So... It's been awhile.

This is a KibaxIssei fanfic; shounen-ai with a pinch of yaoi. Not a fan then I would recommend you don't read.

If you'd like to read anyway, and for those who want to read, by all means~.

Time-wise this isn't really set anywhere; I guess the daichikou reference would make it after Light Novel 11 though.

No spoilers though, so don't worry~.

I don't own High School DxD; 'tis the work of Ichiei Ishibumi.

I must say, humbly, that I'm quite satisfied with the way that this turned out.

Hope you guys enjoy as well~.

Both boys were breathing hard.

Sweat rolled down their bodies as they stared each other down. The two observed and assessed, searching for some sort of opening in the other.

They were still.

And then they moved.

Hyoudou Issei swung his armored hand at the same time Kiba Yuuto brought a holy sword towards his foe. The two weapons clashed and strained against each other; neither warrior budged an inch.

That is, before Gasper called for lunch.

"T-time!" The young vampire yelled lightly, just barely audible to the devils yards away from him. At that Kiba and Issei dispelled their weapons, grinning lightly. The adrenaline that still coursed through their veins faded slowly as they caught their breath, and the tension from battle eased.

The pawn exhaled, running a hand through his hair, "Another tie. Kiba, the hell have you done lately?"

"Ah, I've been meeting with Okita-san these past couple of days." Yuuto replied smoothly, impeccable smile in place once again, "He's been going over my basics pretty thoroughly."

"Gotcha." Issei nodded. The thought struck him that he should go over his basics with Tannin-ossan too, but it was fleeting; he nodded off, again, again, and then again, blinking blearily.

"Tired?" Kiba inquired worriedly, coming just a touch closer to the pawn.

Issei stiffened as the distance lessened.

And so, in turn, the knight backed off with liquid grace, maintaining his geniality.

"Uh, ah, uh-huh." The brunette replied intelligently, hoping the other hadn't noticed his discomfort. He continued speaking, trying to ignore what had just happened, "Ri- Buchou and the others were a uh, a little overly affectionate last night."

"Oh? How so?"

"…! That-!" Surprisingly Issei looked a little uncomfortable; it was strange, especially for someone so open about his pursuits and interests. Yuuto made a couple of inferences on his friend's behalf, coming to a quite interesting conclusion. Issei wouldn't tell him what happened, to protect the girls from his imagination. After all, no matter what Kiba might do to Issei, he was still a guy, and still healthily attracted to women. The Occult members were no exception.

Yuuto laughed quietly, cutting off Issei's attempted response.

"If you don't want to tell me that's fine."

"Hmph!" The Sekiryuutei jerked his head to the side, embarrassed at having been embarrassed. For the good-looking guy this was probably nothing, but to him-!

Hell the shitty bastard had his pick of every lady he met! Ecchi things probably happened to him all the time! Just imagining it was making the Sekiryuutei see green. Since it was Kiba, it probably went like…

"Kyaa~ Kiba-sama~!" A group of women in various states of undressed lay sprawled on and around a large, circular bed. Their Prince had satisfied them all multiple times, but they couldn't help but want more.

And said Prince knelt in the middle of it all.

Sweat glistened off his skin, and lean muscle moved as he stretched luxuriously.

"Well then…" Smiling, as always, handsomely, Kiba swiped a thumb across the tip of his tongue.

"Who's next?"


"FWAH HA HA! THAT'S RIGHT! I AM THE HANDSOME PRINCE KIBA YUUTO! EVEN IF I AM AS MUCH OF A PERVERT AS HYOUDOU ISSEI, I CAN GET AWAY WITH IT, BECAUSE I AM SO HANDSOME!" He cackled, brining his hands to clasp around the soft breasts of the two girls closest to him. They moaned eagerly in his skillful hands.




Issei blinked at the last thought, and stifled a tempting chortle.

It probably didn't go exactly like that.

But still, really, Kiba could attract the ladies like magnets.

And most, if not all women, were clearly repelled by him.

The thought then occurred to him that he had just imagined his friend semi-naked, about to have sex.

He was little disturbed at that.


Actually really disturbed.

No! No, he was trying to make a point and that's it! It's not like he was trying to imagine Kiba naked. Well, no, he technically was but- BUT to illustrate that he, Kiba, was quite the handsome bastard-

But not like that-!


"Are you sure you're okay? Your face is really red."

Fuck. He was dropping this topic.

"Fine. I'm fine."

"You look like you're trying to think."

"Actually I'm trying no-" Issei furrowed his brow, suddenly annoyed, "HEY! What are you trying to say Kiba?!"

"I'll let you figure it out." Yuuto chuckled in reply.

Issei couldn't help but snort as well.

"Bastard…" He muttered, purely out of appearance sake.

"Yes, yes..."

"S-sempais!" Their conversation was interrupted by Gasper. He was still quite a distance away, waving awkwardly to the two with both hands, trying to catch their attention, "Be-bentous are here for you both, s-since it's lunchtime."

"Oh!?" Issei seemed to brighten at that, excited, both at the prospect of eating and-

"Who made it?! Rias? Asia? Ak-"

"I-I made it." The blonde vampire replied hesitantly.


"I heard that!" That one sound was enough to send Gasper to tears. He started to sob cutely, upset, "I P-PUT A LOT OF LOVE INTO THOSE BENTOUS!"


"Uwah~!" Being yelled at only seemed to upset the cross-dressing boy even further, and the sobs became steadily louder. Reflexively Issei only became more annoyed, starting to yell at the other boy vehemently. His thoughts nonsensical and jumbled as he swayed slightly on his feet, trying to blink free of fatigue.

Kiba sighed.

"Alright." He rubbed the back of his neck handsomely, breathing out slow. The blonde then called back to his kouhai reassuringly, over Issei's continuing reprimands, "Gasper, thank you, I'll come and pick those bentous up shortly. Issei-kun is a little tired today, so that's probably why he's a little cranky. I'm sure he didn't mean any of what he said or is saying."



Yuuto then grabbed the Sekiryuutei's upper arm, this time ignoring the stiffening.

"Issei-kun is going to rest for awhile. Let me sit him down, okay, Gasper?"


The brunette grumbled, "You can't be serious."

"I sure am." He replied, walking over to a large, shading tree. Issei pulled away from Kiba, but complied, settling himself at the foot of the trunk. The ground was cool, and a light wind that swept through the treetops made him close his eyes in pleasure. He opened them quickly though, realizing Kiba was still there. He looked up, at the same time that Kiba turned away from him.

"Let me get those bentous then."

"Mmm." Unbothered and oblivious, a yawn escaped Issei's lips, and he ruffled a hand through his hair messily. The brunette then vigorously shook his head as he started to nod off once more. No! Shit. They were supposed to continue training after lunch. He had to keep training! Definitely…


"Yes, Issei-kun?"

"I'm not going to sleep, but…"

"F-five minutes." He muttered, "Be back in five minutes. We'll eat and then continue."

Issei's eyes fluttered.

Kiba nodded, and a ghost of a smile came across his face.

"Sure thing."

"Is… is he really not mad at me?"

"I don't think so Gasper." Yuuto replied kindly, "He's not one to stay mad for long anyways."

"That's- that's true, isn't it?" The little vampire seemed to brighten at that. Still, he let out a rueful sigh at the end.

"Maybe I should've asked B-Buchou to make it instead." Gasper thought aloud, meekly handing the boxes over to his housemate, "Issei-sempai probably would've appreciated it m-more if it was from her."

"That-" Yuuto started to say something, but then stopped; he couldn't truthfully deny the thought. Before he could respond with a proper reply to his kouhai the smaller blonde continued to speak.

"Is it tough for you Sempai?"

Yuuto raised his eyebrows, startled, "Gasper?"

"Being with Issei-sempai."

"I…" Yuuto trailed off, unsure of what to say.

A wry smile suddenly appeared on his face.

And he wondered in what context Gasper meant his question.

A silence fell briefly on the two but the knight filled it, voicing the answer he thought best for Gasper, "It's what our friendship is. I understand some things about Issei and he does the same of me. He might get a little… excessive with the skirt-chasing, but if he didn't have that part of his character, he wouldn't be the Issei I became friends with, right?"

"Mmm, I see what you're saying."

"And besides," Yuuto continued, "Remember what he taught you. Getting upset over something like this isn't very manly right?"

"Oh, right!" Gasper winced, thumping his forehead in an unintentionally adorable manner.

"Keeping track of this manliness stuff is hard."

Yuuto nodded, and patted the vampire's head, "Do your best."


The older male nodded, before looking down at the bentous in his hand.

There were only two.

"Are you not…?"

"Ah." Gasper brightened, "Koneko-chan and the others… in-invited me to lunch with them. I'm supposed to meet them now actually."

"Really?" Yuuto raised his eyebrow once more, surprised with the hikikomori.

"Mhmm." The smaller blonde made a sheepish grin, "I-I've been trying."

"I'm proud. I'm sure Issei-kun would be too."

Gasper and Yuuto parted ways, the former heading toward the Hyoudou residence (Xenovia picking him up on the way) while the latter walked back toward Issei, his eyes closed in thought. The blonde knight breathed out, enjoying the quiet.

That's what their friendship was huh?

But for him…

Yuuto opened his eyes.

"Issei-kun, the bentous are-"

He stopped.

And examined the prone figure before him.

His head was tipped back against the trunk, exposing an inviting skin of neck. His arms were loose in his lap, legs folded Indian style. Issei's large, amber eyes were closed, shut tight. The frame of his body rose and fell gently with each breath.

He was asleep.

"Well then," The blonde moved, coming out his stillness and breaking the silence. He came closer to the pawn. Yuuto squatted down -still handsomely- and put the bentous to the side.

The knight folded arms, leaning them on his knees.

He stared contemplatively at Issei.

"What am I supposed to do now?"