A couple weeks past with the engagement and the new baby fighting for her life. Everyone was okay and still going strong. Adam , Leo and Chase all had to go back to school, much to their dismay, but being away for almost a month principle Perry would fail them if they didn't come back. Bree on the other hand, she was approved by the school board to be taken out of school for the rest of the year. Everything was as normal as any other day for them. Except that they didn't know revenge was coming and they need to look out.


I sat in the same old boring hospital room for the past month doing nothing but watch TV, Walk around the maternity ward, go see my name less baby.

I was really getting sick of this hospital , but I had to stay in it to get better and since I leaked a lot of blood when my baby was taken out, my blood supply had to come back slowly.

I sat and changed the channel for the Hundredth time today. As I sat and watched "Pairs of Kings" my doctor comes walking right through.

"Bree, I have some good news on your baby girl." He said with a smile smacked on his face.

"Really! I hope she's getting better to come out of the dark room." I said with a smile and excitement on my face.

"Well, we did some testing on how her organs were growing and they are growing at a nice pace and at this rate, she will be able to go home when she's about 6-7 months of age, with that being said I'll allow for your baby to come and be in your room with you at all times and get some bonding." Saying with a a lot of excitement .

"I would love to have her in my room! Will she still be hooked up to wires or will she off them?" I asks a bit concerned in my voice.

"Unfortunately, she will have to be on oxygen and a heart monitor, also a baby IV to help with new fluids. right now she will be taking in fluids like she would if she was still in your womb. Her body is too weak , fragile and little to hold down Formula or Breast Milk." He told me looking back at his clip board.

"Okay, when exactly will she come, because this room Is getting boring." I said with a sigh.

Just as he was about to answer my question, a nurse named "Peyton" from the Nursery came in with my daughter in the incubator with different cords on her small body.

"Oh my beautiful baby girl, look at you. Your growing so big." I smiled down at her.

Peyton was smiling at me before intruding our moment together.

"I'm sorry if I intruded, but if she stops breathing, or if her heart stops working, please press the button on the wall to inform one of the nurses and we will come and take a look at her." She said with a smile , showing me where the button was.

"Thank you. This will be a big surprise to my family when they see her finally. " I watched as both the nurse and doctor walk out of my room.

"Well, pretty girl. What shall we watch in this room together?" As I watched her move a bit but stop and moved again.

Just as I turn away, I heard my door open, I turned my body to see a doctor with a mask on his face.

"Can I help you?" He muffled a few words before taking off his mask.

I gasped at the sight at the man. I looks at my daughter and then him.

His smile looked old and gross, He looked like a old hag.

"Well, well, well what do we have here. A sick baby and a mother who isn't doing much but watching cartoons. I'm here to get my revenge and if that means killing that Ugly child and you , that's what I'm gonna do." He said with a voice of a demon.

I looked at him with shocked eyes an scared eyes. "DON'T YOU DARE PLACE A FINGER ON MY BABY GIRL U DEMON" I screamed with rage!

I tried to press my button but nothing worked.

"I re did the button, they can't hear u." He said with a tone of demon of hell.

I watched him pull out a lighter and started to set my room on fire.

I watched it go up. I screamed and I screamed.

He grabbed me by my hair and yanked me out of the hospital bed and started to beat me with hard strokes on my stomach and my lower body parts.

I was worrying about my daughter threw it all.

That's when things went blurry...


I sat in my boring History class with Mrs. HamCock.

I watched the clock tick and tick back and forth , I just wanted to get to the hospital and see my daughter and fiancé.

I was all in my thoughts until Mrs. HamCock threw a question at me.

"Mr. Davenport? I asked you a question "

"What was the question again?"

"How many presidents do we have?"



I sat back in my seat when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I had to make a way to get out of class's to read it.

"Mrs. HamCock? May I please use the restroom?"

"Yes you may, please be back in 5 minutes"

I races out of the class and I took my phone out to read the text.

From: Bree

To: Chase


I looked at it again and I took it in. Bree needed my help. I raced back to my class and grab my stuff with out answering teachers questions.

I ran to Leo's and Adam's English class and pulled them out.

" what the heck dude?"

" yea what the heck Chase!"

I showed them the text with out words and we all raced down the street to the giant Hospital , burning in flames.

I ran up to the police and tried to get pass.

"HEY! This is for police only!"

I didn't care one bit about what the police were yelling at me. I ducked under the police tape and climbed up the side of the building to Bree's room.

I got inside to see my daughter still breathing a bit. I knew inside that if I opened the incubator she could live or die. I had to to it for Bree and find her. I pressed down with my hands shaking at a fast past. Hearing the puff it made, I ripped a piece of my shirt off and covered the small Infants mouth so she wouldn't get any smoke in it. I picked her up carefully and caries her to the window which thankfully Adam was at.

" Adam, you need to get her to the pare medics, so she can get oxygen and her heart working and fluids. She too small to this big world."

He looked a little shaken , but took the small infant into his arms, and being 110 degrees he could keep her nice and warm.

"I'll get her safe, go find her momma."

And with that I ran to the door and open it and looked around, there we're smoke and ash every where I turned.

I heard with my super hearing "Help." From down the burning hall. I dogged the fire and ash as best as I could.

I saw Bree laying on the floor with blood coming out of her sides and she was coughing up blood. I ran to her and gently picked her up making sure she was in my grip. I carries her back to the window I came from and jumped out with her in my grip of my arms.

Thankfully we landed on the big net and the paramedics took Bree to get her all situated and I was being interrogated by the police of what a bad thing I did running into the burning building, and going to save Bree.

I honestly could care less about what the police were saying to me. I had to save my family and I did.

After I was Talked to I ran to Adam with a scared look on my face.

"ADAM! Is my baby okay.? Please tell me she's not dead!" I said on the edge of tears.

" she's not dead! I held a tight hold onto her, was breathing a bit to the normal air, I made sure she was nice and warm. I landed on net too and I told the police to shut the hell up and get some paramedics to take the baby. She's being taken to a hospital now to be treated and everything. Bree will be too." He said with a sad tone.

I nodded and sniffed a bit before breaking down in tears.