Title: More Than It Seems
Author: Minch
Summary: Merlin, Arthur, and the knights are captured. However, their abductor is not interested in the King of Camelot or even Emrys. He only wants the stranger imprisoned with them. What is that stranger's secret, and what does their abductor so desperately want from him?
Rating: T, because I am not going to be nice to these guys in this fic.
Spoilers: Occurs in between Series Four and Series Five.
Disclaimer: I hold absolutely no claim to ownership of Merlin. It belongs to BBC and Shine, Ltd. I'm just someone with a boundless imagination who happens to love the show.
Author's note: I'm borrowing jargon from Tamora Pierce's books. (Don't judge; they're good books.)
Spells: Unclyse = "Open"
Standan in fot = "Stand on your feet"
Fordyttan = "Shut"
Sittan = "Sit"
Átemian = "Be quiet"
Cuman = "Come"
Forbærne firgenholt = "Mountain wood, burn"
Astyrian na = "Do not move"
Gód of scinncræft ac ongytenes, þé eart betræppan in þisne mennisc læfel. = "God of magic and knowledge, you are trapped in this mortal vessel."
Ic bebéode þé, sundrian fram þín læfel! = "I command you, separate from your vessel!"
Beón clæne sundrian! = "Be completely separate!"
Se mennisc ís lífléas. Árísan nú! Beón under mín ánweald! = "The mortal is dead. Arise now! Be under my power!"
Sécan mec, sécan þín hláford, beón under mín ánweald! = "Come to me, come to your master, be under my power!"
The woman stole through the castle, carrying a small box under her arm. It was all she had time to save when Renault's fortress fell, all that remained of that madman's quest for power.
Rowena was not a fool. Two years ago, when she met Renault for the first time, she had seen through his lies about his destiny to bring magic back to the land. But she had also seen that this was her chance to right the balance.
Everything in the Old Religion hinged upon balance. It was not right for Arthur Pendragon and Emrys to have no force opposing their efforts.
No one in the castle saw her make her way down to the dungeon. She stopped above a small stone door set in the ground. There, she set the box down and opened it.
The power inside was nowhere near that which Renault had collected, but it was enough for her purposes. Renault wanted to raze this castle to the ground; she only needed everyone inside to fall asleep for a day. Almost everyone.
Distant clatters of armoured guards collapsing to the ground made their way to her ears. When all was silent, she spoke a spell, her eyes glowed, and the door opened. The stone of the door grated across the stone of the floor.
Below her, the cell was an oubliette, little more than a well. Small and cramped, it was made to feel even smaller by the presence of its occupants. One of them shrieked in a voice that had known terrible pain and suffering. The second remained silent, only blinking up at Rowena.
Soon the three of them rode in a cart out of the castle. The people left inside would sleep until the next dawn. By the time Sarrum discovered that his prisoners were gone, they would be out of Amata.
It was earliest morning when the cart came to a halt. A small abandoned tower stood on the slopes of a rocky valley. Rowena gently guided the captives inside. Both were feeble from having been kept in the oubliette for two years. But what they lacked in physical strength, both of them still had strength in spirit. They would eventually recover.
The larger of the two prisoners walked on four unsteady feet. Her shrivelled wings and misshapen body quivered with every movement. Her friend was in no better shape. Her papery-white skin shone against her long greasy black hair. The dress she wore was nothing more than filthy rags.
Rowena guided them to a large pile of blankets on the floor. As they sank onto the most comfortable bed either had known in an eternity, the human captive looked up at her.
"Who–" Her voice was nothing more than a rasp.
"You are safe, Morgana Pendragon," Rowena answered. A flash of anger sparked in Morgana's pale green eyes, anger at being reminded of her blood family.
Rowena smiled to herself. Morgana would need that anger to give her strength for the coming time. The balance was beginning to right itself…
More than it seems, these dreams inside blur reality's line
If I could believe the dreams aside, I am capable of more than it seems
At long last, it's over.
First of all, I'd like to acknowledge some of the stories that influenced this one. After Ealdor, by finn1013, inspired Merlin's characterization. Worthless, by Jomel10, helped with the investigation scenes and how they affected the characters. The stories of Manawyddan, (including the burial of Bran's head and threatening to hang a mouse), can be found in The Mabinogion.
Next up, here is an all-around thank you to the people who favourited the story: 4Eirlys, EnglandBabe1997, LeGSmile, MyOnLyCoCoA, Mika271170, Gabriella Jane London, Lyra Grey, Midnight Venom, Netiri Vi Britannia, roxanne92, xxMagical-Lifexx, PJO is the best, Sammyboy1, Kyori Uchiha of the Sand, freshly caught Cornish pixies, Morgageb, Awesomeperson06, Saqin, j3swimmer, pepe1800, FabFiction15, riddles and secrets, TheDragonSquirrel, Yurrie, Moon Fox, rajahpony, MykeRed, and WillmShakspere.
And finally, thank you to the people who reviewed, some several times: Blue Turtle of AWESOMENESS, zendog, Mika271170, Simply me, Midnight Venom, TheMightyE, Bookworm8793, wolfchild, bubzchoc, Darkheart Du Lac, rmatri540, ruby890, Ms. Fairweather, kayleighjo312, Ms. Rosie, Virebax, susant123, sarajm, Felicity P, Lesley, Aerist, wolfnympyh1, and Moon Fox.
To the reviewers: YOU are the reason I kept posting. Your reassurance and encouragement validate the days and weeks I spent writing, re-writing, scrapping, and worrying over this story. I always knew that writing was a worthwhile occupation, but you make it undeniably true.
This will likely be the last story you see from me for quite some time. As much as I love writing, my life has grown extremely busy! I have a few tales cooking on the back burner, but no time to write. That is not to say that I'm done writing fanfiction, only that I have to go on hiatus for a bit. But fear not: I will return one day.
Until next time, fare thee well. May your imagination never cease to exist, and may your writing continue to give purpose to your life.