Chapter Twenty
Princess Luna's moon washed over the land with a glow of warmth and comfort as nightfall arrived in Equestria. Just on the outskirts of the Crystal Empire remained Big Mac who was trotting back and forth upon the hill where he asked Fluttershy to marry him. He panted heavily in and out as he felt ashamed of himself for asking the pegasus to marry him during a time where she was missing her son.
How could Ah have been so stupid? Ah should've waited until Toby returned to ask Miss Fluttershy to marry me. Ah surely do miss the little guy, and Ah should be more focused on him returning home the thinking about my own greedy needs. Ah…
"Big Mac?" His thoughts were cut off by the timid voice of Fluttershy. He turned to see her trotting up the here "Oh there you are Big Mac, I've been looking for you." She panted lightly and looked at him with a light smile "Um… what are you doing out here?" She gave him a look mixed with curiousness and worry.
A heavy sigh escaped the red stallion's lips "Well Miss Fluttershy, Ah wanted to apologize for asking you to marry me so soon last night. Ah should've wait until our son returned and…" He was gently shushed as Fluttershy placed a hoof on his muzzle.
"Yes!" A soft beaming smile spread across the yellow mare's face. A pink blush formed on her cheeks as she carefully took her hoof of his muzzle.
Big Mac swallowed deeply and blinked his eyes "Wait Miss Fluttershy… Ya mean?" Fluttershy gave a simple nod and blushed a deeper shade of pink. He beamed from ear to ear "Oh Miss Fluttershy, ya don't know happy that makes me feel that ya said yes, but how…" She gently placed her hoof back on his muzzle.
"Well… Um… I 've been thinking Big Mac about your proposal… and… um.. I thought it would be good for Toby to have both of us living under the same roof. Also… Um… I love you too Big Mac. Um.. It's just that I'm really shy… and…" It was her turn to be cut off as Big Mac pressed his muzzle tenderly and gave her a kiss.
After releasing, Fluttershy was left speechless and Big Mac simply grinned "Ah love ya Miss Fluttershy and I promise to the best stallion you could ever have and the best papa Toby could ever have."
Fluttershy blushed deeply, but suddenly wrapped her forelegs around his neck in a tight hug. He smiled warmly and returned the hug. She felt tears roll down her cheeks "Thank you Big Mac, this is exactly what Toby deserves. We all deserve to be together as a happy family, and it's going to come true." She pulled her head back and gave the stallion another kiss.
"Hey Fluttershy, it's about time for…." The voice of Discord could be heard, causing Fluttershy and Big Mac to jump. The draconequus chuckled "Oh, am I interrupting something?" He gave a sly grin and rested his chin on his lion paw.
Both of the ponies cleared their throats as Fluttershy looked up at him "Um…. no… nothing Discord. We were just… um… hey, why are you here anyway?" She gave a look of curiousness at him.
He simply chuckled "Well my sweet and shy little friend." He leaned his lion paw down to playfully pinch at her cheek and chuckled "I'm here to let you know, and I guess now your big red friend here that it's about time for us to meet the others in the mirror room."
Fluttershy squeaked and looked at Big Mac with a beaming smile "Oh Big Mac, we got to hurry. I don't want to miss my precious Toby's return home!" She hooked a foreleg around his "Let's go!" And she bolted off down the her with Big Mac quickly trotting beside her.
Discord watched as the two zoomed toward the castle with a grin on his muzzle. He chuckled It appears that there is love in the air, and I would have to search for my best tux. With a snap of his talons he vanished.
Back at the castle Big Mac and Fluttershy arrived at the mirror room where every pony and the princesses were all waiting. The group looked curiously at the two entering together as a smirk grew across the muzzle of Rarity "Well, isn't this a lovely surprise, welcome Big Mac darling." Big Mac simply gave a nod of his head.
Fluttershy looked up at him and beamed as she turned to face every pony "Um… every pony, before our precious little one returns… um… we have great news!" She looked back at Big Mac "Honey, would you like to tell them?"
"Honey?!" They all gasped in unison.
Big Mac blushed at the comment and looked at every pony "Well… er… Ah've asked Fluttershy to marry me and she said yes. So when our son comes back home, we're going to surprise him and then we'll start planning our wedding." A big cheesy grin spread across his muzzle.
A stunned silence fell over the room as everypony had looks of shock on their muzzles. Fluttershy and Big Mac both looked at them nervously as she bit her lower lip "Um… well… um.. what do you all think? It's going to be a big surprise for my precious one when he comes home."
"Well yall, what do ya say? Ah hope yall would be happy to…" Before Big Mac could finish, everypony rushed toward the two and swallowed them up in a big hug.
"Congratulations darlings!" Rarity beamed with excitement "Oh, this is such delightful news! I would be more than honored Fluttershy and Big Mac if you would allow me the opportunity to create you both something marvelous for the occasion." She batted her eyelashes in a hopeful manner.
"That would be great Rarity." The yellow pegasus smiled warmly and looked at her mate "What do you think Big Mac, would it be nice for Rarity to do my wedding dress and your tux?" She leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek, causing the group to let out a d'aww.
Big Mac simply responded "Eeyup."
Rarity clapped her forehooves together "Then it will be done. I promise to create you two the most marvelous wedding attire I've ever designed. I'll do it first thing when we all return, but now it's time for me to welcome my dear little nephew back home." She gives the two a beaming smile before trotting over to the mirror.
"Rarity's right girls. We can all talk about the wedding and everything once our son is back in our arms." Fluttershy hooked her foreleg with Big Mac's as they both nodded to their friends and trotted over to the mirror as well. Soon everypony followed suit as they all awaited on the return of their child.
Back in Canterlot City
Outside the school, the girls and Toby were all gathered around the statue where Toby first came through into their world. While he was thrilled to finally go back home, he was also saddened to say goodbye to his new friends and family. He sighed heavily as he looked at them "I'm going to miss you all. You have been good friends to me and although we're from different places, you are all apart of my family." He felt tears roll down his cheeks, but they were tears of joy.
Just like they did after his beautiful performance, the girls gathered around him and gave him a big, warm, group hug. They too began to shed tears of both joy and sorrow as they knew this was the last time they would see the precious little boy who touched their lives like no one else.
Once they broke away from the hug, each of the girls wanted to say their own goodbye to the little boy. The first was Pinkie Pie who playfully grabbed Toby from underneath his arms and lifted him up high in the air. She then began spinning around holding him gently,and then brought him back down to blow a raspberry on his tummy, causing the group to let out a light-hearted laugh.
She set him back down on the ground, crouched down on one knee, and wrapped him up in a warm hug. She rubbed up and down his back "I'm going to miss you my sweet little cupcake of a friend. It's going to be sad not to have any parties with you Toby, but I just know that your pony version auntie of me will throw you a very fun 'Welcome Back Nephew Toby, We Missed You So Much' party!" She beamed from ear to ear as he gave the boy a kiss on the cheek.
Toby giggled and smiled softly at her "I'm going to miss you too Pinkie. Thank you for comforting me that day in the park when I couldn't tell you all my story." He felt tears well up in his eyes as he recalled that day.
Pinkie delicately ran her hand through his hair "There is no need to thank me you cute little sweetheart." She playfully poked her two index fingers against his tummy, causing him to giggle. She smiled warmly at him and gave him one last big hug before standing back up and stepping back.
Rainbow Dash stepped up and reached a hand down to ruffle at the boy's hair. She smirked softly at him "Well kiddo, it was awesome getting to know you." She knelt down on one knee and placed her hand on his shoulder and playfully shook it "Keep up those basketball skills too when you get back home. I see a great athlete in you Toby. Of course not as great as me, but great nonetheless." She chuckled as she pulled him into a warm hug "I'm going to miss you little dude, you just keep being awesome like you are Toby." She rubbed at his back and stood back up.
He looked up at her "Thank you Rainbow Dash for letting me play with you that day and believing in me that I could do good." Rainbow Dash smiled softly and rubbed at her eye with a finger.
A collected d'awww escaped everyone as she looked at them "What?! I have something in my eyes." She stepped back.
"Well sugarcube, Ah guess this is the end of the line and ya must be getting back home." Applejack tipped her hat to Toby "Just remember Toby to always stay honest and truthful, not only to yourself but to your family and friends." She knelt down and pulled him into a warm embrace "Ah'm sure gonna miss ya little feller."
Toby hugged around her neck gently "I'm going to miss you too Applejack, and I promise to always be honest and tell the truth no matter what." He pulled away and gave her a warm smile.
Applejack returned the smile and ruffled his hair before standing up and stepping back to allow the next girl to say goodbye. Rarity leaned down and picked Toby up from under his arms and sat him on her hip. Her eyes were stained with tears as she held him with one arm supporting his bottom and the other supporting his back.
"Toby, I just want to let you know and I know the girls know so too, but you are such a precious little darling of a boy. Don't you ever change who you are, okay dear?" She leaned in to give him a tender kiss on the cheek.
He gave a tearful smile and hugged her around her neck. He laid his head on her shoulder "I promise Rarity I'll always stay the good boy I am. You are a good friend like all the girls, and you do make very pretty dresses just like my Auntie Rarity in Ponyville. Don't you stop making dresses." He smiled softly.
She reached up with a hand and gently stroked at his head before turning her head to kiss him one more time on the cheek. She put him on the ground "I promise darling, I will keep being the best fashionista I can be, and it's because of my friends, and also because of the wonderful little boy inside of you that I've come to call my friend." She gave him a warm smile and cutely poked at his nose.
Fluttershy walked up, but before she could say anything, Toby hugged around her waist tightly. She was taken aback a bit, but she gently wrapped her arms around his back in a warm embrace. She leaned her head down to kiss the top of his "Um… Toby, I know I'm not either one of your mothers.. but… ever since we met on your first day of school… um… I've felt like you were apart of me. I just want to tell you that I love you sweetie, and no matter what happens in the future, just know that you are loved by not just us, but all of your other family." She gave him a warm smile.
"I know Fluttershy, and I love you too. Although you aren't my mommy or my momma, you will always be my family and all of you girls too." He looked up at all them who gave him a tearful smile.
Fluttershy let out a slight squeak "Oh my… I almost forgot. Noi sweetheart come here." She motioned for the young girl to come and stand beside, which Noi obliged. When she stepped beside Fluttershy, the teen placed her hands gently on her shoulders "Um… Toby, after some consideration of what you asked of me this morning… and um… tomorrow I'm going to officially be the mother of Noi." She grinned ear from ear.
A look mixed with surprise and joy spread across the young child's face. He looked at Noi "Really Noi? You're going to have a mommy?"
Noi gave a nod and smiled brightly "Yes it's true sweetheart. Fluttershy is going to be my new mom, and it's all because of you Toby. Thank you so much sweetheart." She leaned her head forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
He blushed "I'm proud for you Noi and happy that you are going to finally be adopted and have a family." He then looked back at Fluttershy "I know you're going to be a great mommy Fluttershy, just like my momma in Equestria."
The older girl knelt down and pulled him into a hug "Thank you sweetie, I hope I don't let you down." She rubbed up and down his back soothingly and pulled him back gently. She caressed his cheek "You just remain the respectful and polite young gentleman you are Toby. Just like Sunset's song, you truly are an angel to all of us honey." She kissed her forehead and the others nodded in agreement.
Fluttershy stood up and stepped back with Noi's hand in hers. The three young girls who took the took the role of Toby's big sisters walked up to him and gave him a group hug. Each gave him a kiss on the top of his head and rubbed at his back comfortably.
"We love you little brother!" They spoke in unison.
Scootaloo ruffled his hair "It was awesome meet you little guy. I had fun the day at the park playing that game of bball with you. You keep up the game and keep being the cool little dude you are." She gave him a soft smirk and playfully punched at his shoulder.
"Ah'm gonna miss ya buddy." Applebloom patted him on his back "But Ah know ya need to get back home to your family. Just know that ya have three more big sisters here thinking about you." She gave him a wink and stepped back.
Sweetie Belle pulled him into a big hug of her own and stroked the top of his head delicately. She leaned her head down and kiss his crown "Applebloom is right cutie, you'll always have a special place in our hearts, every one of us." She motioned to all the girls with her hand "And I just hope we all will have a special place in yours." She gave a bright and warm smile before releasing the hug.
Toby sniffled and nodded "Of course Sweetie Belle. You and everyone will always be with me in my heart." He smiled warmly up at everyone, but noticed that one of them was absent from the circle of friends. He then saw Sunset standing off to the side with her hands folded in front of her as he carefully walked through the circle and toward her.
Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she looked at the little boy who had become such an angel in her life and gave her so much hope. A frown appeared on Toby's face as he approached her and looked up at her "Sunset, please don't cry." He hugged her tightly around her middle as he laid his head against her stomach.
A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she placed one hand on the back of his head and wrapped her other arm around his back hugging him to her. She lowered her head and buried it in the top of his "Oh my precious little angel of a brother, I'm going to miss you so much. You're such a beautiful child Toby, inside and out, and I hope that someday I get to see you again one way or another." She knelt down to one knee and kissed his cheek "Don't you ever change who you are Toby. You are not only an angel, but a beautiful gift to all of us."
The flood of tears Toby tried to hold back finally broke free as he wrapped his arms around her neck "I'm going to miss you too Sunset so much. Thank you for being there for me the first day here and protecting me from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon." He sniffled and laid his head on her shoulder.
She just held him and rubbed up and down his back soothingly "No need to thank me buddy, that's what family is for." She smiled and turned her head to kiss at his cheek. They continued the hug for a moment longer as the others cried and everyone had tearful smiles on their faces.
Suddenly the statue's center became a swirling vortex causing everyone to look in awe. With another heavy sigh Sunset carefully broke the hug and placed her hands on Toby's shoulder "Well my angel, it looks like it's time. Are you ready to go back home to reunite with your family?" She gave him a soft, yet sad smile.
Toby sniffled and nodded "Yes I am, but I wish you were going with me Sunset. You are my big sister, and I'm going to miss you so much, but I understand that this is your home here. Just know that I love you Sunset and you are my guardian angel." He smiled softly, yet sadly as well.
Sunset reached up to wipe away her tears and rubbed at his shoulders "Well buddy, you know you will always be my little brother, and if you ever need to smile on a day that you are sad, just think of me and the girls." She gave him one last kiss on his forehead and stood up "Goodbye Toby, I love you." She stepped back to allow the boy to go home.
With a deep breath, Toby turned around and approached the statue. He looked into the swirling portal and slowly turned around to face the ones he called his friends and second family one last time. He gave a wave of his small hand "Goodbye everyone, I love you!" He choked back a sob as he turned back toward the portal.
"Goodbye Toby, we love you!" The girls all said in unison as they watched their little friend step into the port and in a flash was gone. However the portal was still open as if it was waiting on another figure to step through. Then they all turned to face Sunset who had her back toward them with her gaze staring at the swirling vortex.
"Uh, Sugarcube, why didn't ya go with the little feller?" Applejack asked softly as she walked up to Sunset and placed a hand calmly on her shoulder.
Another hand was placed on her shoulder "Yes darling, you know that the little dear loves you and wanted you to go with him. Why in the world of Canterlot would you not go home with him?" Rarity gave a small frown to her friend.
Sunset let out a heavy sigh and turned toward the girls "I can't go back to Equestria you guys. You all know my story and why I can't go back. They would never accept me as his friend or family." Fresh hot tears were rolling down her cheeks "I love Toby, but I don't know if they would allow me the chance to be apart of his life as his big sister. Not after what I done."
Without warning Rainbow Dash stomped up to her and firmly smacked her across the face. Everyone gasped "That is enough Shimmer!" She gave a disapproving look.
"Ow! What was that for Rainbow?!" Sunset rubbed at her cheek with a hand.
The cyan toned girl sighed heavily and arched her eyebrows disappointingly. She placed her hand on Sunset's shoulder firmly "I'm sorry for doing that, but girl, you're being so uncool right now letting that child go back home alone. Yeah it was horrible what you done by stealing that Twilight Sparkle's crown and tried to turn everyone into your patsies. However, that was the past and this is the now, so get your rear in gear and go after him." She crossed her arms and let out a proud huff.
Everybody's jaws dropped at the assertiveness Rainbow shown, but mostly the wisdom in which she spoke. She quirked an eyebrow at their stares "What? I'm just telling the truth." She smirked and chuckled.
"Um… she's right Sunset." Fluttershy looked at the fiery haired girl "Toby may have all of his family back in Equestria just waiting to welcome him back… um…. but that family won't feel complete to him without you by his side. We are your friends Sunset and we all love you." She gave a soft smile and very softly let go of Noi's hand which the younger girl understood as she walked up to Sunset and gave her a hug.
Pinkie Pie beamed and skipped up to Sunset "Yeah Sunny, the sweet little cupcake is going to need you as a big sister to look up to. And if we can forgive you, I'm sure the pretty and nice pony versions of us can forgive you too." She joined in on the hug along with the rest.
As they shared a group hug Sunset allowed the remaining of her tears to shed "Oh you girls are so special to me." They broke the group hug as Sunset let out a heavy sigh and gave a soft smile to her friends "You all are right and Rainbow Dash, thank you for that smack of reality."
"Ah, don't mention it Shimmer. That's what friends are for, to help each other in need." Rainbow smirked proudly "Now you get going before I get too touchy feely."
Sunset chuckled as she looked around at each of the girls "I'm going to miss you all. You all shown me what true friendship is all about, and for that I thank you. I hope to see you all again some day,and I promise to make you proud of me as I continue to being the best person I can be." She smiled softly at them, took in a deep breath and exhaled, and then turned toward the statue.
She turned to face them one final time "Goodbye girls, I'll miss you!" She gave a wave of her hand and faced the portal Here I come my little brother. She entered into the portal and just like Toby, she was gone in a flash. The portal finally closed as she left Canerlot.
The girls smiled proudly as they watched their friend exit from their world into the portal. A heavy united sigh escaped their lips "Well gals, what shall we do now?" Applejack looked at them curiously.
Out of nowhere Pinkie squeaked excitedly "I think it's time for us to throw a 'We're Gonna Miss Sunset Shimmer, But Proud That She Is Going To Live With Her Little Brother And His Family' party!" She beamed happily.
Everyone giggled at her antics as they all decided to walk together away from the school for the night.
The Crystal Empire…
After going through the portal Toby slipped into unconsciousness just like his first time through it. However he could faintly hear voices calling to him "Oby?... Toby?... Toby? Wake up sweetheart?" Slowly, he blinked his eyes some until he could see through the lens of his glasses. At first his vision was blurry, but once it cleared he could see several sets of hooves around him.
He let out a small, soft grunt as he found himself on the floor/ the crystal floor of the mirror room. He gasped and slowly stood up as he blinked his eyes a few more times. Once he opened them fully, he could see that he was facing his family and a wide smile spread across his face.
Although they were all smiling at him, his eyes fell on one pony "Momma!" He cried out as he ran up to Fluttershy and wrapped his arms warmly around her neck as she crouched down when she saw him running toward her. He cried happily into her shoulder "Oh Momma, I've miss you so much!" He couldn't help but shake with light sobs.
Fluttershy felt tears of her own start to escape her eyes and roll down her cheeks. She wrapped both of her forelegs around her little boy in a warm embrace and laid her head over his shoulder. She rubbed up and down his back soothingly "Oh my precious little Toby, Momma missed you so much too!" They held the hug for a few moments.
Every pony quietly stood there with warm smiles on their muzzles as they watched the two share their special mother and son moment together. After releasing the hug, Toby sniffled and looked up at his adoptive mother, and then around at everypony else. He cried out softly each of their names "Auntie Rarity, Auntie Pinkie, Auntie Rainbow, Auntie Applejack, Auntie Twilight, Auntie Celestia, Auntie Luna, big sisters Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon,Uncle Discord, and Papa Big Mac I've missed you all so much too!" He allowed extra tears to flow.
"We miss you Toby!" They all said altogether and trotted up to him giving him an all around big hug.
Kevin, Nikolai, Riley, and Firebolt stood off to the side to witness the reunion between the human child and his family. Kevin turned to the other three "Hey guys, how about we go outside for a while and let them have this time together? We can spend time with Toby and get to know him later." The satyr gave a warm smile.
"You're right my friend." Nikolai gave a firm nod and looked at his partner, patting him on the head "Come Riley, let's go do some more exploring, this time in the woods." Riley simply nodded and the two turned to walk away.
Kevin turned to trot away when he noticed Firebolt quietly standing alone "Hey buddy, how about you join me and we go see what else is around this beautiful place?"
The stallion nodded "Sounds good to me my friend." He gave Kevin a warm smile as they exited the mirror room.
After breaking the hug Toby looked up at them "I'm so happy to be back home with all of you. I…" He was cut off as there was a thud heard behind them.
"Ugh… I forgot how much that hurts when going through that thing." Sunset Shimmer grunted as she slowly stood up, now back in her pony form shook off effects of going through the portal.
"Sunset!" An gleeful yell escaped Toby's lips, causing the mare to look up after shaking her head to get the extra cobwebs out.
She looked to see Toby and smiled warmly "Hi there buddy, surprised to see me?" She gave a laugh as the little boy walked up to her. She saw that she even stood above him in pony form so she crouched down and he hugged her around her neck. She wrapped a foreleg around his back and kissed his forehead.
"Sunset, I thought you said you was going to stay back in Canterlot City. What made you change your mind?" He asked curiously, but with a big smile.
"Well Toby, I…"
"Sunset Shimmer, it is good to have you return to Equestria." Princess Celestia trotted up and gave her a warm smile "Welcome back my little pony."
Sunset swallowed deeply and bowed her head "Thank you your highness." She looked up at the alicorn "I want to apologize Princess Celestia for the crime I committed last time was here. I…" She was gently cut off as Celestia raised a hoof.
"Don't you fret Sunset, Twilight Sparkle explained how you learned your lesson before she left your world. You are forgiven and it looks like that my dear little nephew has made not only a new friend, but a new family member while he was gone." She smiled down at the child and nuzzled the top of his head. She cleared her throat as she turned toward everypony "Well my little ponies and nephew, shall we head toward the throne room and allow our precious child tell us of his adventure?" They all nodded and started to exit one by one.
Fluttershy trotted up to her son and knelt to let him climb up on her back, which he happily obliged. As he got on her back and hugged around her neck, she turned to kiss at his cheek. She then blushed "Um… and Toby sweetheart, your papa and I have something special to tell you. Isn't that right Big Mac?" She turned to look at the stallion and trotted up close to him.
"Eeyup." He looked back at his son "Toby my big boy, you momma and Ah are going to get married." His red cheeks became redder as he told the boy the news.
"Really?! You mean I'm going to be living with both of you?!" He asked happily as a wide smile of joy spread across his face. Fluttershy and Big Mac simply nodded as Toby gently tightened his hug around her neck, but she didn't mind, because she was so happy to have her son back.
Sunset followed behind the three with a warm smile on her face You deserve it buddy. For being the special angel you are, you deserve to have the family you so wished for.
Meanwhile back in the region of the frozen north, the lurking figure focused it's shadowy eyes upon the Crystal Empire. Made of nothing but shadow and smoke, a low heavy chuckle escaped from it's form.
That's right little human, enjoy your time back home with your family and friends as long as you can. For the time will come when I, King Sombra shall make my triumphant return to power, and take back my throne of the Crystal Empire. But for now, in order for my plan to become reality, I'm going to need some help. I believe I'll pay a visit to Tartarus to begin with.
Soon the shadowy form of the tyrant king slowly descended from the frozen north and headed toward it's destination.
Soon Equestria, I promise you all will fall before the mighty hooves of King Sombra.