a blue tektite. He aimed his hook shot and ended its life. He jumped to the middle, looking around. Seeing the different paths and then looking down, he bit his lower lip. "Hmm, I'm not entirely which way to go, but I guess going down can't hurt," Link whispered to them. The group nodded and after Link placed on his iron boots, the group began to descend down into the darkness.

They reached the bottom, as they all floated down following the young blond hero. Glancing around, they noticed several different corridors. Link looked around and gave a soft huff. He began to walk towards one when he suddenly stopped. His companions gave him a look, as he slowly shook his head and pointed to a corridor to their left. The corridor had yellow patterns on the outside of it. The group made their way through until they rounded several of the corners. Link stared in confusion for a moment. Standing in the middle, was a young looking female Zora.

"Oh...you... If I'm right...Link?! You're Link, aren't you? It's me, your fiancee, Ruto! Princess of the Zoras!" Link appeared dumbfounded and his expression was one of utter surprise. His cheeks flushed red, as he looked back at her. "I never forgot the vows we made to each other seven years ago! You're a terrible man to have kept me waiting for these seven long years...But now is not the time to talk about love...I'm sure you've already seen it! Zora's Domain-totally frozen!" She stopped when she saw her savior. "Hey, that young man named Sheik saved me from under the ice...But my father and the other Zoras have not...yet. I want to save them all! I want to save Zora's Domain!" She glanced back over at Link, "You! You have to help me! This is a request from me the woman who is going to be your wife! Link, you have to help me destroy the evil monster in the temple, okay!? Inside the water temple, the three places where you can change the water level. I'll lead the way, follow me!" She floated up and out of view, as they looked at Link, who looked mildly uncomfortable.

A few hours later, the group was growing irritable and tired. Link panted, as he leaned over with his hands on his knees. "Why is this temple so confusing?"

Sheik placed a comforting hand on his arm. "It's okay, we'll figure this out." He only smiled a bit, before entering the room before him. Glancing around he saw a few tektites and several dragon heads. Hitting the crystal in the middle, he managed to raise the water level. The tektites made their way towards Link. He quickly removed his sword and dispatched them quickly. He worked his way to the other side, allowing the others to follow. Once they made it to the top, the two tektites and like-like were quickly destroyed. Jumping over the spikes, the group made it through the door. It slammed down behind them with iron bars blocked their way.

Glancing around the white room, the mist-like appearance made Link shiver slightly. Zeruda looked around and whispered, "Why do I get the feeling someone is watching us?" Link swallowed a bit, walking a few feet ahead of the group. They were suddenly encased in a lightning barrier. He turned in shock and made his way to them. The lightning reflected his sword and he grimaced slightly. Zeruda's eyes widen in shock and she pointed, "Link, behind you!"

Link turned around and his eyes widen in horror. He recognized those ash blond locks, those blue eyes which held a hint of red, and the smirk on his face sent a chill down Link's back. "Rinku!? But...why?" He was so shocked, that he didn't know what else to say.

The evil laughter that escaped his lips threw Rusl and Zeruda into disbelief. Rusl raised this boy when his parents died and Zeruda witnessed this man selflessly sacrifice everything to save her kingdom. To see what Ganondorf did to him made their blood boil with anger. His green tunic had dry blood stains along with rips, his right ear was covered with dry blood, that stained the side of his neck. "Well well, if it isn't the wannabe hero, Link." His voice sounded somewhat the same, with a hint of...evil?

"What the hell did Ganondorf do to you!?" The disbelief in Rusl's voice tore at Link's heart, as he witnessed what happened to his descendant. The man tortured Rinku, that much was certain, and then somehow turned him against them.

Rinku turned his attention to the group encased in the lightning barrier and smirked more. "My Master did nothing, except grant me power!"

"Master!?" Rusl and Zeruda exclaimed in horror. Link's mouth dropped open, as he took a few steps back. Sheik and Impa glanced at each other in slight horror. Zeruda felt tears in her eyes, while she continued to watch the scene before her. Rinku was taunting Link, approaching him ever so slightly and all he could do was back away in horror.

Author's Note: The battle many others have been looking forward to will be in the next chapter. I apologize for the short chapter and I also apologize for not updating in almost...5 years...I am so sorry about that. I hope you liked it and please give constructive criticism. I appreciate it.

Yami no Nokutan
July 7th, 2019
4:50pm xD