Hello and welcome to my fanfiction Please Can You Keep My Secret. Yes, I am quite aware that I have done a fanfiction which went by this name previously but became deleted. I am not writing yaoi for this one, but one with fluff and not boy x boy. Fem!England x America. Please still read and enjoy!

It was a normal day at the World Academy. The sun shone brightly over the lush hills and over the forest to the west of the grand building, while the east was abandoned to shadow and darkness. The sound of students laughing and chatting amongst themselves was normal, but what wasn't normal...was the sound of the school gates closing at 8:55 instead of 9:00 AM on the dot.

"Gilbert Beilschmidt, Antonio Carriedo and Francis Bonnefoy, I thought i'd told you to not come to school in that attire. Those earrings are non-school uniform, and you shall not be allowed into the building until they are removed. Also, tuck your shirt in, sort out your hair and please stop harassing the girls to do your detentions!" A young, feminine British voice demanded.

"Wait, so you're not allowing us into school?" Gilbert Beilschmidt demanded, his usually cocky grin turned into a frown for a split second. He had so much he wanted to do at the school! Perform pranks, flirt with the ladies, annoy School Council President Alice Kirkland...there were loads of things!

"That's right, until you learn how to dress yourselves of a morning keep out of this school!" Alice barked, with each word spat her ponytails would sway like angry snakes hanging from a vine. "We at the World Academy don't need idiot's like you to hang around!" She snapped, holding the key a teasing distance from the oh so famous Bad Touch Trio. Idiot threesome is what she personally preferred to call them. Not that she'd tell them that of course, she was too much of a lady to.

"That sucks!" Gilbert groaned with a sigh, "Fine, we'll do as you want this time. Only 'cuz we have plans!" he began a strange laugh which distinctly sounded like Kessesesesse, to which the other two of the Idiot threesome began their own strange laugh. Ohononononon was the one the French student Francis Bonnefoy loved to use, whereas Fussososososo was the Spaniard's Antonio Carriedo. It somewhat bothered Alice to no end.

Suddenly, a meek voice beside her managed to whimper, "P-President Kirkland, it's time for the Council's meeting as you wanted, ma'am."

"Ah yes, thank you Matthew." Alice smiled at the Canadian boy, turning her back to the three locked outside of the school and heading inside.

It had been a year since I first joined World Academy, which had just turned into a co-ed school. Back then the school was known as troubled, most of the population being of the male species. It was dirty, smelly and drab. I, Alice Kirkland, saw from that day onwards to work hard in order to make the school a more girl-friendly place. Even now, at least 60% of the schools students are male. So, after months of studying, training and building a sweat, (Of course, not forgetting to be friendly too!), I earned the right to become World Academy's first ever female Student Council President. And now I'm in power, i'll make sure things are done right!

Suddenly, the sound of crying broke Alice from her thoughts as she paused outside the meeting room. Instantly, her guard was up as she followed the sound; abandoning her Co-President Matthew Williams behind while he called her name. She turned the corner and snapped, "What in hell's name is going on here?!"

"Nothing, just rejecting another girl's hopeless crushes." The aggravatingly smug voice of Alfred Jones said bluntly, said American turning his head and watching as the young girl he had been talking to barged past the English girl. He was in for it again, he could tell.

Alice watched as the girl ran down the hallways, not bothering to enforce the rule of :No Running In The Hallways!:. "Alfred , once again you've managed to make a young girl cry. I will make sure this is the last time you've broken a girl's heart. You hear me Jones?!" She snapped, spinning on her heel and walking angrily down the corridor towards the meeting room. Damned male, causing girls to cry and acting like it was nothing! I'll show him! She thought to herself, determined to make the American pay one way or another.

"Hey, Alfred!" Wang Yao said, standing with an angry expression etched into his face. "Why do you let her push you around and speak to you like that?! If it were anyone else, you'd kick their heads in!" A few moments of silence passed, "hey, I have an idea. Why don't you teach her a lesson? Someone needs to tell her how unfair she is to all of us guys!"

"You do it. I don't care." Alfred replied, before following Alice down the corridor and into his own classroom; leaving his Chinese friend to think about what he'd said.

At the end of the school day, Alice collected her things after ending the meeting. She was ahead of her studying and had made sure the Council members were all doing their job before making sure she herself had done everything she'd needed too. Of course, the Idiot Threesome were back and had finally come into school; receiving detentions upon arriving and having to clean the school's bathrooms. There were only two and so Alice had thought it was a light and easy punishment, but clearly not easy enough seeing as she walked past one of them the sniffles of another young girl was heard for the second time that day.

"Come on, just this once?" Francis begged, holding the girl's wrist in an iron grip as he began to pull her closer.

"B-But I can't, i-it's not my-" She began.

"Hey, idiot's, what are you doing?!" Alice yelled, walking over and pulling the female student out of the French boy's grip. "Go on now, go home." She said softly, watching as the girl thanked her and ran off. "If I catch you doing that again, i'll make you clean the toilet's every day for the next year, frog!" She began, "And what did I tell you about that earring Gilbert Beilschmidt? It's bad enough that it's there but at least get both of your ears done! You look like a clown with one shoe!"

Gilbert and Francis glared at her, instantly going on the defensive.

"Now wait just a second, i'm not taking any more of this!" Gilbert growled, grabbing Alice's wrist tightly. "You're going to run along and leave us alo-" he started.

Bad move, Gilbert. Very bad move. Because in a flash Alice's free hand was wrapped around his earring, at first slowly pulling but in a flash she'd ripped the Albino boy's earring from his ear and watched almost with sadistic amusement as his ear began to bleed. "It's the end of school boys, so finish up and go home. Get that ear treated." She said smugly, taking her leave and walking out the school door; Gilbert's earring in her hand.

"A-Amigo's, that girl is crazy!" Antonio whimpered, staring at the blood in pure shock.

"O-Oui, let's finish and go home!" Francis agreed, studying Gilbert.

Gilbert stared at the blood on his shirt for a moment, registering what had happened before finally giving a scream of pain. "forget finishing! Help me get this ear treated!" He yelled, clutching his ear tightly.

This was an everyday occurrence at World Academy,
So nobody questioned the President anymore.

Well this is only an introductory chapter, the true plot line will come in to the next few chapters. So, what do you think of President Alice Kirkland?! Is she strict or what? Why is she so cruel to boys? Find out in the next chapter(s) of Please Can You Keep My Secret! Reviews are needed, favs and follows are loved, all of you who read are loved 3
