Welcome back! Oh my gosh i'm so happy that more people are enjoying this story! Please though, offer some assistance in the form of reviews or even PM's would be loved :) Big thank you to all of those who have fav'd and follow'd this fanfiction so far, all readers are loved xxx I'm also writing this as a wish for my own big or little sister...Please, can you keep my secret?

Little Sister's day!
Meet your own darling sister
Experience the joys of being a big sibling!

Alice had to stare at the sign in absolute disgust and disdain at her boss Elizabeta's newest promo for the cafe she worked in. A little sister's day? Surely these people have siblings of their own or at least know someone with a little sister? Can't they just go to their own families?!

"Aren't we scraping the barrel a little...?" She decided to ask her boss quietly after her shift was over, "I mean, a little sister day? That's a little-"

Before she could continue, her boss was staring at her with such joy to the point where she sighed and went quiet. It was as if hearts were surrounding her boss' body and vision as she began to twirl happily.

"But Alice! Just imagine it!" The Hungarian woman began to sigh wistfully, "you're a man-"

Already, the Brit began to scoff and suppress her giggles as she watched her superior and boss act like the common teen with some kind of crush. Then again- more on that later.

"and you have never had a sister when suddenly- Big Brother, you're back! An adorable little voice chirps and you look down to see a young girl calling you big brother and treating you like family! It will make you want to stay for hours and order many things-"

"So you're using people's wishes for a little sister. Isn't that a little harsh?" A young girl murmured, giving Elizabeta a rather distasteful frown.

"Oh come along, Kurai. It's not using people, it's a marketing technique!" The Hungarian shot back, her ego flaring dangerously as well as the Japanese girl's. If Alice didn't do something, the third world war would rapidly begin and just as quickly end with most probably the Hungarian standing victorious with her frying pan in hand.

"B-But...I don't know what i'm meant to do...i'm not cute." Alice cut in, standing between the Japanese girl and the Hungarian carefully, biting her lip as she felt the two pairs of eyes staring deep into her soul with almost shock. She felt like she'd shrunk to such a size that even a mouse could crush her under it's claw...yes, they have claws.

"But...well...I thought you had multiple siblings, you being the youngest?" Kurai asked gently, crossing her arms and staring at Alice in bemusement.

"Well yes, I am...but I'm not the 'cute' little sister people want for this type of thing..."

It was true, ever since Alice was little she'd been the serious character. Always looking after things weaker than her and cleaning up from her brothers...it would make anyone serious beyond measure. Hey, try it sometime okay? It was certain that she couldn't do this...should she just call in sick on the day and give her boss what she needs to hear? She couldn't process anything else because Kurai appeared to become very dark very quickly.

"Ah, I see now, Alice. This job is just to difficult for you so you wish to make the rest of us work?" She began, a rather creepy and almost sadistic grin appearing on her face. "such a defeatist! How can you honestly say that you are not the 'cute little sister' when you haven't even tried it yet! So what if you have so many brothers, you are a little sister and that is your advantage, Alice!"

At this point, the Hungarian and the English girl stared at Kurai in shock. Where had this sudden sadistically sarcastic outburst come from?! Alice decided it was time to step in before the Japanese girl got too frightening for them both.

"N-No! It isn't the fact it's too difficult! I can do anything that this job requires! But-"

"But what?!" Kurai snapped, her hand reaching over to Alice's shoulder and squeezing it in a deadly grip. "You're scared to do something outside your comfort zone?"

"No! I will do it alright?! I'LL DO IT! I'LL BE THE CUTE BLOODY LITTLE SISTER!"

"Alright Alice, let's try zhis again, oui?" The french voice harped on at the British girl, causing her to nearly pounce on her and strangle her.

"I thought I had this sorted...Marianne why do I have to do this again?!" She grumbled, crossing her arms stubbornly.

"Non! You are far from...cute...Alice. You are more...'orribly...awkward." Marianne replied with a frown, waving her hand in dismissal. This young French woman was Marianne Bonnefoy, the sister of Francis Bonnefoy. Unlike her brother, she had a bit more respect for the English girl and had decided to help her whenever her brother got too much to handle at school. Although she was two years older than Alice, she still had the maturity of a child at best.

"Fine, then i'll bloody prove that i'm being bloody cute! Watch!" At this, Alice Kirkland pulled her lips up into a rather twisted looking smile. Behind her glasses, her pupils shrunk and gave her a rather crazed look. Giving a giggle, she rather eerily called, "Big brother~ You're back! It has been a while!"

Upon seeing this...catastrophe...Marianne gave a huff of frustration with a head in her hands. "We 'ave a lot of work to do, mon ami...a lot of work."

It was later on in the afternoon, the cafe working as functionally as it usually did and the sound of people chatting came clear to anyone who walked through the door. The little sister's day was about three days away and Alice still hadn't got a clue as to how she could be a cute little sister.

"Alice! You have a request to serve a Mr. Jones~ Please attend to him quickly~" Elizabeta murmured suddenly behind her, causing the Brit to jump and go bright red. Surely enough, nearest the window, sat Alfred.

Now, for Alice, this could have two effects on her. Relief seeing the American alone without any of his friends (trust me, he has a lot!). Secondly, anger taking over at the fact he had come to her workplace and no doubt was here to scorn her for that fact. Well, i'll beat him to his own game! He'll see! She thought with the same twisted smile she attempted the previous day returning...but genuine. Walking over, she saw him look up and those shining eyes staring at her with so much amusement it made her boil inside.

"Welcome, master~" She cooed sweetly, giving him a genuine smile and tilting her head for the added cute effect. The American made no sound, no attempt to stop her acting so out of character...just...stared. After about twenty awkwardly tense seconds he decided to break the ice with a cough; eyes averted away from her as he felt a faint blush creep onto his cheeks for a second. Hiding this with his hand, he waited for the burning to calm down as he felt her murmur something to do with 'bloody gits'.

"Can I take your order?" she giggled, pulling out her notepad from a hidden pocket she sewed into her dress along with a royal blue pen.

"Oh- I'll just have a soda, please~" He suddenly grinned up at her, little nantucket at the top of his head bobbing with the sudden movement of his head.

That's all...? She thought before nodding, "Of course, master~ I'll be right with you~" She turned to walk off when-

"I'll be waiting, Alice~" The American suddenly pulled out a southern drawl, giving her a wink and a lopsided grin before turning to the window as if nothing had happened.

I'm going to bloody kill him... She decided as she walked to the kitchen, face as red as a tomato. All of the staff had seen, giggled, and run for their lives as Alice caught them staring.

The Little Sister's Day

It was the faithful day of the event and Alice was not looking forward to it. She had even taken time off in order to question her brothers on how to be the correct type of little sister for her job...it didn't end well.


Alice sighed as she heard her brothers come in from a walk outside to clear their hangovers. Standing and walking out, she skipped over and gave the Scotsman a hug and looked up at him. "Welcome back~" She smiled, only receiving looks of horror from all of her brothers...and their friends.

"Alice, what's 'appened to ye, lass? Ye're actin' weird." He coughed, removing the younger girl from him and frowning.

"Nothing~ I'm just practicing how to be a cute sister!" She pouted, looking down. "You guys think i'm being cute...right?"

At this, they all began to snicker...then laugh...then roar with laughter.

"Cute?! Alice, ye threaten' men with a 'spork' in order teh castrate them! Lass, ye're far from cute!"

~End Flashback~

With those...'encouraging'...words in her mind, Alice continued to practice her cute routine until she couldn't anymore! Seeing the lights switch on and the men and women begin to walk in...she was waiting for one guy in particular. He had agreed to come to his aid and save her from dealing with this horror alone.

Alfred F. Jones walked towards the cafe slowly. He had been told to come to the cafe today by Alice's boss..he had no idea why. Slowly, he shuffled inside and was greeted by a surprising sight-

Instead of the double pigtails she usually had, Alice's hair was down and her glasses larger and almost falling off of her face and even her clothes were baby pink and innocent looking. Offering her a surprised but completely cheeky smirk, he knew what was following.

"Big brother, you're back!" She cried, half bending to giggle with her arms swinging forwards and backwards. "Come and sit down~" She cried, giggling and tugging him to a seat. Practically shoving him into the chair she smiled innocently.

Alfred grinned, enjoying this...innocent...side to Alice and wanting to test her patience. "Yeah, big brother's back~" he grinned, "Come give me a hug, sis'!" he laughed, opening his arms out for her to embrace him...as a sister supposedly should.

"No, that's okay~ You're probably hot and sweaty from being outside too long~ Can I get you a drink or something?" She asked, waving her hands in front of him to make him stop acting so weird. Inside, her temper was raging. This isn't what we planned! She roared in her mind, eyes burning into his as her smile became forced and twisted.

"Alice, do as you're told!" He frowned falsely, arms jerking slightly as if wanting her to hug him. "Give big bro a hug!"

At this, the Brit's temper snapped and she grabbed him by the shirt and screamed, "YOU CAN GO TO HELL YOU STUPID GIT!" Shaking the American, she growled lowly. Upon realizing her rage a moment later, she let him go and looked away with shame written all over her face.

"I think..." Alfred began, suddenly very serious, "I think i'd better leave...I will see you later..." he got out of his chair, shrugged on his jacket which he had begun to take off before, and began to walk to the door.

"B-Big...Big brother...?" Alice nearly whispered, a hand reaching up to move some hair from her face; reaching out and grabbing his larger hand with her other one. "W-Will you come back...?" She asked sweetly, looking up at him with pleading eyes. She looked so genuine everyone made aww noises in the cafe, causing her to fill her eyes with gentle tears.

Looking back at the Brit, Alfred gave a soft smile to see how sad she looked. Placing his hand atop of her head, he gently ruffled her hair and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Of course I will, I could never leave my little sis'."

Alfred had saved her again. This was the second time he had gone out of his way to ensure she was okay or to protect her from others...she owed him more than ever this time. While in the shower at home, she remembered the kiss on her forehead and felt her cheeks begin to glow crimson. Scrubbing extra hard at that specific area, she could only grumble something to herself.

"Bloody git..."