-Aye guys, hope you enjoyed the tongue twister cause it's about to get somewhere, read and continue down y'all, see yah down below-

~Gumball's POV~

"C-C-Carrie..."Gumball stuttered.

'I can't believe her, she loved me and this is how she does this by faking us and I even thinking got her pregnant.. .' He starts to think before talking again.

"Carrie.. How could you?" She looks down then at him and sighs.

"Gumball. I didn't mean for it to come to this.."

"What do you mean not come to this, you already did, you hurt me and do that behind me. That's not the Carrie I know or knew.. I even thought I got you pregnant or something, but this is far worse." He starts to tear then remembers what Carrie is doing and gets heated up.

"I..." she pauses.

"You what, Carrie? What do you mean 'I..."

"Well, I didn't want to hurt you cause I found out ok, I am pregnant, but I meant to just do the break up to not hurt our friendship, then he came in. So I don't even know what I'm doing."

Gumball just looks down and sighs before looking back at her, trying to hold back the tears.

"Well, Carrie you did hurt me, not only telling me the truth, but you do that to me. I don't know what to say anymore, Goodbye Carrie." Tearing up a bit and runs off.

Now it was Carrie who felt stupid, guilty and regretful even. She just sat there, looking at the ground and starts to cry as well for what she done, what she has messed up between her and Gumball, not only his trust and friendship, but also the one she loved more than anything. She continues to look at the ground and starts to cry as well and kneels on the ground with her legs that formed. (Yes, from her "ghost maturity."

~Carrie's POV~

She looks up and makes a fist in the air.

"No, I got to fix this; I got to make this right, for him." She sniffles.

Carrie stands up and walks around to try to find Gumball, until the guy who kissed her pokes her from behind and tries to kiss her again.

"No, Troy stop. Please, I made a mistake."

"Oh come on Carrie, the only mistake you did was date that loser, now kiss me."

He smirks and goes for it again. Much to Carrie's disgust, she turns around and bashes him straight in the face and runs off to continuing to find Gumball. She looks around the school, hall to hall, room to room, skipping a couple of classes just to try to find him and make things right. Thinking in her mind, wondering what will happen next, still regretting for hurting Gumball, her lover and the guy she wanted since 6th grade.

'Where could that boy be, I know after what he saw he could be ditching, probably to upset to see around the school for what he saw. He did say he likes to work on cars, so.. Wait of course the auto shop. He might be there since Mr. Scouter is gone for a while and postponed the class 'til then.'

She snaps and runs to the auto shop class and pokes around the window and looks around the class and finally sees Gumball, just sitting in the corner hiding his face from the school of his pain he felt, making Carrie tear a bit and feel her heart shatter and softly taps on the glass to get his attention.

~No one's POV~

Gumball stop's crying and looks up and shows his tear-stained face to the glass window and see's Carrie and slowly gets up and unlocks it, letting her in and closing the door behind her.

"What do you want Carrie?" He said sniffling.

Carrie just looks at him and then looks down a bit; much to Gumball's concerns on what she wants now, and brings her face up to face him and said his question again.

"Well, I asked what you want now. Now what is it now?"

Carrie look away then back at him, breathing in and out before finally answering him finally.

"Well, the truth is, I didn't want to hurt you with the pregnancy thing, I knew that day when you were regretting for what happened and thought you would ruin my life just because what happened that night, and when I found out I was shocked, then hurt cause then I had to tell you, and the break up came out and I decided to tell you which was my bad choice to make, then when you saw me kiss another boy, it made the problem just grow, now seeing I just probably lost you and your trust, and I just want to make things right and say I'm soo sorry for what I did and never told you at the start, and I love you Gumball and I always will, but if you hate me now, I'll understand and I'll be out of your sights for good." She finally finishes her big talk and sighs.

She tears up a bit and sighs again, wiping her tears away. And turns to head out the door. Before even she could, Gumball could feel his heart hurt for what she did and knew she was telling the truth and regrets for getting so worked up and sighs. Before Carrie opens the door, Gumball closes it on her and takes her arms and faces her, kissing her lips and pulls away, smiling at her, and answers to her talk she told him.

"Look Carrie, I know what you did was and always will be wrong, but If you're that serious and that sorry and regretting for the mistake you made for that decision and that thing I saw today, I suppose I can forgive you this one time and slowly take it back up, oh and I love you too Carrie, always." Confidently says to her.

With awe in Carrie's ghostly black holed eyes, she kisses him, closing her eyes, feeling happier than she did before. Gumball smiles during the kiss and kisses her back, feeling his heart slowly heal. Knowing that he and Carrie made up and got back together, and seeing that they survived the biggest problem and hurt of their relationship, but they don't care, they got each other again and can work to solve anything like it again.

They break away and look into each other's eyes before Carrie breaks the silence.

"What made you forgive me, you know after I did to you?" replies, Smirking at him.

Gumball starts to slowly laugh and rubs the back of his neck and responds to her.

"Haha, well I couldn't help seeing you hurt and seeing you being serious for apologizing, besides I think that baby of ours needs his or hers father." He answers And smiles back at her.

*bell rings for lunch*

Gumball looks at the clock then back to Carrie.

"Shall we go to lunch?" asks her, still smiling.

Carrie chuckles and takes his hand.

"We shall."

Carrie opens the door and both leave the classroom hand in hand to lunch. As the day goes by, Gumball forgiving her this time, they both walk out of the school, hand in hand still and walks her home and kisses her again before waving her by, heading his way home.

Texting Brady, and Darwin what happened and the news and letting them know everything is ok and smiles at the phone, putting in his back pocket and heads into the house, in a better mood on his face.

-Well guys there's chapter 11 hoped you liked it and yes I'm still thinking to making a sequel to this so continue reading and see where this takes us to their future they'll never forget, oh and I hope you liked the little tongue twister so yeah ,ok guys until next time, read on fans and people. xD -