Disclaimer: This is all J.K. Rowling's. This story is a work of fiction. Anything you recognise is JKR's, everything else is mine. No profit is being gained by this.

Hi guys. This is my Harry and Bellatrix story I'm making. There will be elements in here that are present in other stories of this pairing, but ultimately, this will be unique and add a twist to these two very interesting characters. So, without further ado, I give you Somewhere Back In Time…

Somewhere Back In Time…


"From the deadliest hate often comes the deepest love" - Socrates

The Ministry was empty. The tired and weary workers had all left to go back home, only to face another gruelling, laborious day tomorrow. It wasn't that the work was too hard; it was the workload that got to them. Reports, interviews, memos, letters, filing, guarding and trials took up the day of all twenty three thousand workers, along with searching for a certain escaped prisoner of Azkaban sentenced to death. Not to mention the added panic of He Who Must Not Be Named being back. Fifteen years they'd had peace and prosperity. Fifteen long years. But now Voldemort was back, back for good. Disappearances were already happening, people being found in their states of grisly death. Muggles were being murdered for sport and all around the country, people feared for the very lives of themselves, their family and their friends.

The Atrium seemed strangely dead without the usual hustle and bustle of the working day. It was all deathly silent until a peculiar grinding and clanking noise disturbed the silence. A stereotypical London phone box descended into the middle of the cold, hard, polished floor. Then, with what seemed to be exaggerated cautiousness, a stranger stepped out of the door and watched as the box disappeared to its origins. Whoever it was, they then turned around.

The stranger was quite evidently a young man, probably no older than sixteen. His face had a tired, weary, gaunt look about it, as if he hadn't been eating well and had been living rough. His messy black hair was spiking out in all directions, looking completely untameable, and making the stranger look incredibly dishevelled. He was slim, but tall. He wore a tattered black trench coat on top of his filthy T-shirt. His jeans were ripped and muddy and the trainers he was wearing looked as if they were barely held together by the material of which they were made of.

But the most noticeable feature about this stranger was his eyes. They were of the most piercing, brightest green, and looked absolutely stunning. When those eyes looked into your own, it was quite hard to pull away. They seemed to go right through your body and examine the very deepest, darkest secrets hidden within your soul. It was these eyes that unnerved people when they caught them. There was something unnatural about them; some would say there was a steely determination and hardness of character that those eyes gave off like radiation. But from where this stranger had been, and all he had suffered, they shouldn't have been bright at all. In fact, they should have been lifeless and dull.

The stranger started to move. Almost immediately, his trainers started to squelch noisily, the sounds echoing across the vast, expanse space. Cursing under his breath impatiently, he cast a hurriedly murmured Silencing Charm on them. He took small, measured steps, moving stealthily to the Fountain of Magical Brethren. He smirked. Memories of what happened to this Fountain flooded his mind, but he pushed them impatiently away and focused on the task in hand. He quickly ran over to the left. Passing doors down the corridor, he came to another door which led to a dead end. He looked down at the handle. It was the door to the Prophecy Room. Swallowing, and then hesitating ever so slightly, he turned it.

He muttered the Lighting Charm and looked into the cavernous space that was laid out before him. It was to be expected. After he and his friends had finished here, all the prophecies that had ever been recorded were destroyed. Smashed pieces of glass and splintered wooden shelves littered the floor. It seemed the Ministry had decided not to clean up the mess that had been created by their escapade. But now was not the time to reminisce. He had more, much more important things to do. He walked slowly to the door that had led to all the trouble in the first place, his feet crunching as he trod on the debris. He reached the door to the Death Chamber, the Veil Room, which held the Veil. He opened it and jumped.

He hurtled down rapidly towards the ground, and then suddenly he stopped inches from the floor. Then just as suddenly, he dropped. When he picked himself up off the floor and dusted himself down (though really there was no need, as it wouldn't help improve his appearance), and had got over being slightly winded, he looked around. He was slightly taken aback by what he saw. The Room was littered with old objects. Chalices, broken Time-Turners, potion bottles, old wands even. They were all there. He wandered around, staring at random. It looked like a dumping ground. He poked and prodded various objects as he walked, wand drawn and ready in case there was any disturbance. It was different to the last time he had been here. It had been clean. But now it looked like someone had picked up the rubbish from the Prophecy room and decided to deposit it here. As he walked, he thought of what was going on in Britain.

This day had ended but a new era of terror was beginning for Britain. After a year of denying the facts, although they were quite plainly staring him in the face, the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, announced to Magical Britain that Lord Voldemort was back. The public of course had been outraged, and it was only the matter of Fudge promising to do something to combat the upcoming threat of the Death Eaters and Voldemort that kept him in office. The stranger snorted. That spineless bowler hat-spinning cowardly fraud didn't deserve to work in the Ministry, let alone be the Minister. Though thinking about it, no-one else was adequate to do the job. He wouldn't vote for anybody, but in his position that he was in, he couldn't even vote even if he wanted to. See, he had been betrayed, by certain people who he thought he could trust with his life. But it turned out he couldn't trust them to give him the correct time of day if he'd asked.

But the icing on the cake had been when he'd found out they'd been siphoning funds out of his Gringotts account, under the pretence he'd been betrothed to the daughter, Ginny Weasley, and so it made no difference whether they were taking money or not. He held nothing against Ginny, as her bitch of a mother had probably roped her into it. But that didn't matter anymore, as Ginny was no longer around to be part of the plan. And that had been his fault. He recognised of course, that some of the blame resided with him, but not all of it. He had told them to get down. He'd have preferred one of the others to die; they deserved it, but not Ginny. She was like a sister to him. Hell, she was a sister to him…

He continued his walking until he had walked a full circle of the Chamber. He stopped in front of the dais, on top of which was the Veil. His eyes filled with tears involuntarily, as he remembered what had happened long ago. Sirius didn't deserve to die. It was all the fault of he who stood there, he who fell for Voldemort's stupid visions, he who couldn't be bothered to learn Occlumency, for which his beloved godfather paid the price.

And it was the fault of one bloody Albus Dumbledore. The stranger spat on the floor, his facial features contorted in pure rage and loathing. The old man had set him up, engineered his fall. It was due to the old man that Sirius was dead, that the stranger had the most screwed up upbringing possible. It was the old man's fault he had lost all his friends, though that was probably for the best, considering how the little shits had turned out, how they'd used him, betrayed him.

He had been manipulated, betrayed, fooled, and hoodwinked; everything and anything that could possibly be done to deceive a person. His whole life had been a lie, a show, and it had turned out to be that he was the most important pawn on the great chessboard, the great chess game between Lord Voldemort and Albus Dumbledore. Just another piece to be sacrificed for the Greater Good just like his poor parents…

At the thought of his parents, he found suddenly that the fire that had burned so brightly, then was almost snuffed out but came back as strong as ever, now burned if possible, even brighter. A sudden resolve grew over him: he was going to make everyone who ever wronged him, his parents, Sirius, whoever – everyone was going to pay.

His patience was wearing out. She should be here, she always was. Taunting and jeering, making him feel angry. But it felt good to siphon all the anger and sadness out on her. She didn't mind. But maybe that was because he had killed her husband and her brother in law, plus some of her Death Eater friends. That's right. Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange and one other were dead, at his hand. He couldn't remember exactly how, but he knew he didn't care; they deserved it. It was another thing that secured his position of what he had been through. But she followed him. Every three nights, he'd visit the Veil, to remember Sirius, and sometimes she'd be there. They'd duel. She'd flee after a while, as he had powers she could only dream of. He snorted again. He remembered those same words she'd screamed at him when she demanded the Prophecy. It looked like she was eating hers now. But still she would flee, outmatched she was, but then he would as well as the Aurors would have arrived to capture him and take him back to Azkaban. But they wouldn't. They were too scared of him and his power he now wielded. His secret identity was now blown wide open. It frightened some and enraged others. He couldn't care less. He was beyond caring. That happened ages ago.

Finally he snapped.


Harry Potter's hoarse, harsh voice echoed out around the Veil Room, through the Prophecy Room and into the Atrium. It steadily grew fainter and fainter until it was as quiet as before. Hearing no sound of her coming, he kicked the nearest object; a potion bottle that was empty. He injured his toe in the process and swore loudly because of the pain. He turned back to the Veil.

He came here, once in a while for two very special reasons. Firstly, and this was his rational mind making the decision, it was because he wanted to honour Sirius for his sacrifice. It was his way of saying thank you to the man who had come closest to being a father to him, the person who had been most like family.

The second reason was down to his irrational mind state, which had rapidly bordered insanity. He had heard the voices behind the Veil, he knew he had. If it weren't for that stupid, backstabbing, know-it-all bitch called Hermione, he might have found out what it was. Harry knew Sirius had only been lurking behind, hiding from view, just teasing him. And he would have hazarded a guess that his parents were there too.

But he knew differently now. They, along with Remus, who had also tragically died in the Battle in the Department of Mysteries, had shown him differently. They had shown him his potential. They had shown him the ways of magic that other wizards and witches could only dream of. True, they were no longer here to help him, but he knew now. He saw things differently. Harry Potter was no longer the fool, the easily impressed upon, gullible, manipulated hero. He was now a major player on a now three way chessboard; he was a force to be reckoned with. Even Dumbledore and Voldemort were hesitant towards him now. They no longer knew where they stood with him. But it was simple. He was out for revenge.

A resounding crash from far away made him whip round, wand at the ready, coat swirling, eyes alert and focused. His whole body was tense and drawn until he heard the familiar clanking and grinding that echoed around for the second time that night. He waited with baited breath for the most obvious, tell-tale sign that should follow. Sure enough, the tap-tap of high heels that could only belong to one Bellatrix Black, formerly Lestrange, were heard against the hard floor of the Atrium. His face broke into a feral grin.

"Knew you couldn't resist." he laughed.


Some time earlier.

Bellatrix Black, formerly Lestrange, sat casually on a swing. She was currently in a Muggle playground, not far from Number 4, Privet Drive. And she was waiting for one Harry Potter to walk out.

The swing creaked loudly as she gently pushed herself along the ground, the tips of her black leather heeled boots just skimming the ground. She absentmindedly fingered her talon-shaped cherry wand as she gazed towards the house which was Harry Potter's residence. It hadn't been hard to find out where The Boy Who Lived was living. One Disillusion Charm at Platform Nine and Three Quarters, King's Cross, and an invisible flight tailing that car that was a disgusting shade of blue, and she was at his doorstep. Well, not literally. Old man Dumbledore had put up some pretty sophisticated Wards. Even her old master would have some trouble bringing them down to get at the goodies inside.

Yes, that's right. Her old master. Lord Voldemort had kicked her out of his precious ring of Death Eaters. She hadn't left voluntarily though. Becoming a Death Eater means a lifetime of service or death. But Bellatrix didn't feel she was ready to die. Not yet anyway. She knew it would come soon, she just had that feeling, but she didn't know when. But something told her that when it did, the time would be right and she'd know what to do.

She thought back to Potter. Sure, she wanted to kill him. Not because her old master had ordered her to, that was old now; she no longer did his work. No, she wanted to kill the boy for her own purpose. And that purpose was revenge. Revenge for him taking her life away from her. It was his entire fault that she was in this crappy position that she was currently in. If he hadn't of killed her husband and her brother in law, she wouldn't have volunteered to kill him. And if she hadn't of done that, he wouldn't have beaten her, soundly mind, in their duels. Then she wouldn't have been cast out by the Dark Lord.

Her mind wandered back to the Wards the old man had set up. They were devilishly fiendish, so much so she was surprised at the cunning in the old man. It was very Slytherin. See, Dumbledore had put up Wards that allowed everyone that didn't want to hurt Potter in. Everyone that did found themselves unceremoniously thrown back twenty feet and landing quite painfully on the hard concrete of the opposite pavement.

She had tried every way possible that she and her old group had known between them, but to no avail. It had all been in vain. No-one who had the intention of harming him could get through. They'd even tried Imperiusing people to go through but they found themselves on the cold, hard pavement also. It really did seem that only those who genuinely cared for the boy could get through. And whoever who set up the Wards.

She swung herself a little more, her impatience getting the better of her will to resist. In the end though, she knew she would be reckless soon. And sure enough, within five minutes, she hopped off the swing, stopped it completely with a flick of her wand, and began to walk towards the residence of Harry Potter.

Potter had gone to Azkaban, but he frequently returned to Number 4 to get something that he wanted. She never found out what, but it had to be important. By this time, she was standing in front of the house. She glared at the front for a while then charged at it. As usual she was repelled and landed on the now very familiar bit of pavement.


She landed heavily, more so than usual. Spots of light danced around in front of her eyes, as she rose slowly, trying unsuccessfully to regain her bearings of her surroundings. Eventually she did, and then she noticed then pain that was steadily throbbing on the side of her waist. A quick investigation showed it was a raised purple bruise. She sighed in exasperation.

"Another one to add to the collection." she muttered.

It was as soon as she had finished saying that, that it hit her. She wasn't entirely sure how or why, but she just knew where The Boy Who Lived would be. She saw it quite clearly in her mind's eye. She started to give a throaty laugh that soon turned into a mad cackle that caused a few prying eyes to peek out from behind the curtains in the neighbourhood. Bellatrix took no notice of them.

"Oh Harry dear, I'm coming!" she called out in that annoying baby voice that she knew he loathed.

And with that, along with a quick memory charm that erased her ever being there from the memory of the residents of Privet Drive, she Disapparated with a loud crack.

But inside, a supressed conscience was fighting and struggling in vain to break free.


Harry ran through the rubbish of the Veil Room as fast as he could. The adrenaline had kicked in and his veins were coursing it around his body. It was going to end here. Tonight. He was not going to let her flee again. She was going to pay for taking Sirius away. He was going to kill her, and it didn't matter if the Aurors arrived. He would fight them until they turned tail and fled or he went down to never rise again.

He reached the wall at the top which was the door to the Prophecy Room. It was too high to levitate himself up there but he had found another way past these minor things ages ago. Raising his wand, he shouted the Summoning Charm.

"Accio door!"

Physics caught up with him and he found himself hurtling towards the door. At the last possible second, he flicked him wand and shouted again.


The door flung open and Harry found himself flying across the Room and landing on the glass shards and wooden splinters of the broken prophecies and their shelves. Several pieces of glass and wood embedded themselves in various parts of his body, including his face.

"Crap!" he cursed, hissing in pain.

He rose gingerly off of the floor and began the tedious and painful process of removing each offending article from his body. Still in pain, he neglected to clean up the blood and mess caused by his abrupt landing. More pressing matters were at hand. This time, he chose to move with more cautiousness around the Room, avoiding piles of debris. As he neared the door, he heard her nearing the fountain. He burst through the door and sprinted to the statues of the wizard, the witch, the centaur, the goblin and the elf. He skidded to a halt, opposite the witch who he hated above all others. The woman who had had a major part in ruining his life.

Bellatrix Black.

Azkaban, like it had done to him, had done her no favours. The once beautiful face was now sunken and gaunt. The hair that used to hang in bouncing, lively curls was currently lank and matted, though the curls remained. The body boarded skeletal and her attire didn't help her appearance either, though he could hardly talk. Ripped and tattered, her battle dress hung loosely round her, some of it flapping when she moved through loss of body weight. But like Harry, her eyes were her most striking feature. Vivid violet and sparkling with hardly supressed eagerness to attack, they were alive with insanity. They held the same piercing glare that Harry's did, and they seemed to emit a glow. The only difference was that she was insane.

They held each other's glare for a moment then levelled their wands at each other. Noting each other's duelling stance briefly, they began to circle each other around the fountain. It was Bellatrix who spoke first.

"Ahh, is little ickle baby Potter here to mourn the death of his dear beloved mutt of a godfather? Is he angry with Auntie Bella for killing the blood-traitor dog?" she cooed tauntingly.

Harry gave a small growl to that but responded with something just as hurtful.

"No. I was here to dance and jeer on the death site of your pathetic husband!" he shot back.

Bellatrix's smirk turned into a snarl and she suddenly moved forward, rage contorting her face.

"You'll pay for that Potter!" she shrieked. "Crucio!"

Harry narrowly dodged the curse and fired one back.


The Explosion Curse streamed from the end of Harry's wand and hurtled towards Bellatrix. She conjured an iron shield and dived left. The shield blew up and metal shrapnel was flung in all directions. Both combatants hastily erected Shield Charms which stopped them from being shredded.

"Not bad Potter. You've certainly improved since the last time we met." Bellatrix drawled.

Harry scoffed and replied.

"Oh, come on! That's a nothing spell! I was just testing to see if you still have the edge Bella." he spat.

Still they prowled around the edge of the Fountain again, trying to keep the other in sight. Spells, curses, jinxes and hexes were all traded, but all were dodged or batted away. Finally Harry got the upper hand.

"Pertrificus Totalus!" Bellatrix shouted.

"Reducto!" Harry yelled while simultaneously dodging the Body-Bind Curse.

His spell hit the centaur on the Fountain, which promptly exploded into millions of metal fragments. Bellatrix screamed and shielded her face with her hands while turning away. Pieces of gold lodged themselves deeply into her back and she gasped in pain as they did so.

Harry wasted no time. Moving with precision and purpose, he cast more spells to finish this off.

"Stupefy! Expelliarmus! Impedimentia! Incarcerous!"

Injured as she was, Bellatrix still managed to deflect each and every one of his curses as she ran as fast as possible, teeth gritted to bear the pain, towards the door to the Prophecy Room. Mentally, Harry grudgingly admitted that she was in fact very skilful and acknowledged that this wouldn't be over for a while yet. So, he took after her, hot on her tapping heels.

By this time Bellatrix had reached the door and had opened it.


She stumbled inside and turned back to see The Boy Who Lived sprinting towards her as if his life depended on it. A small plan erupted in her mind and she gave a crooked smile in satisfaction in anticipation of the results. Puzzlement was etched on Harry's face when he saw she didn't close it. Just as he was about to reach it, she whipped her wand at the door, her curls flying round her head.

"Colloportus!" she managed to say through the mounting pain.

She heard the squelching noise that told her the door was shut tight, but then she heard the noise that she wanted hear. A massive crash vibrated the door and the frame as Harry ran into it. She giggled when she heard him swearing and cursing on the other side. She soon grimaced however, when an especially sharp pain shot down her side. She groaned as she muttered "Lumos" and began to navigate her way round the debris caused by the incident a few months ago, in her quest to get as far from Potter as possible. She spotted the door and made a beeline for it, while glancing down at her wounds.

"Looks like he got me good that time. Too good." she added when she saw the darkness on her dress that was caused by blood.


Harry swore loudly when he hit the door. He should have seen that one coming, he really should have. His rage mounted when he heard her giggling on the other side. Pulling out his wand, he pointed it steadily towards the door and said "Alohomora".

The door opened and he blasted it aside. Stepping cautiously into the room, he sent Stunners in every direction, in case Bellatrix had decided to hide. When no spells were sent back in response, he raised his wand again.

"Homenum Revelio!"

He waited for the spell to swoop over the room, then he received the information; there was no-one there but him. It seemed that Bellatrix had decided to go to the Veil Room.

"Maybe I'll get the chance to push her into it!" he thought with grim satisfaction.

And with that he made his way over to the door, his wand alight.


Bellatrix hit the ground with a soft thump. She hadn't remembered that there was a fall, and so hadn't expected to land like that. The impact had winded her and she found it difficult to rise up off of the floor. She stumbled on the rock that supported the Veil and her wand slid out of her hand. She groaned and tried to reach it. Inch by tantalising inch her fingers crawled towards it. She finally reached it when she heard the door open and Potter fell towards the ground.

As she watched, she hoped that the charm would fail and he would break his neck, but it wasn't to be. He landed softly and picked himself up off of the floor. With his wand pointed at her, he strolled over.

"Well, well, well." he smirked as he drew level with her body on the floor, he towering over her.

"Get on with it Potter,"she said hoarsely. "Kill me then. You finally got me this time. So go on. End it."

She looked at his face for any sign of emotion of doubt, but only hard, steely determination resided in his emerald eyes.

"You don't honestly think I'll bring you Death that easily, do you?" he asked. "I'm going to make you suffer, like you made everyone else suffer. Like you made me suffer when you killed Sirius."

She opened her mouth to reply, but never got to because he shouted the Cruciatus Curse.


The pain hit her like a bullet. Coupled with the agony she was already in, it was bordering unendurable. It felt like white-hot knives pierced every inch of her body, while simultaneously her skin was being ripped off and then doused in acid. It was agony beyond agony. Somehow, she was aware that someone was screaming, and with a jolt of shock, she realised it was her. Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, the pain stopped. She gave a great wracking cough, and shuddered, trying unsuccessfully to rise.

"You see Bella, I took your words to heart." Harry said, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

She looked up to him, not understanding. Then it came to her.

You have to mean them Potter!

She groaned again. Harry looked at her.

"Was that a plea for more?" he asked jeeringly. "In that case, I'll oblige…"

Bellatrix opened her mouth to protest, to ask it to stop, to beg for mercy, but she never got to. The pain started again and she was screaming, screaming in the raw, pure agony of it all.

And inside her mind, something snapped. The bonds and the forces that held her prisoner so long snapped. The potions and charms that rendered her unable to do anything but Voldemort's and her dead husband's bidding broke. Bellatrix Black, formerly Lestrange, reverted to her normal self; the sweet, independent, hardheaded, funny girl she had been before she became a slave to the Dark.

Harry saw it too. Something happened when he put her through the pain the second time around. And it was curiosity that caused him to lift it. Bellatrix had fallen onto her front, directly in front of the Veil. He moved cautiously towards her, ready for an attack…

But it never came. To Harry Potter's great astonishment, Bellatrix Black was crying. Actually crying. Huge tears rolled down her cheeks as she sobbed, her body convulsing because of the pain and because of the tears.

Harry was totally bewildered. He didn't know what to do. He knelt down beside her just as she turned her tearstained face towards him. What struck him were her eyes. They were still the same violet, still vivid and bright; but they were no longer alive with insanity; they were alive with life. He stared at her for a while until she spoke.

"I'm… s-s-sorry…Harry..." she croaked, her voice constricted because of the tears. "I n-n-never d-did… those things v-v-voluntarily… I-I-I w-was… f-f-forced to…"

She took a great shuddering breath, before she spoke again. Harry was still looking at her, transfixed.

"I never meant to k-k-kill S-S-Siri…" she continued but it was at this point her voice cracked and she broke into a fresh wave of tears.

But Harry understood. Even with Legilimancy, he didn't need it to see the truth, the sorrow, the remorse radiating from her. For reasons he didn't and probably would never know, he picked her up gingerly, and hugged her. Bellatrix stiffened at first, but soon relaxed into it and sobbed harder than ever. Harry soothed her and cradled her in his arms. No-one deserved this, especially someone who had been forced into it. He continued to hold her until she stopped crying and indicated that she wanted to get up.

Harry moved her so she was standing and she was steady. She was still shuddering from the aftershocks of the Curse and swayed slightly. He held her firmly.

Bellatrix looked at him. She didn't understand why he was helping her but she was grateful. Perhaps he had seen her remorse. She really did mean it. She didn't want to do those atrocities but she was forced to against her own will for twenty-six years. Nineteen she was when it happened. And it all went downhill from there.

But something was niggling at her brain. She knew what it was. Her time on this Earth was up. But she didn't want Harry to live in a broken, desolate world. She wanted him to be happy, to have his parents and his Godfather. Somehow she knew what to do and she was going to do it. Slowly, and carefully, she bent down and picked one of the broken Time-Turners off the floor. Then just as carefully, she put the chain around Harry's neck. His face was puzzled.

"Bella, what are you…?" he began.

He never finished the sentence as from far away, from above, they both heard voices and the thundering feet of a lot of Aurors. Shouts of "They're down there!" and "Quick!" filled the room. Harry, with a jolt of rage, heard Dumbledore's voice. He raised the holly wand, but Bellatrix pulled his face towards hers with her hands.

"Trust me Harry." she whispered.

Harry looked deep into her eyes and nodded. Grasping his face just a little more tightly, Bellatrix's lips met his, their eyes closed. She pressed gently against him as they fell backwards towards the Veil.

She released him, as he stood there struck dumb. She saw the Aurors burst through the door and the cries of "Stop!" and the spells that rained down on them.

But it made no difference. Holding Harry's hand, she pulled them both into the Veil, gone from this Universe, gone from this Time, and into another.

I know. Emotional right? Well, what happens next is anyone's guess, but I have it all planned out. Chapter One will be up by the end of the month hopefully. If anyone has got any questions or queries, please review or PM me. And remember, please review ;)