Chapter Ten
The Real Return
27 smiled as he was welcomed back into the Famiglia with little resistance, getting patted on the head by several of Nono's guardians, getting yelled at by the Varia for being so easily captured, and his friends just welcomed him back with hugs while Lambo wailed with joy.
IT was Reborn though that seemed to surprise everyone when he stood atop Nono's head and looked at the experiment with a smirk. "You made it back just in time for my birthday." The Arcobaleno announced. "Which means you get to participate in the Vongola Style Birthday Party."
Nono chuckled as the Arcobaleno jumped from his head and onto 27's own blonde colored hair. "Ah, that's true, isn't." Nono stated as he waved towards the door where an excited Nana was bouncing on the toes of her feet. "And it seems that Ms. Sawada would like to do something as well."
Nana smiled and nodded her head. "If you don't mind Timoteo, I'd like to commandeer your kitchens again and make Reborn a cake." She explained as she happily sent puppy dog eyes towards Timoteo, which was surrounded by puppy dog eyes from all of his guardians, the teenagers, children, Reborn, and Iemitsu. They all wanted the same thing as Nana had been making all sorts of treats for them while she had been there and all enjoyed them. The only exceptions of this were Hibari and Mukuro, who were sending glares at Timoteo to allow her to do so anyways.
The old man laughed joyously at the act in front of him before nodding his head in agreement. "Go on then Ms. Sawada, go and make some of your delicious treats. We'll go and get the rest of the festivities started after you are done."
The group cheered as they all ran inside Nana leading the pack. It was going to be a fun time for everyone as Nono knew that everyone in the Vongola mansion was absolutely and completely insane. "This should prove entertaining." He chuckled to himself as he followed his Family into the mansion.
Nana had quickly made the cake and as soon as it had been set onto the table and eaten, the festivities had begun.
A tall point score board had been set up behind Reborn, all the way from zero to a hundred for total points.
The first to have gone was obviously Nana as she had baked the magnificent cake that they had all just eaten. Reborn had given her a score of 100 without a second thought and no one seemed to care that Nana had obviously won the competition without even trying. It was obvious that everyone agreed on Nana getting a 100.
The second ones to go was Gokudera and Lambo, who had combined their grenades and Dynamite to create a loud and explosive performance of their abilities, though it had almost destroyed a good portion of the room as well. They scored a 20 for their efforts.
Hibari simply had his Hibird, a little fluffy yellow bird that had helped him back in Kokuyo Land, sing the Namimori Middle School Anthem. He score a 20 as well which made him scoff and retreat from the room so he could get away from the crowding Herbivores.
Ryohei had gone next and had demonstrated his boxing skills against an illusion that Chrome had helpfully conjured up for him. He proved that he was fast and his punches would've been deadly if his opponent was real. Reborn gave him a forty-three for his abilities.
Next was Chrome and Mukuro, both deciding that an illusion of a fantastic journey into a world that did not truly exist. Fairies and demons intermingling with each other, showing the characteristics of both teens that worked together seamlessly and easily. The colorful sparkles and the black ash twisting and twirling while a centaur battled against a dragon was a colorful picture that everyone seemed to enjoy. Ken and Chikusa helped by providing sound effects that enhanced the picture though not actually needed. Reborn gave them a score of 87 as their skill truly did impress him.
Last of the teenagers from Namimori to perform was Yamamoto and he presented the Hitman with a tray of colorful sushi that had been made by himself. Reborn gave him a score of 95 that brought the swordsman into second place.
The older people of the group did less showcasing and more gift giving than their younger counterparts. Nono's guardians all gave Reborn a treat of some sort, such nougat, brownies, Belgian chocolates, Biscotti, a cupcake filled with ganache, and Choux in a waffle cone. Reborn chuckled at each desert given to him, taking in the joke that they had all shared about the Ninth's guardians' names. He gave each of them 55 points.
Iemitsu being the idiot that he was just handed Reborn a square package wrapped in yellow paper and an orange bow with a big grin on his face. Reborn looked at the blonde with a raised brow before opening the gift. The Arcobaleno blinked in surprise as he looked at the picture of Reborn himself seated upon a brunet 27's head, smirking while 27 smiled at something that was happening out of the picture. "I thought this might help remind you that you are human as well as 27." Iemitsu explained before squawking in horror as he dodged a bullet. He received a score of 2 and a smirk from Reborn.
The ninth simply handed Reborn a creamy colored folder that Reborn opened and then closed quickly. Nono received a score of 98 and no one but he and Nono knew what was in that folder.
The ones that went next was the Varia group and all they did was hand him a box that was filled with all sorts of weapons and equipment that Reborn could use to his despicable pleasure. He awarded the Assassination group a score of 97.
Then finally only one person was left to give a present and that was 27 himself. The experiment simply smiled before walking up to Reborn and picking up Leon, who was still in his round form, seemingly chewing on something while staring at the experiment. "May I have them now Leon?" He questioned the little lizard.
Leon smiled before seemingly exploding in 27's hands and leaving behind two pair of orange and white mittens with the number 27 on them. "Leon has finally finished making them huh?" Reborn asked as he looked up at the experiment with a smile and Leon returning back onto the Arcobaleno's brim.
27 nodded his head as he pulled on the gloves and closed his eyes, allowing his Dying Will to reappear on his head and then make his eyes glow an even brighter orange. The mittens transformed into black gloves with steel fingers and a silver X emblazoned on the back of them. "Yes, I can finally fight all out." 27 exclaimed with a smirk as he leapt backwards and then disappeared from sight, reappearing behind Reborn and then disappearing again and reappearing on the stage that had been set up.
Reborn smirked as he nodded his head in understanding of the gift that he had been given…the chance to continue training the experiment and make him even stronger than before, even more than his programming could ever make him.
27 received a 72 score for his performance and gift.
27 yawned tiredly as he walked towards the kitchen of the Vongola mansion to retrieve something to drink. It had been a long evening since Reborn insisted on the group continuing to play games, drink, talk, and party until Nono had finally broken it up at eleven, saying that people had things to do the next day.
It was true of course, and 27 was happy that the party had ended but something inside of him was rather sad that it had ended as well, though he was unsure of why. Either way 27 had had fun attending the party and showing off what he was capable of doing in the contests that Reborn had made up.
27 continued to smile as he walked on down to the kitchens and was about to open the doors when he heard something from within.
He frowned at the sound, recognizing it as someone talking, but who would be up at this time of the night after a drunken and over exciting party like the one held earlier. Especially as it had just turned midnight and most everyone else was already in bed.
He carefully cracked the door open and looked inside to see Nana standing at the stove and seemingly talking to no one. "It's been really hard without your sweet face Tsu-kun. The days got really dark and cold and I wasn't sure what I was going to do with myself for the longest time." She talked to air and 27 could only stand there and listen to the woman.
"It didn't help that your father was always disappearing and leaving me by myself after you left. He looked like he had become obsessed with something and I wasn't sure what it could have been." She turned away from the stove and reached over to grab a simple white plate from the adjourning counter before returning to the stove and plating something on it.
27 watched as Nana then walked over to a small table not too far away where a picture frame sat and the experiment saw the picture that Nana had placed there. It was a picture that 27 had seen in the Sawada house back in Japan, one of a little boy smiling up at the camera holding onto a blue ball. The experiment knew instantly that it was the missing boy, Tsu-kun.
"I found out what it was though." She said as she set the plate down in front of the picture. Hot Salisbury steak with a steaming baked potato on it covered in sour cream and cheese. "He's been working for the mafia and that's why he's been gone for so long and why he doesn't come home often. He's even told me that he's been using all of his resources within the Mafia to look for you Tsu-kun."
27 shuffled lightly outside of the kitchen, feeling as if he was listening in on something private but for some reason, he couldn't leave. Something was nagging him in the back of his head to stay and listen to what Nana had to say and to listen closely. He wasn't sure why but he knew deep down that it was important.
"Papa is still looking for you Tsu-kun, so mama won't give up hope that you'll come home." She spoke softly as she lifted up the picture and held it in her hands, looking at it and caressing the little boy within it with her hands lightly. "Today was Reborn's birthday, he's turned one today." She explained as she settled the picture so that it was facing her and the plate sat in front of it. "It's just the day before yours and I baked him a big birthday cake to celebrate."
27 smiled at that as he finally decided to slide against the wall and onto the floor so that he could bring his knees to his chest and lean his head against the wall and just listen. Nana's voice was always so soft and gentle but it was even more so now that she was talking to the picture of her son.
"Ever since Papa brought home 27 and Gokudera, the house has been so full and exciting, especially since more and more people keep coming and joining us. The house isn't as empty as before, isn't as cold or gloomy. It's bright, happy, and cheerful with all the people coming and seeing me and everyone else." She paused as she took a breath. "They all love my cooking and I just love cooking for them. I remember cooking for you all the time too and how you loved to help me cook all sorts of things."
27 listened as Nana moved the plate on the table and he guessed that it was moved closer to the picture. "I remember your favorite as well, Salisbury steak with barbeque sauce and a baked potato with sour cream and cheese on top." She announced with a sorrowful voice. "I remember how you use to even call your potatoes Potato-kun and how you'd thank them for allowing you to eat them…it was so cute…."
27 closed his eyes as he listened to Nana break down and begin to sob. "Oh Tsu-kun, come home, please come home. Mama misses her Tsu-kun." She cried for a long time and all 27 could do was sit there in vigil for her and wait until she stopped.
Eventually Nana stopped crying but she didn't get up and what 27 heard next made him want to cry as the woman inside the kitchen began to sing brokenly with sobs. "Happy….birthday…to you….happy birthday….to you….happy birthday…dear Tsu-kun…happy birthday…to…you…" 27 spent the rest of the night listening to Nana cry over the loss of her precious baby boy.
27 cared not for any of the antics that were going on that day from all of the people in the Vongola Mansion. He was tired and cranky and upset to the point that he had blasted Squalo with a Dying Will Flame burst that sent the silver haired swordsman through several walls and away from him. He was not having any of the loud noises that day.
"Geez, what's got you riled up trash?" Xanxus asked as he looked at the hole where Squalo had been blasted through before turning to the experiment. "And why do you look like crap?"
27 just narrowed his eyes as he controlled his flames to keep from blasting Xanxus as well, as he knew that the older man could handle anything he gave and wouldn't back down like some of the younger ones had earlier when they had passed 27. "Nothing for you to concern yourself about Xanxus." He said before turning to walk away but blinking when he saw several people walking down the hall towards the two fighters.
Xanxus raised an eyebrow as he watched the blonde tense up and lift his fists up towards his chest, looking as if the experiment was unsure of what to do with them. The Varia leader looked forward to see several of Vongola Hound Trainers walking towards them, each holding two Rottweilers that were all walking tall and regally. "Trash, are the mutts ready for duty then?" Xanxus questioned as he knew that Vongola used the dogs to patrol the yards, using their sense of smell to sniff out those that humans couldn't see. Illusionists couldn't fool an animal's senses no matter what.
One of the workers with blonde hair in a ponytail and stubble on his chin smiled and nodded his head. "Yes sir, they're ready for duty and will be going on their first shift tonight with several of the guards. Vongola Nono has approved them so they are ready."
Xanxus nodded his head and began to move forward, moving passed the dogs with confidence, ignoring the whimpers that the dogs gave as he passed them. "Good, I expect them to be top tier then and catch many trespassers."
The dog trainers all nodded their heads and moved to continue forward and back out towards the dog kennels, but they stopped when one of the dogs began to growl threateningly and everyone, including Xanxus, looked towards where the dog was growling.
27 was standing there looking highly confused and frighten as the growling Rottweiler began to tug the blonde with the ponytail forward and at the blonde haired experiment. "What's going on?" Xanxus asked as he watched the dog get more and more agitated and struggle against the leash even more.
"I don't know." The trainer admitted as he struggled to keep the dog back, luckily all the other dogs weren't reacting and it was just that one. "I've never seen one of my dogs react like this unless an enemy was standing right in front of them that was sweating bullets." He explained as his grip began to slip on the leash.
Xanxus's eyes narrowed at that as he turned and looked towards 27, who was in fact sweating at this point like he was being held at gun point. "Oi, trash, what's wrong with you?" Nono's adopted son asked as he watched the experiment begin to tremble.
27 didn't answer though and instead took a hesitant step back away from the agitated dog, but that was the wrong move to make in front of such a ferocious predator.
The dog trainer lost his grip on the leash at this point and the growling struggling dog quickly turned into an attacking howling hound.
27's eyes widened in fear while Xanxus was already moving to help the bloody frozen experiment, but the older man was too late as 27 yelled out in surprise and pain as the hound's fangs sank into his upper right arm viciously. 27 felt fear freeze his blood and all he could do was allow the dog to drag him down onto the ground as it tried to tear his arm off.
Xanxus rushed over to the experiment and quickly pulled the dog off of the blonde and threw him back at the dog trainer who quickly removed the dog from the scene so that it wouldn't get blasted from this life. Xanxus meanwhile was trying to get 27 to respond to him but the boy wouldn't open his clenched eyes as he shivered in fright. "Oi, trash, the mutt is gone, there's nothing to worry about." Xanxus tried to coerce angrily.
"What happened here?" Xanxus looked up to see Iemitsu and Nono standing there with concerned looks on their faces.
"Damn dog got away from the trainer and attacked the kid…I was too late to stop it." Xanxus informed as he kneeled down next to the blonde and took the bloodied and torn arm into his hands and began to look it over. "Damn thing got him good." He grunted.
While the three spoke 27 was fighting against the splitting pain in both his arm and his head, the pounding not wanting to go away. He wasn't sure why but for some reason 27 felt like he had listened to this exact same conversation before.
"What happened?"
"Damn dog got in somehow and attacked the kid. I was too late to keep the kid from being bit."
"Why are you sorry, it wasn't your fault you got hurt?"
"I made big brother worry." 27 finally muttered as his eyes began to blink open.
Xanxus froze in his spot from where he was looking at the arm with a sharp eye that was soon looking at 27's face, taking in the soft chocolate eyes that were looking up at him with confusion and disorientation. "What did you say?" Xanxus asked with wide eyes as 27's eyes continued to blink, as if to clear something away.
Iemitsu and Nono were both watching with focused gazes, Iemitsu's more in concern while Nono's was more with happiness and smugness. "What is it Xanxus, what did he say?" Iemitsu asked with a tilted head in curiosity.
Xanxus ignored the trash behind him and kept his eyes on the focusing blonde that he was kneeling beside. "Trash, what did you say!?" He demanded as he growled a little at the end of his sentence.
27 looked up at Xanxus before giving him a small smile. "Big brother, you saved Tsu-kun from the dog again." He said happily.
Xanxus stared at the blonde teenager with wide eyes before looking back at Iemitsu and Nono. "You have got to be fucking kidding me." Xanxus snarled as he stood up from the kid and turned around to glare at his father and his outside advisor. "You knew you fucking old man! You knew who he was the entire fucking time!" He roared as his flames of wrath appeared on his hands.
Nono chuckled and nodded his head. "Yes I did. But we thought it best for him to find that out for himself." He explained as he nodded at his son.
Iemitsu stood to the side, looking between the two men in confusion. "Wait, who is he then?" He questioned as he looked towards Nono.
The ninth smiled at his outside advisor. "Well Iemitsu, experiment 27 happens to be…"
"Fuck!" Xanxus yelled as he stared at the floor in horror.
"What is it?" Iemitsu asked as he whipped out his pick ax from nowhere.
"The brats gone." Xanxus explained as he looked at the spot that the teen had been but a few minutes ago and now was only a small pool of blood left.
Despite the population's belief, Nana was not always located within the kitchen of whatever resident she was currently occupying. In fact, the Sawada Matriarch enjoyed relaxing on a couch or lounge or bed with a good book when she wasn't cooking or baking. That's what she was doing at this moment as she read the book in her hand while relaxing on a loveseat within one of the many living rooms within the Vongola mansion.
So it was to her surprise that the doors slammed open and something blurred across the room and slammed into her middle, almost knocking Nana and the Loveseat over. "Mama!" shouted out the thing or person that had slammed into her.
Nana blinked in surprise and set her book aside as she looked down at the fluffy blonde hair settled against her stomach. "27, what's wrong?" She asked as she began to run her hands through that blonde hair, enjoying the silken texture of it. She ignored the tight grasp that the boy had around her waist.
"That's not Tsu-kun's name." 27 shouted as he buried his face into the woman's stomach further. "Tsu-kun's name is Tsunayoshi Sawada! Tsu-kun is Tsu-kun!" The boy continued to exclaim.
Nana froze in shock as she listened to the teenager's exclamations and soon she had forced the boy away and to look up at her so she could see his face. She stared at the chocolate brown eyes that were shining with tears and the flushed face of a boy that was trying to hold back tears. Even though the hair was different and he was older and different, Nana knew who this was, just like she had known who he really was when he had walked into their home. "Oh Tsu-kun, my baby boy, welcome home." She cried out happily as she hugged him tightly to her, kissing his forehead and cheeks and nose and anything else she could reach.
"Mama!" Tsuna cried out as the tears began to fall down his face and he threw his arms around his mother. "Tsu-kun missed mama! Tsu-kun wanted mama so badly but the bad people kept Tsu-kun no matter how much Tsu-kun cried for mama!" He cried out as he held onto her.
Nana nodded her head in understanding as she continued to hug and kiss her baby boy. "Don't worry Tsu-kun, no one is going to take you away from me again. I promise." She said as she held onto her baby boy, ignoring the looks that were being sent her way from the doorway where Xanxus, Iemitsu, Nono, Reborn, and everyone else in the house stood watching the scene in front of them.
"Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama!" Tsuna continued to cry even as he began to slip away, blood loss and exhaustion overcoming him as he held onto his mother.
"Shhhh, Tsu-kun. Mama is here now. Mama has got you." Nana continued to whisper even as Iemitsu entered the room with a towel that he gently wrapped around his son's arm to stop the flow of blood that had long since stained the loveseat and Nana's clothes. "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Tsu-kun, happy birthday to you." Nana sang softly and this time around Tsuna fell asleep to that song with a smile on his face.
Because this was the best birthday for the teenager and because he remembered the Experiment 27 was indeed Tsunayoshi Sawada and he would treasure his name for the rest of his life.
A.N. Haha, how was that for an ending. Though it is shorter than I would have wanted it to be but I felt like this was a good ending to it. Especially as Tsuna was really always a mama's boy in my eyes.
And thanks to Potato-kun who gave me the idea for the kitchen scene where Nana was crying over Tsuna being missing. And I hope you enjoyed how I was able to insert you into the story a little, especially as I found it adorable and something a little kid would actually do.
So review and tell me what you thought and thank you all for reading this story even if I did lose some interest in it a little half way through. Thank you and I hoped you all enjoyed it.
To anyone who would like to write something similar to this, go for it! Just let me know so I can read it! Blackwolfhunting out!