'Toshino Kyoko!' The door to tea club's room was thrown open unceremoniously as Sugiura Ayano stomped in, her friend Chitose trailing behind her.

'Sorry for the intrusion.' Chitose smiled at the amusement club members who were looking up in surprise at the ruckus Ayano was making.

'Explain this!' Ayano waved a test paper in front of Kyoko's face. Kyoko just smiled at the annoyed face looming over her and responded sweetly, 'Looks like I got a good mark this time. What about you Ayano-chan?' Ayano's face was getting redder.

'I'm serious! How on earth do you get these scores when you never study? It's ridiculous! I study every day and you still got a better mark than me! HOW?!' It looked like steam was going to start coming out of her ears. 'It really is cute how she gets all worked up like this.'

'You're so cute Ayano-chan.' Kyoko couldn't help but giggle at the poor girl, who visibly deflated in defeat, her face tomato red. Spurt! Chitose suddenly fell to the floor, blood dripping down her face.

'Kyoko!' Yui glared at her angrily, 'You should know better by now! Think of others before you speak! Chitose could die from all these nosebleeds you give her, on purpose, you know!'

Ayano was beside Chitose, lifting her head. 'What do you mean, on purpose?' She directed the question at Yui, turning her attention away from the blonde. The tone of her voice was unreadable.

'Uh, well, you know how Chitose's always having fantasies, Ayano, I was just telling Kyoko that she shouldn't make them worse, that's all.'

'I wasn't trying to, I was just talking out loud.' Kyoko defended herself.

'I see.' Ayano cleaned Chitose's face with the tissues Akari seemed to conjure out of thin air.

Chinatsu leaned against Yui's arm, looking thoughtfully at the limp, white haired girl lying prone in Ayano's arms. 'Why does she nosebleed so much? It can't be healthy, there must be some way to stop it before something bad happens.'

'I-I don't know.' Ayano looked uncertainly down at her best friend. Kyoko felt a pang in her stomach as she saw Ayano's expression towards the girl. She wasn't jealous? Was she? It was only Chitose.

'She's out cold, it's not usually this bad. I'll take her to the infirmary. You're right, I-I need to do something about this.'

The four members of the amusement club were equally surprised as Ayano scooped Chitose up into her arms, princess-style, and carried her from the room, not even bothering to say goodbye or close the door behind her.

'That was.. odd. Even for them.' Akari spoke out loud.

'Yeah.' Came Yui's response.

Kyoko kept staring out the open door. Something wasn't right, Ayano was starting to act a little.. less like Ayano recently. Kyoko knew that the purple haired girl liked her, thanks to the Tsundere's antics and Yui spelling it out for her when she got frustrated at Kyoko for unintentionally saying something stupid one time that may have hurt the girl's feelings, according to Yui anyway. Needless to say, Kyoko looked at Ayano with new eyes, everything the girl did or said was endearing to her now. Kyoko knew that she had feelings for Ayano, but the Tsundere was completely unaware of this, and so far nothing had changed between them. 'Maybe it's time I made something change.' Kyoko thought to herself. 'I wonder if she still likes me? I did leave it a bit late didn't I? If what Yui said was true then she must've had a crush on me for a while now.' She was uncertain now, and a little nervous. But, if she left it any longer she would definitely have no chance.

'I'll do it.'

'Do what?' Akari asked. Yui didn't even bother to look up as she and Chinastu snuggled, reading a manga.

'I'm going to confess to her, today.' Kyoko declared.

Her friends all looked up at her.

'Say what?'

'To who?' Yui looked confused.

'Ayano, of course.'

'I didn't think you actually thought of her that way.' Yui answered platonically.

'What? Why?' Kyoko looked at her friend, surprised.

'Because you were always messing around with other girls, like Chinastu and Chizuru in front of her, even though you knew she liked you, and you deliberately say things to her that embarrass her and cause Chitose to nosebleed.' Yui declared.

'Yeah.' Chinastu agreed. 'If we can see it that easily, then Ayano-senpai must have aswell, seeing how she's in love with you and all. God knows why, you've never treated her that good and you're always so inconsiderate of her feelings.'

Kyoko flinched, that one stung.

'That was a bit harsh, Chinatsu-chan.' Akari looked to Kyoko's paling face.

'Sorry, but she needs to hear it, we all saw Ayano's reaction to Chitose today, I think maybe it was the first step to her seeing that maybe Kyoko-senpai's not as wonderful as she thought.' Tears started to gather at the corner of Kyoko's eyes.

'Chinatsu!' Akari looked at her, worriedly.

'Wait, Kyoko…' Yui stepped in. 'I think that Chinatsu-chan is right. If you want to fix this before it gets worse and Ayano decides to give up on you, you need to change. You need to show her that you're not going to hurt her anymore, and that your feelings are genuine. Because honestly, if you confessed to her right now, if I was her, I wouldn't believe you. Think before you act Kyoko, I'm saying this as your friend.'

'Y-you're right.' Kyoko wiped her eyes, 'Sorry, I'll do it. I'll prove to her that I love her.' She smiled at Yui, grateful for her support, even if the revelation about herself hurt somewhat.

'I'll show her how I feel about her, I have to do it right. But how?'