Hi everyone ^-^

So I'm going with a Maid Sama fanfic I wrote some time ago for my first upload. (No surprise there ¬.¬ ) Enjoy.


Misaki Ayuzawa, Student President of Seika High School at the age of 16, she's known especially for her man hating ways as she makes it her mission to clean Seika High of the "foul male stench", remodeling the school into a female friendly environment. However, there are a lot of males who disagree with Misaki, none more than Usui Takumi. Every time Misaki turns she is confronted by the trail of heartbreak Usui leaves behind him, and worse he cares little to nothing about the devastation he causes. Due to her father abandoned his family years ago, leaving them with a mountain of debts to pay. Misaki is forced to look for work, being the eldest sibling, to help support her family.

Chapter 1

Misaki stood frozen, her hand trembling as it extended towards the door bell. She was definitely at the age to be working and with her families circumstances, it was only right that Misaki provide for them. Withdrawing her hand back to her chest, Misaki tried to silence her racing heart. Was she ready for this?

Earlier that day, Misaki had come across a 'Help Wanted' ad in the local newspaper. It called for women to apply for the position of house maid and the pay was incredibly high, so much so that Misaki nearly choked on her tea while reading. It was definitely a no brainer, the job was local to her home and the pay was more than what she had been looking for, so without thought Misaki rang for an interview.

Which lead her to her current position, trembling at the door of a gigantic mansion, hesitant. Misaki didn't even know that there were places of such high class in town, let alone even consider trying to get a job there. She didn't belong around rich people, she could never understand the life they have or the troubles they go through. Misaki began to doubt her own confidence; could she really carry herself correctly to these people? Or would she make a fool of herself?

"No", she sighed, slapping her own cheeks to draw in a large breathe, "You need to do this Misaki, for Suzuna and Mother, you need this."

"Are you the one who rang about the work available?" A Dark haired girl squeaked, Taking Misaki by shock. She had been so busy rallying herself, that Misaki didn't notice the woman open the door.

"Y... Yes Ma'am. My name is Misaki-", She stuttered embarrassingly.

"Wonderful", the woman sang. Latching onto Misaki's arm she dragged her inside, "I'm Satsuki, I am the chief maid here at the Walker residence. So you will report to me for your duties unless directed by our masters otherwise."

Pausing suddenly Misaki wore a puzzled look. "I thought I was here for an interview?" she questioned.

"You were and I've already decided to give you the job", Satsuki giggled, "But I hate slackers, so be sure to work especially hard, okay?"

Dazed Misaki could say or do nothing. Everything was moving so quickly it left her dumbfounded. Not that she was not pleased, it was like a dream come true for her to get the job, but she still had so many questions and no time to ask them as the cheery Satsuki skipped down the hallway. The house was like a maze, narrow passageways leading in every direction, it would be easy to get lost when they all looked the same. She wondered how many people actually worked at the mansion, it would only be natural to employ a lot of people with the size of the house yet for some reason Misaki hadn't come across anyone other than Satsuki, and it was slightly unnerving.

After navigating for a while, the pair of them reached a small door, distant in the corner from the rest of the house. Beyond it was a small room, while it was the size of Misaki's bedroom, compared to the other rooms in the house, this was by far the smallest she had come across. It held the bare basics. A table and chairs, lockers, and a small kitchen like area, it appeared to be a work station.

"The other girls are working already, I'm sure you will meet them later", Satsuki chirped.

"I don't mean to be rude Miss Satsuki but what exactly will I be doing?", Misaki questioned, she had so many more but now she had finally prioritized them in her mind, she could make more sense of the situation, even if she was just going with the flow.

"You are here to serve our Masters, we clean, fetch, carry, anything that is ordered of us", Satsuki began to explain when the pair were disturbed by a buzzing sound coming from behind the door. The noise appeared to be coming from a machine on the wall with a line of rooms and lights above each one. "Oh no, we are needed already, this isn't good", Satsuki mumbled as she began to rummage in one of the lockers. She continued to explain to Misaki that the machine on the wall allows their masters to call them to where ever it is they are need. Misaki was to be serving the Walker family, but due to the hectic work schedule of Master Walker, most of the time the girls served his son, the young Master and on special occasions there would be other members of the Walker family to care for.

"Aha! Found one", Satsuki cheerfully bounced, pulling out a uniform from the locker, "Hurry put this on"

Misaki's heart began to race, her eyes glued to the uniform that was handed to her. It was a maid uniform, mainly black, with white lace and trims, accompanied by a frilly apron and head band. Surely Satsuki was bluffing, was Misaki actually meant to wear something so embarrassing, her face flustered with the mere thought. Such an appealing job, now began to fall apart, it was only the thought of her sickly mother working more which forced Misaki to carry on.

"Ahhh!", Satsuki screamed delightfully as Misaki finished changing, "It looks better on you than I thought"

"B... but why are you not wearing one? Can I not just wear an apron?", Misaki stuttered, her face still slightly pink unable to clear full embarrassment from her expression.

"Today is my day off, I only came in to meet you Misaki. Your uniform is a symbol of your loyalty to the Walker family, you must care for it the way you would your master, understand?", Satsuki explained, her voice always hearty, "Go to the very end of the hallway and turn left, the room you want is the fourth door on your right. Now remember your manners and always address the Master as such"

Misaki continued to protest as she was shoved out of the door by a hyper Satsuki who cheered for her merrily. It was all happening so fast, Misaki had to double take, glaring around puzzled for a moment. Hard to believe that only an hour ago she wasn't even sure she could get the job and now she stood, wearing a uniform which barely covered her skin, ready to serve a Master she had never even met. Not that it was all bad, the job was very well paid and since it was so close to home, Misaki would still have plenty of time to do her studies. She would only have to pretend to be a loyal servant within the Walker household so it's not like members of the public would see her. The mansion was pleasant enough, not that Misaki hated being around people, but she was pretty good when it came to working alone and with a house as big as the Walker's it was pretty easy to be alone. Things soon began to look up, Misaki just needed to focus on what was important, if it was for her family, she would do anything.

Counting the doors as she strolled along, she stopped at one of the hundred identical doors in the house. Misaki could only prey as she had the right room as she knocked gently on the door twice. A muffled voice echoed from the other side beckoning her inside, yet when she entered, the room was empty. There was another wooden door inside, leading to another room, with the understanding that her Master must have been through there Misaki waited patiently for his return. She found herself in some form of study room, there were mountains of books, lined like soldiers across the bookcases which span the walls, a small coffee table and blue sofa were the only furniture inside. The large window overlooked the garden outside, flowers and trees stretched as far as the eye could see, it was hard to believe that Misaki was in the middle of a town when she glared at such a sight. Yet for its charm, the room seemed somehow solitary, it made her wonder exactly what type of person her master was as she lost herself in the view from the window.

"Wow", a voice called unenthusiastically from behind her, making Misaki jump from the noise as she had not heard anyone else enter, "Well if it isn't the prez".

Horrified Misaki watched the figure move across the room slumping down onto the sofa, the smirk on his face devilish, watching her with his cold green eyes. Everything came crashing down, she was dreaming, it must be a dream it was the only way to explain it. Misaki's face glistened red, brighter than before, she was at a loss for words, only managing to stutter a single name.

"U... Usui Takumi?"

Well, there we have it. I would very much appreciate any reviews you lovely people have to offer, including criticism (Constructive only please).

I look forward to updating the next chapter.

Bye-bye ^-^