How to Rekindle the Fire

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon, Naoko Takeuchi does.


First Attempt


"Okay, there's no need to be nervous. All I am going to do is get my husband to have sex with me. Okay I can do this!"

Neo-Queen Serenity was in her sparkly white bathroom prepping and building her courage to get her husband to bang her. She had been wanting to have sex again after the dry spell that had been going on for months and it was driving her insane. She needed to get laid otherwise she might accidentally murder someone, her husband was her top choice at the moment.

She stood in front of a ceiling to floor mirror with her hands on her hips. She wore a little less than her usual bed attire; normally she'd wear a silky tank top with pants, but tonight she had on her silky single piece with spaghetti straps and it stopped until mid-thigh.

"Yes, this'll do," she grinned, turning her body around at different angles to make sure she looked as flawless as she felt.

Serenity nodded to herself and left the washroom, ready to face her hardest challenge yet - seducing her husband.

She popped her head around the corner and noticed Endymion was already in bed, she quietly moved to the bed and slipped in under the covers.

"Oh Endymion~!"

Serenity placed a hand on his bicep and trailed her fingers up and down his arm.


Hoping to entice him more, she gave a kiss just below his ear where he loved it.

"Serenity, please I'm trying to sleep. It's been a long day."

"But Endymion…I don't want to sleep yet, I need some help."

Endymion turned a little and gave her a hard stare, "I'm tired. I don't want to do anything but sleep. Why don't you get some cocoa to help you sleep."

Endymion's tired voice startled her, normally when she touched him seductively he would immediately get turned on. It was confusing that he brushed her off and fell back asleep just as quick.

Serenity sat back against the headboard with her arms crossed and a pout on her lips. He denied her seduction, it was impossible! How could he not immediately fell energized? She was certainly confused and then he told her to get some cocoa to help her sleep. She wasn't talking about that, he should know she was talking about a more active help.

'I'm going to have to up the ante tomorrow night. My normal touches won't work. Hmm…what to do though, I should consult with Venus!'

Serenity knew Venus would be able to help get her husband's libido up again. Venus was the Sailor Senshi of Love after all.
