A/N: I do not own Naruto. Everything is owned by the great Masashi Kishimoto. The only thing I own is the OC's (coming soon) I've created. ENJOY!

The forth shinobi war had ended. Madara was defeated, along with Obito and the Ten-Tail. Many lives were lost, but, hey it was a war after all. What can you expect? Still... It was heartbreaking. We made sure we buried every shinobi properly, it was the least we could do after all the chaos. Orochimaru disappeared, but we're keeping a look out for any activity that may involve him. Unfortunately, Sasuke did not come back. He said that he "needed some time to think" and left with his other teammates, Karin, Suigetsu, and Juugo. Naruto didn't want to risk losing him again, so he decided to go after him... It's been a year since then.

A lot has changed ever since Naruto left. I, Haruno Sakura, became Anbu captain, along with Sai, Shikamaru, and Kiba. Everyone else became Jounin. I've surpassed Tsunade, and became the head doctor of Konoha's hospital, all of that extreme training has finally paid off. I was proud of myself, but I wasn't truly happy. If only Naruto and Sasuke were there to see how much stronger she's gotten, to have been there to cheer for her.

It was just a normal day in Konoha. People shopping, working, greeting others, etc. It was my day off, which was rare, since I'm always at the hospital or doing Anbu work. I decided to go grocery shopping, since my refrigerator was nearly empty. So, I got up, got ready, made my shopping/to-do list and made my way out to the market. While I was shopping, I heard a familiar voice.

"OI! Sakura!" I turned around to see who was calling out my name. It was Kiba and Sai, waving at me. They started to walk over to where I was.

"Oh hey, Kiba! Sai!" Waving back at them. "Hey, ugly." Sai said.

"For the last time, Sai... Stop calling me ugly!" shouted Sakura.

"Sorry, I can't help myself... Ugly."

"Urgh. I give up..." Sakura was used to Sai calling her ugly. He doesn't mean any harm. It's how he acknowledges her... Which is kind of depressing... Considering that he calls Ino beautiful.

"So, what are you doing?" Kiba asked.

"Oh just grocery shopping. I'm running low on food, so I gotta restock. What about you two? No Shikamaru?"

"Sai and I were just walking around, and Shikamaru is on a mission with his squad. Won't be back for a few days."

"Oh, I see." Just then a shinobi appeared out of nowhere. The woman approached them and said,

"You three, Sakura, Sai and Kiba, are to report to Hokage-sama's office immediately. She would like to discuss matters with you." The shinobi disappeared. We all looked at each other for a moment. 'I wonder what's so urgent..?' Sakura thought to herself.

"Hmm, must be a mission." Kiba finally said.

"Come on. Let's go." Sai began walking.

"So much for taking the day off..." Sakura sighed. She began making her way to the Hokage's tower with Kiba and Sai.

When they were at the Hokage's door, they knocked. Waiting for her to give them permission to step into her office. "Enter."

They all entered her room respectfully, giving a short bow. "What is it that you need, shishou?" Sakura asked.

"You three have been assigned a mission. A large group of bandits have been attacking a nearby village. I want you three to go and destroy their base. It will be a B-ranked mission."

Sakura, Sai, and Kiba took a quick glance at eachother. They gave the Hokage a questioning look.

"Umm, but shishou. A B-ranked mission? Wouldn't the Jounins or even the Chunins be capable of doing the job?" Sakura questioned.

Tsunade sighed "Yes, but unfortunately there are none available at the moment."

"Oh, I see. What time do we leave?"

"Today at 10pm. You should be able to get there by noon, tomorrow. So, start packing. Get everything you need for this mission. Sakura, you're team leader. Dismissed."

"Hai!" The three of them left. They quietly walked down the street. Until, Sai broke the silence,

"I wonder why she would send 3 Anbu, yet alone, 3 Anbu captains?" Sai questioned

"That's exactly what I was thinking. At least 1 or 2 Anbu's should be able to do the job easily. Somethings up. We have to be careful." Sakura said

"Oh whatever. I've been dying to go on a mission, anyways. Hey, Sakura, Sai, you wanna go to Ichiraku's and eat before we go?" asked Kiba

"Yeah sure why not."

"I'm down!"

"Alright! Let's get going, then!"

The three of them made their way to Ichiraku's. When they got there, they sat down, ordered ramen, and began eating. They talked, made jokes,and laughed.

"Say... When do you think Naruto and Sasuke are going to come back?" Kiba suddenly asked.

"I'm not sure... It's been a year already... I'm beginning to wonder if they're even coming back."

"Don't say that, Sai. You know Sasuke's been through a lot. It takes time, I'm sure they'll come back soon."

"Whatever you say, but my real question is... What are you going to do when they come back, Sakura?"

"Yeah, Sakura. What are you going to do? Heck, If I were you, I'd kick their asses. Teach them a lesson!"

Sakura chuckled. That's right, what was she going to do when they come back? She can't say that she'll easily forgive them for leaving her behind. Team 7 won't be the same. Considering that she is now an anbu and has her own squad and they were still genin. She won't be able to see them as much or go on missions with them like she did in the past. How will she tell Naruto that she is no longer going to be in team 7? She wasn't even sure if she still loved Sasuke, yet alone, like him. I mean, sure he helped with the war and what not, but the before the war even started, he wanted to destroy Konoha and he almost killed her, Naruto, and Kakashi.

She sighed "I'm not sure myself, actually. We'll see when the time comes, so whatever happens, happens. But one thing I do know for sure, is that I'll definitely kick their asses. Call it a welcome home gift."

"That's my girl! They won't know what hit them. Hey! Maybe I'll help you, too!" Kiba laughed.

"Well, whatever happens... We'll always be here for you. You can come to us whenever." Sai smiled.

"That's right, Sakura. Come to us anytime. Especially when things get too rough."

"Thank you, guys."

It's true. Sai, Kiba, Shikamaru and Ino were the ones who had her back ever since Naruto left to get Sasuke. Well, Ino always looked after Sakura since they were little, even though they were rivals, they still care for eachother. But after the boys and herself became anbu, they saw eachother often and became really close friends. They supported her ever since and she was thankful.

When they finished, they paid for their food, and made their way home to pack up. "Okay, I'll see you guys in a hour. Meet at the front gate. See ya!" Sakura waved them goodbye and made her way to her house to pack.

She put on her and anbu outfit. She had a sleeveless black turtle neck top and her grey armor/vest over it, with a red scarf wrapped around her waist. Whenever it gets cold she wears the scarf around her neck, but on warm nights like this one, she wears it around her waist. She had on her black spandex shorts with a red skirt over it, black knee high boots, kunai pouch on her thigh, her black gloves that reached her upper arms, with bandages wrap around the upper part of her arms on top of her gloves and armor on the bottom part of her arms. She also had three pouches strapped around her hips and two mid length swords strapped horizontally on her lower back.

She made sure her house was all locked up and double checked if she had everything for this mission. After confirming that everything was safe and secured, she put on her cloak, had her hood over her head and had her cat mask on. She went out the door and made her way to the front gate. When she arrived, she saw that Kiba, Akamaru and Sai were already there waiting. They were both wearing their cloaks and masks. Kiba had a wolf mask and Sai had a bird mask. Although it was pretty warm out, it was required to hide our identities. Especially Sakura, not many shinobi had pink hair. Actually no one had pink hair, except for her...

"Oi! What took you so long?!" Kiba didn't have much patience.

"Uh, I'm actually on time. You guys just arrived extra early and plus, I'm a medical-nin too, so I needed to pack extra things, just in case."

"Tch. Whatever. Come on, lets go!"

They made there way out the gates and disappeared into the forest.

A/N: This is my very first Fanfiction! Began, typing up my story at 3am... -_- So, I'm pretty exhausted. If you find any mistakes, please do tell. I hope you guys/gals like it! Well Naruto and Sasuke, along with Karin, Suigetsu and Juugo, will come in the next chapter. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Review! I would love to know what you guys think of my story! xD