There was a ruckus. The whole student body of Fuuka Academy was in a state of frenzy. Earlier of the day, the Student Council secretary announced that there is a remaining fund that can be allocated to the school club but only to one club. However, the process of choosing what club would get the fund is the reason for the academy riot.

"Suggestions and ideas have been considered and above all, we finally found the way to allocate the fund to a club" there was a brief silence in the speakers and then the loud feedback caused the students to whine. But what comes after next made them plug their ears with anything they can find to use as a sort of noise canceller.


Then a soft chuckle was heard from the speaker background, they all heard a male voice saying "May the odds be ever in their favor. Isn't that right Haruka? Kufu."

And by the end of the day, the student council room was now flooded with submission envelops and flocking people that Haruka, the Executive Director of the Suzushiro Executive Team (SET), had to use her own academy force to shoo the flocking fans of both Shizuru Fujino and Reito Kanzaki. The president and vice president of the student council.


Low sounded sip.


Another low sounded sip.


Rustling of the tugging sleeve.


Haruka's brow twitched in annoyance for the past three minutes as the woman sitting behind the two towering pile of brown envelops acted as a pillar for her ignored her initial question and calmly drinks her tea. Beside the woman who was drinking tea, is the raven haired vice-president of the student council, drinking the said beverage with a smile on his face. How she hated how the two just sit in their seats and drink tea like there was nothing to worry about. Yukino, the secretary of the Fuuka student council, tugged the blonde half-Japanese's sleeves again and looked up to the blonde with a worried look on her face. "Don't give me that look Yukino. That damn Bubuzuke is lazing around as always." Haruka told her childhood friend. "Bubuzuke! Start reading those so that we can decide already! The deadline is the end of the week."

The woman that Haruka called as Bubuzuke (tea with rice) placed her tea cup at the table and beamed one of her façade smile. The mountain of brown envelops around her table shook a bit from the movement in the table, but it was not enough to topple the towering envelops. "I am sorry for not starting Haruka. I was merely calculating on how many I would read before the said deadlines while still attend my classes." Shizuru sighed and leaned back to her chair. "In all honesty, this would be bothersome. Kindly remind me again why I signed this up for approval?" she asks, skimming her slender finger over the pile of envelopes.

Reito merely chuckled. "You were watching the soccer team outside the window at that time Shi-chan. Again I might add. And when Haruka asked for your answer about this, you said yes." It was a sight to see when Haruka announced at the whole student body about the fund allocation, Shizuru visibly paled at how she was being the bait among the hungry sharks. "It's like Hunger Games." He laughed when he commented the famous line of the said book and to add up that his ending quote was unfortunately heard by the whole student body. After chuckling a few more times, he looked up to Haruka with a knowing glint in his eyes. "Anyway, since I am part of this, I believe we should divide these up and start working, alright?"

"If we must." Shizuru then smiled at Haruka with a devious plan. "But I wonder if my decision is enough to please everyone here. Am I right Rei-kun?" she said in a fake distressed tone.

Haruka's ears perked up upon hearing Shizuru's distraught tone when she spoke. A grin plastered on her face and she took one of the envelop pillars. "You are one lazy tea-drinking Kyoto rice cake. I'll take these and asses them. Come Yukino, these two are borons." She announced and paced out of the council room with Yukino following her. "Haruka-chan! It's Moron. Mou! Wait for me!"

When the two left Shizuru and Reito, peace was finally welcomed inside the student council office. Reito took this opportunity to pour another cup of green tea and offered it to Shizuru who was now skimming through the fiction entries. He took it as a hilarious scenario when Haruka gave the idea about the fanfiction. It was derived from the fact that there were love letters being left at the student council office and Haruka wanted to torment Shizuru. Shizuru was too occupied in watching the soccer club practice to even listen at Haruka. 'Ah yes, the soccer club. The main reason why the fund was put up as a prize.'

When they were discussing on the new fund, Shizuru suggested it to be given to the soccer club since the Fuuka soccer team, HiME Rangers, did win second place at the regional championships. But Haruka protested that it would be unfair since there were other clubs who excelled as well. And thus the contest arrived.

Both silently read the stories, small chuckles at how exaggerated the writers wrote about their fantasy on the both of them, some eye twitching at how graphic it could be to the point of the two blushing at how they can imagine what was written in the story.

"I wonder how much fantasy our fans have been thinking." Reito commented while holding his laughter. He was reading a fiction where he was baiting the vice president of the Kendo club, Yuuichi Tate, into a one night stand. "I am amazed that people think I'm gay." He flashed a toothy smile over the brunette who was also holding her own laughter.

"It seems that your handsomeness has been perceived by many as something of a gay feature." Shizuru teased. "I have heard some women saying that they can never be too sure right now about a person's preference, especially if they are too handsome." she explained. She went and grabbed another envelope to read the next wild fantasy that hers or Reito's fans have created.

The grin on Reito's face suddenly widen after hearing Shizuru's explanation. "Indeed. I do know a certain Kyoto-born beauty that never swayed over the wooing attempts of men. Especially from me."

"Fufu, I wonder who could that be." Shizuru replied, faking her accent into a more western type. "In my defense, none have asked on what my preference is. They offered their assistance and kindness, I reciprocate it with gratitude. If they have asked, I would've told them long before."

"So I have seen." Said Reito and proceed to read the story in his hand. At the back of his mind, he knew why his childhood friend was never attracted to anyone and it has something to do with the current striker of the Fuuka Academy soccer team.

Their solemn silence was then interrupted by the sound of shattering glass at the end of the room and a bouncing ball moving around the corner of the room. Both Reito and Shizuru looked at the object with much surprise.

"Dammit spider! Aim a little better!" someone yelled from outside the student council room.

"Yeah! Yeah! Just get that ball before someone else sees it!" another voice yelled back.

Shizuru blinked a few times when she saw a woman, dressed in white shirt with blue cross printed on the front and a number 13 at the back, a black arm warmer on her left arm, white shorts with blue linings at the sides, knee high socks and a pair of white with gash-like print cleats, sneaking in the room from the broken window. Shizuru tensed up when she saw the blue colored hair of the woman.

"Stupid spider… doesn't know how to kick." the woman with blue colored hair grumbled as she sneaked her way towards the corner of the room to fetch the ball. Reito and Shizuru just watched how the blunette took the ball without even noticing them inside the room. "Good, now all I have to do is-" the blunette spun around and froze on the spot when she saw two students at the other end of the room.

"Ara. Hello." Shizuru greeted the blunette that has a baffled expression on her face.

The blunette held the ball tighter and bolted away. "You didn't see me!" she shouted before skillfully jumping out of the broken window.

"That was, unusual." Reito commented after seeing the blunette jump out of the window. He looked back at his friend who was now standing by the nearest window, looking at the fleeting figure of the blunette. "You know, you could get her name if you just approach her." He told the brunette who sighed when the council intruder was now at the soccer field.

"Knowing her name is an easy task but knowing it from her is not." Red hued eyes looked at the soccer team and saw how the blunette was doing a headlock on a redhaired woman whom she can assume as a soccer team member. "Kuga, Natsuki. First year and the current striker for the Fuuka HiME Rangers. Reported for always skipping classes that relates to math and English, excellent in science classes and physical education. Also, someone who is addicted to mayonnaise."

Reito chuckled and stood up from his seat and approached Shizuru. He placed his hand on top of Shizuru's head and patted it gently. "Ah the wonders of the gossip network and Harada-san's connections." He teased which earned him a slap on his arm. "Just telling the obvious. You're not the only one who uses Harada-san's contacts and information. Anyway, we should finish what we can for today and let's head home." He patted Shizuru's head again and left the brunette to muse on her own.

Another sigh escaped Shizuru's lips and look one last look on the blunette named Natsuki Kuga. The blunette was lying on the grass with the red haired soccer player was sitting on her abdomen while doing some situps. From her view, she can tell that Natsuki was smiling at the redhead. 'Maybe she's her special someone.' Another sigh and she left and went back to reading the fictions sent to them.

The next day, Shizuru was surprised when she stepped into the council room. Before she even stepped inside, her mind was debating on how she can approach the famous ice princess, knowing there would be fans flocking her everywhere and the entries needed to be evaluated. And as if the goddess of love herself woven the strings of fate, she is now standing before a tied up in a chair Natsuki Kuga, dressed in her uniform and a black arm warmer on her left arm, with a deep scowl on her face.

Flashes of things Shizuru can do to the blunette keep popping up within the brunette's mind. It didn't help at how much smut fanfics she had read from the entries her schoolmates passed to them. Some of the graphic ones crept back into her memory and the actors playing on her head are Natsuki and her.

"You're rate bubuzuke!" the booming voice of Haruka filled the room but it was not enough to snap Shizuru out of her mental fantasy. Then there was a meek voice that followed it, telling the blonde that it was 'late' and not rate.

"I think you broke her using your sonic boom of a voice Suzushiro. Her nose is bleeding." Said the blunette in a husky tone.

Everyone in the room, naming Reito, Yukino, Haruka and Natsuki, all turned to Shizuru who has a blank look on her face and a drip of blood trickling down from her right nostril. "Shizuru!" Reito shouted in concern, dashing towards the brunette, with a black handkerchief in hand, and covering the now bleeding nose of his friend. He pinched the soft part of Shizuru's nose and tilted her head forward as an initial treatment to the nosebleed.

Blinking a few times, Shizuru felt her lungs to be running out of oxygen and the source being blocked out. She felt the soft hands of her childhood friend at the back of her head and her sight was set on the floor. "Ara?" she said in a nasal tone. She heard Reito calling for her name in worried tone and Haruka yelling for a stretcher. "Ah! No, I'm fine." She immediately said with a nasal tone.

Haruka stopped her yelling and looked back to Shizuru who was not standing with Reito assisting her. "You sure? If you want I'll carry you bare." Haruka asked with concern etched on her face. Sure she proclaimed rivalry over the brunette, but this time, she'll let her rivalry aside.

Shizuru was about to answer and Yukino to again correct Haruka's words, their tied up guest cleared her throat and made everyone look at her. "Finally you noticed the abducted human. As much as I would be laughing my ass off if Suzushiro here did carry that woman, bare and all, Yukino will you PLEASE let me go? I already agreed to pay for the broken window and you know how Nao would be angry at me if I don't come to class." Natsuki told the meek secretary. "We have science next! Science!"

Yukino looked up to Haruka who was about to yell at Natsuki. "Haruka-chan, since Shizuru-san is here now, shall we continue the conversation regarding Natsuki-san's punishment? Natsuki-san does need to attend her class." she asked the blonde.

Haruka approached Natsuki and began poking the blunette's forehead, bopping Natsuki's head back and forth. "Yukino! Why are you even agreeing to this delinquent? If she's afraid of being late, we can just write a note and have that bubuzuke sign it. My breakfast was digested in an instant when I ran after her!" she turns her attention to Natsuki and glared at her. Yukino fidgeted. She knows the reason why Natsuki shouldn't be late if Nao is in her class and to see Haruka poking Natsuki's forehead was like igniting the fuse of a bomb.

Natsuki growled and tilted her head back a bit. Timing Haruka's offending poking finger, when the said finger was near her face, she moved her head upward and bit Haruka's finger. This made the blonde yelp in pain and pulls her injured away from the smirking blunette. "Why you little-"

Before Haruka could get her hands on the smirking Natsuki, Shizuru stood in the middle and raised both of her hands at chest level, showing surrender. "Ara, ara, Haruka should calm down before we do any further damage, yes?" She said with hope of calming Haruka down.

With Yukino grabbing the blonde's waist and holding her in place, Haruka took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. "Fine. Just do what you usually do and we'll be on our way. Reito over there suggested afterschool detention in the student council, cleaning the room after meeting and such until Friday. So we just need your decision in that." She huffed and crossed her arms while positioning herself into a better position with Yukino.

Natsuki growled again and tried her best to get out of her restraints. But due to Haruka's tight knotted roping, all she archived was some minor rope burns. "Argh! I said I can't! Midori would be mad if I don't attend soccer practice!" Natsuki glared at Haruka who has a smug look on her face.

"I can arrange for that." Reito spoke out with a flashy smile. "It is under the student handbook Kuga-san that all violations would be equivalent to detention. Isn't that right Shi-chan" He inquired to the brunette who was still facing Haruka.

There was a low growl from Natsuki after Reito spoke but was completely ignored by everyone. Shizuru merely sighed and began to massage her temples while still facing her back towards Natsuki. "It is as the student handbook says." She mumbled. Her mind imagined all the possible way to talk to the blunette while she was serving her detention in the S.C room but she felt that it would be unfair to sign off the punishment just because of that, and the miniscule reason of breaking a window. But then, it is an opportunity and one of the Fujino family motto is, 'grab every booty you get.' Though she really thinks it's 'opportunity' than booty. With a deep sigh, she faced the glaring blunette, emerald eyes burning of annoyance, and showed her a teasing smile. "We wouldn't be a good student council officers if we don't punish the law-breaking students yes?" she leaned forward to Natsuki who was now blushing at the sudden closeness. "Who knows, you might enjoy MY company." She teased, winking at the blunette as she emphasize the 'my' part.

"W-what about-" Natsuki's stuttering words were stopped by Shizuru's right index finger.

"We can handle Midori-sensei." Shizuru told Natsuki. The touch of Natsuk's lips over her finger was enough to make her inner fan-girl squeal in delight. But with good things comes with responsibilities and she knows she has to retract her finger away to avoid scaring the blunette. "So now, off you go and we'll see you later on." She said and stood straight up and walked towards her table with her heart pounding like crazy.

Natsuki was speechless. Even when she was untied by Yukino via cutting the ropes, since Haruka's knot was so tight nobody can even untie it, she sat on the chair with a surprised look. There was a sound of pen scribbling on a piece of paper for a few seconds until the said paper was thrust towards Natsuki's face by Haruka.

"Here's your pass, you can go." Haruka said to Natsuki. When the blunette, still dazed but clutched the paper in her hands, she picked Natsuki up by her arms and carried her out of the office like a puppy and left her outside before slamming the door shut.

When Natsuki was now out of sight Shizuru gave Haruka a chilling smile when the blonde looked at them with a proud smile. "Mind telling me how Haruka knew of the window accident and how did you catch Kuga-han?" Shizuru inquired, holding a tea cup which nobody dared to ask on where it came from.

"That Kanzaki told me about the broken window, well he told Yukino and for finding her it was pot luck." Yukino then corrected her by saying it was 'pure luck' and not pot luck. "Yeah, that's what I said. Anyway, I saw her changing at the school forest and caught her when she was removing her biker suit." Haruka said proudly.

Shizuru choked on her drink when she heard how Haruka caught Natsuki. A handkerchief was offered to her by Reito which she graciously took and thanked the man as she wiped the tea spill from her lips. A cold aura suddenly filled the room when Shizuru looked up to the blonde with a cold smile. Even before she can speak to Haruka, Yukino already pulled the blonde away, leaving the room.

"My, you frightened poor Yukino with that smile of yours Shi-chan." Reito commented with mirth. It was plainly obvious that Shizuru was pissed when Haruka told them how she saw Natsuki. Such privilege was never given to the brunette ever. "Shi-chan, we all know how Haruka only has eyes for Yukino so will you drop that 'Are you ready to see hell?' smile?"

A sigh once again escaped Shizuru's lips as she leaned back to her chair. "This is getting a bit of trouble for me." She took her cup of tea and slowly drank its contents in hope to be calmed down. Sure she can pull the façade of being calm but when she is faced with Natsuki, her body goes into an inner turmoil.

They sat there for the whole first hour, since they both were excused from their classes due to Student Council work. A few stifle laugh and some grunts at the ridiculous stories they have been reading. After reading the quarter of the growing pile of stories they have, they finally called for a break and proceed to their next class.

A/N: This is the first part of my mini fic that I have been working on for the past month. This will be updated in a 3-day basis, so after 3 days, the new update will appear. constructive criticism and reviews are welcome :) Until then, tune in to the next chapter of Read Me. -Zaki