Cat: Welcome, my faithful Cat-Lovers, to Reality Sucks! I am GreeceXCats527, as you well know by now. :) This story is about how some of Cat Army, some of Dog Army, and other minecraft youtubers fall into something and get taken into reality and have to get home. I will only update this once a week, and we will have contests. With plushie prizes. ;) On with the story! We will accept OCs and my sis convinced me to add 3 to this story. :| Dunno how I feel about that...

Cinnamon walked down the hallway of her ligit cobblestone castle. She needed to get some sleep. She brushed her ginger hair out of her eyes when she opened the door, surprised to see Nutmeg sitting on her floor. The girl stood up. She had black hair with black cat ears and a tail. Nutmeg wore a green and black shirt and a black skirt with black boots. She was busy looking over a map.


Nutmeg looked up when Cinnamon greeted her. She gave a small wave and beckoned for Cinnamon to come closer. "Look," Nutmeg said, pointing to a part of the map with a large pit. "That's where we're going. That's what Sky dared us all to climb into. We're supposed to bring somethng back from the bottom, and he says he wants to go too. You up for it right now?"

Cinnamon nodded, not bothering to change. She had enough on. She wore an over-sized creeper hoodie with a creeper face on it, with short green shorts. They were pretty short, you couldn't see them that well. She grabbed a sword and a steak before leading Nutmeg out the door and down the hall.

Outside, the warm summer air greeted them. Cinnamon shrugged it off, though. She had a mission to complete; prove to Sky that Cat Army was completely Epiknessessess, and Sky Army was only Epik. They walked down to the road and hopped onto the backs of their horses.

Since Nutmeg knew the way already to The Pit - she had the map - she led the way. Cinnamon followed close behind, veering off into the forest after the Luitenant. They rode over an unusually high hill and saw that the others were waiting on the edge of The Pit. (Not referenced from Parks and Recreation. :) ) Cinnamon waved at Deadlox when they reached the edge.

"You ready to lose?" Sky asked when they'd gotten all ready?

"Yeah," she shot back. "Lose my annoyance!" Cinnamon jumped onto the first rock and parkoured down to the first ledge, Nutmeg and Ant close behind. The next rock was particularly tricky to reach, but she did a sprint and made it. Turning around, Cinnamon527 saw Sky sprinting the jump. "Speed jump!" For some reason, he said that when he sprinted in parkour.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, they reached the bottom. Sky hopped off his rock and landed on the ground; only to slip right through as if it were merely water. Stunned, everybody else nervously jumped in after him. As they went through the portal, Cinnamon grabbed onto somebody's arm, and then. they hit the ground hard.

It took a few moments for the minecrafters to recover. Cinnamon realized she'd been clutching Deadlox's arm and let go. Awkward. She was the first to stand up on a pair of wobbly legs. Looking aound, I realized something terrifying; nothing was blocky.

"Guys? This doesn't look at all like Minecraft."

(The authoress wants to cliffhang it right here, but Kat doesn't d short chappies anymore with this.)

Sky rubbed his head. "I-I don't exactly know," he whispered. "That ground... it wasn't solid anymore. Something strange is going on..."

"You think!?" Ant cried, standing up next to them. "Look at me. I'm, I'm, I'm hideous!"

They all looked at AntVenom. He most certainly wasn't square anymore. Neither was anyone else. Ivy pulled on Nutmeg's tail, and it came right off. Her ears tilted to the side, and Nutmeg saw that they were all fake. "I don't even know what I am anymore," she murmured.

Everybody else looked at themselves. Cinnamon (she was part creepeh... didn't mention that...) tried to explode, but it didn't work.

"What the Hell?"

The voice came from the bottom of the hill. Cinnamon looked down the hill to see three blocky people, a guy and two girls, running up it. The first girl had golden-brown hair and blue-gray eyes. The second girl was slightly different. She had long brown hair and dark brown eyes. Finally, the boy had dark brown hair. Cinnamon had no idea what color eyes he had. It was hard to tell from so far away.

They were all staring up the hill, confused. Cinnamon didn't know whether to be friendly, or kill them. Her instinct said, 'kill', but it said that about everybody.

When she didn't move, the guy said something to the golden-brown haired girl, and they went up the hill. As they reached to top, Sky pulled out his budder sword. Or, at least, what remained of it. Now his sword was just a stick with 2 green pieces of paper stuck to it.

The brown haired girl raised an eyebrow at him. "Why did you tape your money to a stick?" she asked. They ignored her.

"Um, my name's Cinnamon," Cinnamon tried, shaking hands with the golden-brown haired girl. "Cinnamon527. We're new here. Could you, uh, help us?"

The guy and girl exchanged a look. "Um, who are they?" he asked, motioning at everybody else.

This time, Nutmeg answered. "I'm Nutmeg_Kitten725. These are Sky, Deadlox, AntVenom, Ivy141, Lightning5050, Mhurley1, TrueMU, Tobuscus, Honeydew, Xephos, Llannah, LividCoffee, cupquake, and SethBling."

All of the un-blocky peoples' jaws dropped. "Something is very wrong here," Sky whispered to Cinnamon. She nodded, silently agreeing.

The guy decided to pretend nothing was wrong. "Alright," he said. "Come on back to our place. We'll, uh, get you some rooms. I'm Ty, by the way. This is Katherine and Laurel. Welcome to LA."

Cat: What do you guys think? Pretty good so far?

Deadlox: *poofs in* Hello.

Cat: Hi. Where's everybody else?

Deadlox: They were sleeping and didn't feel like poofing in...

Cat: Eh. Whateveh. Okay, now we shall do some talking about... nothing.

5 hours later...

Cat: Wasn't that fun?

Deadlox: ...

Deadlox: Sure... Well, we'll update later. Until then, peace. And happy Canadian Tuesday, eh?

Cat: ^..^ Cat, out.