How to Rekindle the Fire

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon, Naoko Takeuchi does.

AN: This story will NOT contain any lemon, it only mentions the word sex. Hopefully those of you who read this story aren't blushing at the preconceived notions of what will happen behind closed doors.




'Damn these duties to the pits of hell! I have had ENOUGH!'

Neo-Queen Serenity glided with rage along the halls of her palace. If any of her people saw her they swiftly left her alone. The Queen's face was set in a grimace with glittering pissed off eyes.

With her speed walking, she reached her bedroom in record time. She closed the door with a sigh and plopped onto her bed absolutely exhausted. Her arms reached for her pillow and hugged it tight against her chest with a sniffle and tears threatening to fall.

She moaned in pain, "I haven't had any sex in three weeks! THREE WEEKS! Why Endymion why? I need my sex!"

If Neo-Queen Serenity was sexually frustrated, three things happened:

1. She got very cranky and snapped at people.

2. She had daydreams of killing and torturing the people keeping her away from sex.

3. She wanted to ravish her significant other whether they wanted it or not.

Those three facts, three, were the reason why she was an insufferable bitch right now and people just called it stress because she's the queen.

What the Queen couldn't figure out was if her husband, King Endymion was sex-crazed because of the lack of it, because she hadn't seen any discomfort in him. He was the same as always smiling that damn smile of his. She loved his smile but she liked it even more in the bedroom.

'By Kami, I will get him into bed within the week or I will have to take drastic measures.' She thought, pounding her fist into the mattress.

Serenity let out a giggle of insanity, the more she was denied sex, the more insane her plans went. And plan she went, trying to get her husband to share their bed with fun activities.
