I'm back.

"Ymir for God's sake they're going to be here any minute!" came the cry from Christa's side of the bed, "are you not even going to start packing?"

Ymir shrugged from her side of the bed, lazily picking at her nose and flicking it towards the door, "I have three hours, how much do you think I'm going to pack?"

"Christmas break is three weeks," Christa cried, hastily folding her pyjamas into her own monstrously overcrowded suitcase. Ymir didn't move.

"You're aware I live like a Spartan right? I don't think I even own three weeks' worth of clothes."

Christa smiled.

"Aww baby you learned what a Spartan was!"

The brunette scoffed and launched herself from her bed, pinching her girlfriend's cheeks.

"Very funny. Okay I'll humour you. Still don't know what I'm going to do for the other two hours and forty-five minutes we'll be waiting though."

She reached under her bed and pulled out a small rucksack, shaking out the odds socks lining the bottom and tossing them onto the floor. She opened her wardrobe, pulled out three jackets and another pair of jeans, and shoved them inside.

"You're not even going to fold them?"

"Why bother? We don't own an iron."

Christa sighed. Ymir was right of course but that didn't stop the nagging nervousness creeping into her head. Her mother told her to bring a nice boy home and neither of her parents seemed particularly enthused at the idea of her bringing her room-mate home, even with her omitting one very important detail.

"You didn't meet a nice boy?" her mother had probed on the phone when Christa was arranging the whole thing. The blonde gritted her teeth into a smile, even though she knew her mother couldn't see it.

"I met many nice boys," she said, "but Ymir has nowhere to go for Christmas so I thought…"

She could hear her mother tutting on the other end of the line.

"You thought you'd bring her with you? Well that's no problem, your father will just have to make up the guest bedroom."

A small smile played on Christa's lips at the thought.

"Thank you."

Her mother sighed quietly, but the blonde girl could still make it out.

"We're just happy to have you home."

Christa let out a loud breath. Ymir raised an eyebrow.

"Something eating at you?"

Christa nodded.

"Parents… I just want you to make a good impression."

Ymir stood to her full height and gestured at her torn sweater and black jeans.

"What part of this doesn't scream 'good impression'?"

Christa narrowed her eyes. The taller girl smirked and squatted so their faces were level.

"It'll be fine princess," she said ruffling the blonde's fringe.

"Your words fill me with confidence," the shorter girl answered sarcastically, but she couldn't help but smile at the grinning idiot in front of her.

Christa's parents arrived exactly when they said they would. Ymir carried both bags down to the car where Christa's father helped her toss them into the boot.

"You travel light," he remarked at the brunette.

Ymir shrugged, slamming the boot shut with more force than necessary, "Gotta travel light when Christa's around."

A short 'hrmmm' was all the response she got and soon they were settling into the three hour long drive back to Christa's home. Christa's father was already deep into another lecture.

"I told you not to party and what did you do? Not only did you attend an illegal party before classes even began, you also slept on a rooftop at the start of November! I've never been more scared in my life."

Christa stole a glance at her girlfriend, who appeared to be asleep, mouth hanging open with one arm covering her eyes.

"Dad I-"she began, but the words quickly became lost in her mouth, "I'm sorry."

Her father slammed his palm on the steering wheel, causing Ymir to snort herself awake and glower at the man in front of her, disgruntled.

"We got a call saying you were in hospital and we almost rushed to get you, if it wasn't for that doctor telling us you were in good company…" he trailed off seething.

Christa caught Ymir's eye and the other girl smirked. Ymir had managed to fall asleep with her in the tiny single hospital bed and, if it wasn't for the nurse cruelly rousing her several hours later, she might have stayed there all night. With a kiss and a promise of return the brunette was shepherded out of the ward and forced to walk back to the campus.

"Better than taking Connie's car," she remarked later.

The car ride settled into an uncomfortable silence after that, Christa's father clearly wishing to vent more but feeling it improper in front of guests, even if those guests were people he'd rather not be here. Christa's mother switched the radio on quietly, classical bars echoed lightly around the vehicle. Ymir fell asleep almost immediately and, if she had been braver, Christa would have leant against her and taken in her warmth too. She wasn't feeling too brave today.

Black clouds were gathering thick and fast overhead as the car turned into the small seaside town. Various people waved at the family, and snoring guest, as they passed down the high-street on their way back home.

"They've missed you," Christa's father commented briefly, making a sharp turning off the main road.

Christa nodded distractedly. She wanted nothing more than to lock herself back in her bedroom and sleep. Her Father continued.

"They all wanted you to bring back a strapping young fellow to meet everyone. Guess that won't be happening any time soon."

Christa grit her teeth and bit back a retort.

"Well I wanted Ymir to come back with me," she said flatly. Her father's eyes narrowed.

"Don't take that tone with me young lady, you've been gone three months and I barely recognise you."

"Maybe that's for the best Dad, you seem to already hate my choice in girlfriends."

The brakes slammed the car to a stop. Ymir smacked her head loudly on the headrest in front of her and turned to look at Christa.

"What the hell…?"

Without saying a word Christa forced the back door open and raced out onto the street, tears streaming down her face. Her mother turned to face the driver, whose forehead vein looked set to burst at any moment.

"Now look what you've done. We were going to talk about this together…"

Ymir took off her seatbelt and shuffled onto the middle seat.

"Wait you guys knew?"

Christa's mother shook her head.

"No, but I wanted to talk it through as a family before someone went off the railings. I'm sorry Ymir."

"I don't care, where would Christa run off to?"

"I mean I wanted to make you feel welcome and…"

Ymir cut her off sharply.

"I don't give a shit, where would she go?"

Christa's mother's eyes widened in shock. She looked set to scream at the brunette's language but instead merely uttered:

"The beach."

"Cheers," came the curt reply.

The dark clouds hung even heavier in the sky as the taller girl raced through a patch of sandy grass and finally found her way onto the beach. It was deserted, grey waves lapping angrily against the shore in anticipation of the oncoming storm. As she wandered huge heavy rain droplets cascaded from behind her, rattling at her feet.

"Come on princess where the hell are you?"

Her jumper was soaked through in seconds, winds at her back forcing her forwards. Sand leapt from the shores and spattered on her clothing but she couldn't stop jogging. She had to find her. She yelled Christa's name but the words were quickly drowned to silence by the storm. Thunder rumbled softly in the distance. Lightning wouldn't be far behind. Fuck, Christa not again.

Something small came into vision a few moments later. Ymir raced towards it, though it was slow going with swimming pools in her shoes. The building came into focus, it looked like an old rental shack. The lettering on the sign was faded to almost nothing, battered and chipped in the weather. A large canoe lay outside, a huge hole in the side making Ymir think twice about water sports this vacation. She wheeled around to the other side and found the door ajar. She kicked it open with as much force as her sopping wet form could manage.


In the corner of the room a tiny shape was huddled against the hull of another boat, golden hair dripping against the floor. Ymir leapt across the small space and threw herself on the shorter girl.

"You fucking idiot why did you do that?"

Christa didn't respond, tugging Ymir's arm around herself more. With her free hand the taller girl pulled something dripping wet from her back pocket.

"Let's hope this thing still works," she said flicking it open and clicking the lighter on. A small orange light glowed in the shack.

She pulled away from Christa so she was sat to her side but the other girl would not relinquish her arm yet.

"Why did you come?" she said in the smallest voice Ymir had ever heard.

"I couldn't just leave you, now come on you need to get out of those clothes."

Christa glared at her girlfriend.

"Really? After all this that's what you're after?"

Ymir managed to pull her arm free.

"We're both soaking wet and you're basically fresh out of hospital. If I was after that I wouldn't have waited for a thunderstorm to get you wet."

Christa giggled quietly.

"Couldn't help it huh?"

Ymir shrugged and stood, leaving the lighter on the floor so she could peel off her jumper.

"The joke was there to be made. Now are you going to undress yourself or would you like some help?"

Christa pursed her lips.

"I'm perfectly capable, thank you."

"That's what I like to hear," came the reply as Ymir dragged off her shirt and tossed it into a growing pile of dripping cloth.

Christa stood and wandered to the pile.

"At least hang it up," she muttered, picking up the items and laying them out across the shelves around the shack. Ymir draped herself over the shorter girl.

"Of course, dramatic situation and you're berating me on my cleanliness."

Christa pulled the taller girl's arms around her.

"If I don't berate you you'll never learn. Now, how are we going to get warm?"

Ymir grinned.

"I can think of a few ideas."

This... is incredibly surreal i have to tell you. With all that surrounded this story when it first came out i never wanted anything to do with this thing ever again. But then i thought about all the people still hoping for a new chapter and i knew i hated it when people loved a story that was left unfinished so, here i am. It's not my best work but i can't keep the same style as before. I study writing now and my writing has grown a lot in the past...however long it has been. But hey feel free to leave me a review and comment guys!