Vivid scenes in this conclusion chapter. Discretion advised.

Chapter 12


"Now lay down," Envy said.

Ed was naked and cold. His body shivering in pure fear. He lay down on the cold, hard floor and sighed. He prayed to whoever was up there that it wouldn't last long.

He looked over at Winry and she was crying, her eyes closed, and trying to break free. Ed smiled softly. She was always a fighter.

"That Riza chick is nowhere near as tight as you pipsqueak."

Envy growled, "look at me when I'm speaking to you."

Ed looked up at Envy hovering above him, naked. He wanted to puke. He just wanted Roy.. Wanted Roy to help him forget. He was so damaged already.

"So I saw that you liked dick. Saw you and your little colonel kissing, interesting." He practically purred.

He kissed Ed on the neck and rubbed against his crotch, slowly making it hard. Ed wanted to cry. He bit his lip hard, drawing blood, in order to keep from moaning.

"P-please s-stop," Ed begged.

"Please more? Okay!"

Envy pulled on his hard member and started to stroke. He whimpered and closed his eyes. It was wrong! Not how sex was supposed to be.

"Aww come on my darling," a familiar voice said.

Ed opened his eyes and was face to face with Roy. Envy had changed forms.. No. NO!

"No! No!"

"Oh you don't like it? I know you do, your body tells otherwise." Envy-Roy said.

He moved his long, painful member inside him. Ed gasped and cried out. It hurt so bad. Envy began moving in and out staring down at him with the face of his lover. Ed was being forced to stare at his intruder. The nightmare would never end.

"Please...stop.." Ed moaned. He couldn't stop himself. It felt good but it was so wrong.

"You seem to be enjoying it chibi."

Ed cried out as Envy came inside him, warm fluids pouring out. It was awful. He was marked by another man.

Envy stood, still in Roy form, and laughed, "the things you do to me."

Ed laid there, his mind filled with dark thoughts. All he wanted to do was kill the evil thing. He felt so weak.

His automail arm had been removed so he couldn't perform alchemy. All he could do was lay there and take it. Tears ran down his face as Envy bound him to the floor again.

"Don't cry Edward, I'll always be here for you," he said, in Roy's voice.

"I-I'm sorry Al," he whispered. He looked over at Winry, "I'm sorry Win."

"I'm sorry Roy.." He finished.

Envy punched Ed in the stomach hard, Ed gasped. He was being slapped repeatedly in the face, his vision getting blurry.

"Now cum for me pipsqueak," Envy said grabbing his cock and stroking it.

Envy moved down and began sucking. It felt nothing like Roy. Sharp teeth invaded it. But he couldn't keep himself from moaning.

"Roy..please help me," Ed whimpered.

Envy reached up and wrapped his hand around Ed's throat. His vision turned red. He began fighting, trying to break free but as he did, the pain got worse. He felt himself about to cum.

Just then a door being slammed..

-a little earlier-


"Where do you think he is?" Al asked.

"I don't know.. I just need to think," Roy said, pacing the hallway.

Where could Envy make as a meeting point? He tried to think back to that night where he discovered Edward walking by himself. Could that route be the way? Ugh. That still didn't help. He didn't know exactly where.

"Isn't it obvious sir?" Havoc asked.

Roy frowned, "what?"

"I would of figured you'd come up with this."

"Well lieutenant Havoc I'm a bit emotionally compromised! Now enlighten me," Roy yelled.

"..Envy took the form of Tim Marcoh both times, well the doctor has been missing for the past few weeks. We've checked everywhere, even his apartment. Only signs is that his apartment had a break in, my guess is that they're there."

Roy's eye widened. Of course. The army apartments where en route with the path Ed was walking. That had to be it. He was there.

"Gather our teams, lets go." Roy said running out the door.

As they arrived at the small apartment they saw a flickering light coming from the drawn curtains. A candle perhaps? Roy prepared himself, slipping on his gloves.


Roy turned and saw Riza standing behind him, covered in bandages, "get the bastard." She said.

Roy nodded and led the team up to the door. The door was almost to thick to hear anything but Roy heard a small cry and a few thuds. He was sure Ed was here.

"Now!" Roy called busting the door open.


Ed looked up at the door and saw Roy standing there his gloves ready, his mouth dropped. Envy was still sucking. Still in the form of Roy.

He jumped up and made a dash for it. One snap, he was on the ground engulfed in flames. Once they cooled Roy threw him to the ground and punched him.

"How dare you take my face you monster!" He yelled snapping again.

The officers removed Ed's bindings and sat him up. As soon as Winry was free she ran over and hugged Ed.

"Oh Ed! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" She cried.

Al ran over, "brother!"

Even though everyone was speaking all he could see was Roy beating Envy to death. The monster had been reduced to a small green thing and was being squeezed.

Officers pulled Roy together long enough to take Envy away from him, "we have to question him sir!"

"Damn your questions! He needs to be killed," Roy snapped.

"They're right. He needs to be questioned and then executed," Ed said trying to stand but failing.

Al held onto him and helped him up, "I know you're angry but you need to calm down Roy."

"Calm down?! How are you so fucking calm, he raped you again, and I let it happen!" Roy yelled.

Ed limped, with the help of Al, over to Roy and placed a hand on his cheek, "you saved me in your own way."

"...he took my face, now you'll look at me in fear." Roy said, his eyes darkening.

"I knew, even though he had your face..I know you. I know every inch of you, when I look at you I know because of your eyes," Ed said.

"My eyes..?"

"They're filled with love, concern, and strength. I know those onyx eyes." Ed said. His balance gave out and he fell to the ground.

Roy's head lowered and he followed, "I'm so sorry..Edo I-I'm sorry," he said.

Ed wrapped his arms around the Flame, "I'm okay, I knew this would happen, it was my fault."

"But I let you go!"

"Because you trust me, please Roy. I'm okay," Ed said.

Roy sighed and picked Ed up, holding him in his arms, "okay but you're going to the hospital."



"Alright, you're clean and you may leave Mr. Elric." The doctor said.

Ed nodded. Roy held his hand as he stood up, still weak, he faltered and tripped. Roy caught him and held back his anger. They had poked and prodded him for hours. Questioning and making him relive it all.

"Ready to go home?" Roy asked.


-eeeeven laaaaater-

Upon arriving home Roy made Ed some food and put him in bed. He laid with his lover and softly brushed his fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry Roy."

Roy looked up, shocked, "why on earth are you sorry?"

"I let him..cum inside me."

Roy's breath caught, "I-it wasn't your fault."

Ed was silent. His golden eyes filled with pain. Roy kissed his cheek.

"Edward, before you my life was empty. So dull and pointless. I went through, thinking I was the best and that I didn't need anyone to keep me sane." Roy started.

"That day I met you, I knew you'd become an alchemist. Others thought you'd given up but I knew. There was fire in your eyes. That's what I love about you, you're determined. Even if I would've come with you, you would of found a way to ditch me, just to save your friend."

He paused, stroking Ed's cheek, "I didn't even know I was gay," he said laughing lightly.

"But you changed me for the better. Made me realize who I truly am and what I need in life. I need you. When I kissed you that first time. When I touched your body. When you..let me go all the way with you. I knew. I knew you were the one for me."

Ed's eyes, never leaving Roy's, filled with tears. Roy smiled and kissed Ed softly on the lips.

"I know there's an age difference and we shouldn't be doing this but..I can't see myself with anyone else. You are my one and only. I promise, from this day forth, nothing else will harm you."

"So.." He stood up and reached inside his drawer.

He grabbed his fathers ring, the only thing that had been left to him. He pulled Ed to the side of the bed and got on his knee.

"Edward Elric, will you do me the honour of becoming my husband? Giving me your heart and loving me for the rest of your life?" He asked.

Ed gasped. His face red, and covered in tears. He got down on his knees and hugged Roy close to him. Roy could feel his heartbeat. It was beating in time with his. A true lovers ballad.

"Are you sure..?" Ed asked.

"Never been more sure, we will wait until you're older but I know my feelings will not change. I love you so much."

"Of course I'll marry you Roy Mustang, of course!" Ed exclaimed.

Roy slid on the ring and smiled, "I'm sorry I couldn't save you but this is my promise to do so from now on."

"I know, I know you will."

Roy picked Ed up and placed him back in bed, holding him close. He kissed Ed softly and smiled.

"I love you Edward Mustang," Roy said.

"Oh Roy..I love you too," Ed said. His body shivering.

And for that moment, that very innocent moment, the cruel intentions of the world were nowhere to be found.

WEEEEELLLL it's over! I just made one long chapter for the conclusion even though I got one review... I hope you like the ending I tried really hard. Writers block sucks. I will make an epilogue if you like just leave a review and let me know. Also just leave a review and tell me what you thought. I included the title at the end xD CLEEEEVERR c: well thank you for reading. If I get enough reviews or enough people tell me to I'll make an epilogue! PS. sorry about the rape scene. I just felt it was necessary. ~Tragedy