I jumped around a bit, staying on my toes. When I thought that I was warmed up enough I started running. I leaped and dove headfirst into a pile of crackly brown leaves. I couldn't help but laugh as I rolled around in the leaves, crushing and flattening them.

Yes, I was jumping in leaves. It's fall! You're supposed to do that!

I would have my Pokemon come out and have fun with me but they were all getting healed in the Pokemon Center. A contest was happening in a few days and I got here early to practice my routine.

I gathered more leaves and stood far back to jump in them again. I was going to start jumping and rolling again but a haughty voice interrupted me.

"Really, May? Jumping in leaves? How old are you again?"

I turned to the annoying grass-head, hands on my hips. "You are never too old to have fun, Drew. But you don't even know the meaning of the word fun do you." As childish as it is I stuck my tongue out at him before I ran and jumped again.

He frowned at me. "Hey, I have fun. Contests are fun."

Dusting myself off and regrouping my pile I said, "Contests are fun, but I have never, ever seen you do anything fun related that's not contest related." I suddenly got an idea. "Jump in the leaves! I dare you to jump in."

He scoffed at me. "Oh, please. That is so stupid."

"You are such a torchic." I mocked.

He smirked then. "But you like torchics."

I felt my cheeks redden. "I like my torchic. Just jump in the leaves you dork!" I got behind him and tried to push him in the direction of the leaves. "Go! Go! Go!"

"If it makes you leave me alone fine I'll jump in." He flipped his stupid hair and walked over to the leaves and made a little hop in. He turned around. "There I jumped in."

I gave an over exaggerated eye roll. "You did it wrong. You are supposed to run and jump in. You are so lame." I readied myself to show him how to do it.

He gave an eye roll back at me. "There is no right way to ~GAH!"

"Aaaahhh!" I cut him off by running, screaming, and basically tackling him to the ground onto the leaves. On impact I bumped my mouth against his bottom lip, my forehead against his nose, his teeth scraped against my upper lip and my teeth.

I'm not sure if that counts as a kiss but if it does. KIssing HURTS.

I rolled off of him, hand over my mouth moaning. Drew was pretty much in the same state. Except his hands were cupped over his mouth and nose.

"Azelf, May," he moaned. "I think you broke my nose."

A/N: I might do a short drabble series along the lines of how unromantic this senario is. :P But it's fun to write ^-^