With the conclusion of Cataclysm: Demacian Ranger, I'm standing on the verge of launching yet another massive project. However, I'm far more busy now than I was during the past few years and the ongoing releases of Dragonborn and Kalamanda Rising. As such, the release of Cataclysm: Beginning of the Fall is likely going to be delayed quite a while till I can get more of the story on paper as I continue to flesh the story out through planning and other scenes that I come and go working on. There is a lot more I have to hit, so I need to know where I'm going AND how I'm getting there, where in the past I've only know where I wanted to end.

While I work on the new story, as well as an original story of my own that I'm rewriting, I have created a Wordpress blog for rantings and posts about many things, Cataclysm among them. I'll likely throw in scenes that may or may not make it into the final release, as well as some other resources such as old planning documents, alternate ideas, and character dossiers that I use for reference. I will also post art of my doing and possibly some videos that I've been asked to create about the silly decisions regarding the Institute of War and Riot's penchant for 'Dark and Mysterious' pasts. So I'll be working on that, and while there won't be much Cataclysm for a while I've got a few other short, half finished projects I've been meaning to finish, so those might get finished and pushed out. A link to the blog can be found on my profile page.

Now a few questions for you, the readers:

What's the best way to get information about blog posts and my releases out? Any ideas? I've been struggling with this for a long time. In addition, I'd gladly accept short prompts as story ideas to work on to try and polish my writing style. If anyone has story requests for league champs/scenarios, or even other ideas from different universes, I'd love some requests/ideas/suggestions either here or on the blog.

As always, thanks for reading and following me for so long.

