Author's Note: This story has been in my mind for a while now and I hope you guys enjoy it. This is a two shot involving my OTP Ulquiorra and Orihime in an AU.

I'm still continuing my other story "My Onna" but I'm currently facing a wall regarding a scene so I hope you still bear with me and continue to watch for it.

There she was again sitting on table number 4. Always gazing out the window as if she was waiting for someone. Always ordering the same thing. If I was not mistaken the girl was from Karakura High based from her uniform. I actually don't care much for trivial things but the fact that she was always here sitting on the same spot, same time, same order. I mean seriously, what the hell? Grimmjow was usually the one who entertained her but right now the blue haired idiot had to take the day off and so of course, being the only one vacant I had to take her order this time.

I slowly dusted off the front of my black apron ready to approach her but stopped mid-step when she suddenly had a huge smile plastered on her face. Although it was quite evident that she was trying to hold in her excitement. I couldn't help but follow the direction which her eyes focused on. I noticed a boy with orange hair walking past the shop's window.

He was wearing the Seireitei college uniform. So this was the mystery behind this girl. I smirked to myself feeling a bit victorious even if this information was very much irrelevant to me. So this girl was a bit of a stalker or was being controlled by the strings of her heart. I thought about not bothering to take her order seeing as she already got what she had came here for but after a few minutes she still did not leave. So of course, as the dutiful waiter and Sir Aizen's death glare, I approached her to take her order.

"Girl, have you decided on what you would like to order?"

I said this out of formality. No wait, I say that loosely seeing as I refer to her as "girl". But I already know what she would usually order.

"Oh, hello. Grimmjow isn't here today?"

I shook my head. "Sorry to disappoint."

"Oh I"

"It's fine. Order. Now." I was getting impatient. If I didn't need the money I wouldn't be working part time as a waiter. I hated waiting. College was draining enough but raising money for the tuition was equally tiresome.

After she ordered I immediately returned with her desired refreshment and pastry. Set it down on her table and quickly left.

The next day of course, she was there again. Grimmjow was present but he was busy tending to other customers and so of course, I was left with the task of entertaining the girl. I approached her table calmly and strange enough, it was like she was expecting me. I stood there waiting for her to order already while at the same time, I studied her features. She was quite mature for a high school student. In fact, most of my blockmates in college had her physique. Then I noticed her mouth about to move and expected her to give me her order already. I motioned my pen to rest its tip on my notepad ready to mechanically write it as if I hadn't memorized it already but then it wasn't her order which came out of her mouth.

"You're quite the grump aren't you?"

What the hell.

It was a Friday afternoon and so of course, that meant our shop would be loaded with customers. It was quite irritating and noisy when I worked during such hours. But then amidst the chaos and noise I spotted the girl again. I quickly turned my eyes toward table number 4 and sure enough, it was occupied. I rested my eyes on the girl again just standing by the entrance. It was irritating. I still couldn't forget what she told me. I felt like I had been bested and by a high school girl no less.

I motioned to the occupants of table number 4 which was a group of 6 but table number 4 was usually for 2 people, 3 maximum. How unsettling. Just my luck, table number 7 was recently vacated. I directed the group towards the bigger table and they happily moved. I approached the girl by the entrance and motioned for her to sit at her table. She had a grateful smile on her face. As if I did it for her. I did it to set balance. Yes that's right for balance. While she was walking past me, I grabbed her arm and whispered "Who's the grump?"

This time, Grimmjow took her order. Honestly, I didn't know if I was relieved or troubled. I have never felt such an emotion before. However, I quickly dismissed my thoughts before they dug deeper into uncharted territories in my head. I watched her behind the counter laughing with Grimmjow. It seems those two have gotten close. At around 5:40pm the boy with orange hair passes by again and sure enough I catch her staring with that smile on her face again. There was an unfamiliar feeling in my gut. Maybe, I was just hungry.

The girl was about to leave the shop just right after looking at her watch. She placed the croissant into her mouth and was in a hurry to leave. She suddenly looked up and I was caught staring right at her. She suddenly approached me and I did not recognize the feeling that was surfacing. Maybe it was fear…yes fear ...the croissant on her mouth did make her look like some sort of vampire or maybe I was entertained because she also looked like a sort of walrus. Yeah..maybe it was either of those two.

She suddenly grabbed my hand and placed some sort of charm unto it.

"It wards of bad luck. I bought it yesterday as a thank you. Who knows, maybe it'll ward off what's keeping you from smiling." She then hurriedly exited the shop.

Fear or entertainment… bullshit. I knew exactly what I was feeling.

The next day, the girl did not come or the next. I told myself that I was merely curious and not worried on why she did not show. I was a little irritated when I saw that red headed crush of hers pass by as I was cleaning table number 3. No wait, it was because the forks and spoons on the table didn't match. Yes, it was that.

The next day she was there again sitting on the table which she has quietly proclaimed hers. Grimmjow was available but I did not know why my feet were dragging me towards her table but before I approached her, I cleaned up table number 5 and it was just convenient that I take her order as well. Think what you want Grimmjow.

She was just scribbling something on her notebook which was probably her homework or whatever. I just stood there waiting again… waiting… God, did she know I hated waiting?


She then abruptly turned her head towards me.

"Oh hello," she paused "…Ulquiorra. Sorry I was a bit preoccupied."

I was about to question her how she came about knowing my name but she suddenly pointed towards my nametag. Preoccupied she said? However, whenever that red headed carrot boy would pass by she would drop everything and stare. I felt a bit insulted and something else. She had that same smile on but her eyes were a bit blank.

"May I ask what you are preoccupied with?"

She stared at me for a while before smiling. "Did that charm I gave, finally have an effect on you? You're actually trying to start a conversation."

Ah, the shine in her eyes were back again.

"it's math by the way." She stared at her notebook again but by the time she was about to look at me again, I had already left.

I was blankly staring at the blackboard while our professor goes on about the lobes of the brain until I noticed a red headed girl sitting across from me. She had about the same length of hair as that "girl" and had a similar build. I knew she was in my class but why I have suddenly noticed her just recently is a mystery….or perhaps not. What effect did that girl have on me?

Today, I was set on ignoring the girl. I will let Grimmjow do his job while I get table two's order and clean up table six. It was unfortunate that I had to pass by her table but I was surprised that she was not the one occupying it. Perhaps she wasn't going to come again today. I retreated into the kitchen to dump the pile of dishes when someone suddenly emerged from the doors about to collide with me. Luckily, I had great instincts and dodged right away leaving the person to fall flat on her face. It was the girl. Seriously, this girl never ceases to surprise me.

"Ah Ulquiorra, I see you've met our new employee. She will be under your care starting today." Sir Aizen tells me with a smirk.

Seriously God, are you punishing me? Is this a joke? Maybe I'll wake up and find myself in sir Szayel's lecture class or maybe I'm still in bed or maybe dead.

"That's too much." I tell the girl while, she adds sugar to a customer's coffee. It was around 5:35pm and any minute now that carrot boy would walk by taking the eyes of this girl beside me with him. Did she really take this job just to be able to stalk the boy? How far was she willing to go exactly? I actually wanted to test my theory.


"It's Orhime." She interrupts me.

"I know. Girl suits you better."

It will be something this woman and I alone share.

The boy passes by right on time, and sure enough she stares again and I stare as well but at her. I do not know why but each time I catch her staring at the boy, something in me catches fire.

I hand her the standard uniform to change into. It took a while since we only had male uniforms on hand seeing as Sir Aizen almost always recruits men. The only other female recruit in this shop with be Neliel. At least now, she'd have some company.

She changes into it shortly after. She keeps stretching the fabric and keeps picking at it though. I glare at her to stop.

"This makes me look fat." She tells me.

"No. It is fine."

"No. I look like those things you serve during breakfast. What was it called? Ah!, a pig in a blanket."

"No. You do not." I motioned to leave her to get table 3's order.


"It suits you." I give her one last meaningful glance before departing.

I could have sworn I saw her cheeks redden slightly.

I barge into the kitchen area to place the dirty dishes unto the sink. I see the girl trying to whip up something.

"Ah Ulquiorra! Come here let me show you how to make my special cupcakes!"

"I refuse."

"Don't be like that!"

"I see no merit in teaching me this girl. I am merely a waiter. I just wait."

"That's fine. Then just do your job and wait here beside me. It wouldn't hurt to learn something new every day."

The girl demonstrates to me how to make this new cupcake recipe she proposed to sir Aizen which was recently approved and added unto the menu. She explains to me step by step the procedure and while half of my mind was concentrating on learning, the other part was concentrating on her.

"Orihime! Come here for a while will you?"

Neliel interrupts her teaching session. The girl then places the steel like bowl into my hands and instructs me to add water before departing to speak with Nel.

I placed the bowl into the sink and opened the faucet while staring at her talking and giggling with Neliel on the other side of the kitchen. Ah, there was that feeling again. It seemed to get stronger and stronger each day. This was becoming dangerous.

"Dude, it's overflowing."

Grimmjow interrupts me. My eyes widened a bit. Did he know about my feelings? I was sure I was careful. But then he points toward the bowl in my hands.

I was relieved a bit.

Sir Aizen reprimands me for getting an order wrong not once, but thrice. I was honestly upset and frustrated. With our exams in just a few weeks and the requirements in college, I didn't need any more additional stress. God, I felt like suffocating.

After my shift ended, I locked myself in the storage room. I needed a quiet place for a while to think things through. I sat on a corner with my knees pulled up so I could rest my head unto them. I stayed like that for a while just needing some rest and quiet until I felt arms wrap around me from the side. If this was Grimmjow my fist was ready to hit his face but no it wasn't, the hug felt strangely warm and comforting and the arms wrapped around me had a delicate touch.

I look up to come face to face with the girl. I give her a questioning look and she just answers,

"It's alright. Sometimes people need hugs." She flashes me a warm smile.

God, everything hurt.

The girl and I have had more frequent encounters lately. She would always smile at me whenever our eyes would meet, I would hold doors open for her, we would spend our breaks together eating, talking or just sitting together, and recently I've become accustomed to walking her home. But of course, we are just friends.

During our talks I learned that the reason for her taking up a part time job was to help her brother Sora pay the bills. I was a bit relieved knowing the boy wasn't the reason. She points out the time I asked her what she was preoccupied with. Apparently, she was computing the bills they needed to pay. I also learnt that she's currently in her fourth year in high school, lives with her older brother Sora, likes sweets, and other seemingly insignificant things but turn out to be strong information that could serve as a foundation in our relationship. I dare not ask her about her crush. I couldn't.

It took a while for me to open up to her but eventually I did and she learns that I am an only son living alone in an apartment nearby raising money for college. My parents work abroad and visit once a month. It wasn't that my parents were incapable of providing; it was just that I felt like I owed them a lot for adopting someone like me. We both don't press for information and wait for each other to be ready to share something when the time comes.

I was slowly starting to believe that she may potentially like me as well. But it's only wishful thinking.

She suddenly asks me about college life. She's been thinking about which college to attend for a while. I go to Hueco University she on the other hand, has her eyes set on Seireitei University. Around here, those are the big two. Then I remember that the carrot headed boy attended Seireitei. Once again I questioned, just how far this woman was willing to go for the boy. Realizing this irked me to the core.

Recently, the boy does not pass by that often. I realize the girl is slightly affected seeing as she isn't her usual jolly self. I don't like seeing her upset however, seeing her happy but on another's account is more painful for me.

A group of high school girls enter the shop and sit at table 7. I immediately ask them what they would like to order but I noticed them giggling and whispering before I got to them.

As usual, I greet them as standard policy and ask them if they are ready to order. They keep nudging their friend who was seated near where I was standing. The girl was blushing furiously and kept averting her eyes. How bothersome.. No wait, I think I know where this is heading.

"Hey, onii-chan," one of her friends finally breaks the tension.

"Our friend here was wondering what school you go to." She blurts out.

Apparently, her friend finds me attractive and has been eyeing me for a while. It's a bit flattering but I feel empty because this wasn't the girl whom I wanted.

I was about to answer her question when Orihime suddenly interrupts me by hip bumping me and getting the notepad and pen from my hand.

"Grimmjow, wants you at the back. I'll take care of this."

I hear the synchronized "Awwww" of the girls as I left the table. I entered the kitchen and asked Grimmjow what he wanted he looks at me in disbelief and says he never asked for me.

Did the girl lie? Did that mean- no, I will not assume such things. But thinking that the girl did it out of jealousy brings a warm feeling inside of me.

"Is there someone you like?" I finally get the courage to ask her while we were both assigned washing dishes.

She tilts her head a bit and smiles sheepishly before nodding in embarrassment.

"I see him almost everyday and whenever I do, I feel really really happy you know?"

"I see."

One day, the carrot top enters the shop. I wished this day would never come however; fate is not on my side. The boy sits at table 4 and I immediately volunteer to take his order relieving the girl of the privilege of talking to her long time crush. Ah, what a villain I am. It was good that the girl was still at the back retrieving some orders.

When his order was ready I was set to pick them up and deliver them to the boy with haste however, sir Aizen calls me for something more important. As if carrying a huge box was really that important. I curse inwardly. I quickly try to make my way and dispose of the package at the back but was interrupted when I got in the way of the girl carefully balancing the two dishes the carrot boy ordered. Fate really knew how to screw me over.

"Is my hair okay? Do I look okay?" she asks me

I just stare at her for a while still holding the package with both hands. We both had our hands preoccupied.

"You have bread crumbs near your mouth." I tell her.

I see her panic for a while and before I knew it my head dipped brushing my lips against hers as if to wipe the crumbs but having a different motive entirely.

Her eyes widened in disbelief and almost dropped the two dishes. I didn't wait for her reaction and decided to head for the storage area to quickly rid myself of the package.

I ignored her the whole day after that.

It was the third day since the incident. I wasn't prepared to handle the emotional stress that would come from getting confronted about it and so I continued to avoid the girl. She in turn, would try to talk to me or walk my way during work but I continued my emotional façade and would just brush her off.

I had sir Aizen change my work schedule telling him that I had some extra curriculars to attend to. But in truth it was in order to avoid confronting the girl and maybe this would help me get over my unrequited feelings with less pain.

I thought this was the best solution however, the pain slowly ate at me inside.

Whenever my shift started, her shift had ended and so we wouldn't usually see each other unless of course I would come across her leaving the shop and we'd exchange awkward glances and greetings sometimes.

I was honestly curious what she thought about the incident but I was too scared of getting rejected completely to find out. Until one day, my questions slowly received answers.

It was raining extremely hard and so by the time I got to work, sir Aizen proposed to close the shop early. I helped with closing up the shop and was about to depart as well when I came across the girl standing by the shops façade staring out into the open. I looked at her questioningly and noticed she didn't have an umbrella. I would have offered to share mine however; I didn't want to endure the awkward tension that would probably transpire between us.

She looks at me and smiles her usual smile as if nothing had happened between us. I acknowledge her and was about to depart but of course the aching feeling in my chest was back again. I couldn't leave her out in this storm but I didn't want to confront her still and so, I did the only thing I thought logical at that time and grabbed her hand and placed the umbrella I was holding unto it before rushing through the angry storm and heading straight to my apartment which was around 15 minutes from my workplace on foot.

I heard her call out my name out of worry but I didn't want to look back. I couldn't.

The next day of course my body gave out and I had the chills. It wasn't the most logical move but I'll regret doing it later. I send Grimmjow a text instructing him to inform sir Aizen of my absence. God, I couldn't open my eyes properly and my colds just kept running. I was sure my nose would fall off. I stayed in bed trying to get some sleep but the discomfort of my body pain, along with my running nose didn't really help. It took a while until I drifted off to sleep and was woken by something wet placed upon my forehead.

I hear footsteps by the entrance of my apartment and figured it was just Grimmjow paying me a visit. I had provided him with a spare key to my apartment in case he wanted to stay or come over. We had grown quite close dare I say over the past year but not in a gay way or anything. I drift back to sleep again hoping the idiot wouldn't make much noise while playing with my PS3 or Xbox which was usually the main reason he'd visit.

Slowly after, I was awakened by something wet placed upon my forehead. I slowly open my eyes and come face to face with gray ones. I could conclude right away, it wasn't Grimmjow's. After realizing who my visitor was, my eyes grew wide in disbelief. Maybe this was just a dream or I was hallucinating but the fact of the matter was the girl was kneeling by my bedside placing a cloth over my head.

I open my mouth to question her and if I was dreaming but she slowly hushed me with her finger. I try to keep my eyes open but my body betrayed me. When I woke up a few hours later I slowly sat up feeling a bit better and noticing someone had changed my shirt.

The girl was nowhere in sight. I thought to myself that maybe I was just dreaming a while ago but then suddenly she emerges from the door of my bedroom with a tray and some soup I guessed. She kneels down again by my bedside and sets the tray with the bowl over my lap.

"Here. You better eat something . It'll help you get well" she says and smiles at me.

Can she not smile always? I feel guilty. I was about to ask her how she got in but she interrupted me.

"Grimmjow lent me his spare key. It took me a while to get it from him though."

There was an awkward silence between us. I started to drink the soup to avoid talking for a while and to seem too preoccupied to speak.

She tries to break the silence. "You shouldn't have ran through that storm yesterday. It was dreadful. I could have waited a while for the rain to cease or we could have shared you know…"

I don't say anything and just nod in response.

After I finished the soup she takes the tray and leaves my room to probably dump the tray in the kitchen. When she comes back to my room, the awkward tension was back as well. She stands by the doorway and begins saying "Uhmm.. If you're feeling better now, I guess I'll leave." Maybe she was suffocating from the tension as well.

"Wait," I interrupt her from walking out. "About last time.." I begin and she probably knows what I was talking about. I look up at her before quickly averting my eyes trying to come up with something, anything but the truth so that we could resume the way we were.

"Nevermind," I say defeatedly but added "Thank you for coming today." I look at her sincerely.

She doesn't say anything in reply and suddenly walks towards my bed again. She cradles my face with both of her hands and I figured she was just giving me a final check up before she left but then I suddenly feel her lips on mine.

I didn't know if it was the fever or the kiss that set me on fire that night.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading and I hope you leave a review so that I would get inspired to write the 2nd part. Thanks!