lternate Universe of The Hunt Series
Somewhere in Washington State
October 10th, 2004
Warning: Sexual themes read at your own risk.
Honored Warrior Nev'ka, had stumbled upon the small human dwelling by accident. At the time, he had not been interested in looking for prey as he traveled the small wooded area, that made up this part of the planet. Occasionally, he went in search of solitude, when he traveled with the clan for the Youngblood's trial. It was because of the untainted life coming from the tall trees, and forest floor that always brought him back to this small part of the planet. Earth was the only one of its kind, this side of the galaxy. By pure luck, the planet was the perfect distance from the scorching heat of its sun, to allow life to flourish on such a small planet.
So much unlike his homeland. A barren wasteland, their planet was much too close to its suns to grow any life on it, other than what they were able to culture with their advanced technology. Of course, his body had been built for such heat, thriving in desert wastelands, and humid climates. But there was something about the cool breeze, that barely registered through his thermal suit, that tickled him in a way.
He had opted to travel with the newest batch of Youngblood's, taking them to their first trial, and dropping them off on the other side of the planet to brave their first trial against kiande amedha. Nev'ka had taken his own shuttle, ignoring the reproachful look of Elder M'dli-te, and set coordinates to the part of the world, where life flourished in its own habitat.
Now, Nev'ka wasn't a scientist by any means. He did not travel the solar system, searching for new planet life, or species, and documenting his discoveries. He was a born, and bred hunter. He loved the thrill of the hunt. But today he was not planning on hunting any humans, or other indigenous life that lived on this planet. He just wanted to enjoy a moment of peace.
He had been traveling by trees, hopping amongst the branches, and startling birds from their perch, as he flew passed them. His cloaking shield kept him hidden from sight, while he traveled. Anyone, human or other, would neither see him, nor hear him as he trekked through the forest. He had a good cycle or two, before the Youngbloods would be able to prove themselves during their trial, but that was of course if they survived it. More and more, Youngbloods were dying during their trial, showing a lack in discipline during their training. The clan had high hope for the three Yautja's today, though. The three sons of M'dli-te were a promising trio. They would make a great addition to the clan, once they were Blooded. They would then become the aspirations for all other Youngbloods, to follow in their footsteps.
Nev'ka came to a stop, perching on the branch of a tall tree that was so wide around that it would take at least five of his kind to wrap around it completely. His talons gouged into the bark of its trunk, as he leaned over to peer down at the mammals traveling below him. He had no idea what they were called, having never really taken the time before now, to study the wildlife on this planet. The pack of mammals were grazing under the tree he stood crouched on, seemingly unaware of his presence. They stood on four legs, their long necks bent low, to allow them to graze from the grass on the forest floor. There were three of them in total, he counted. One stood the largest, the antlers on its head spanning several feet in width, and impressive in their height.
Its hide would make a nice loincloth, he clicked to himself. He wondered if its meat would taste any good.
Cocking his head to the side, he considered changing his mind on hunting. It wouldn't be much effort to kill the mammal, and bring it back to the pod he had taken to get here. The larger shuttle that had brought them to this planet, would be by to pick him up eventually. He would have plenty of time to skin the creature, and tan the hide into leather, and store its meat in the pod to keep it fresh.
Turning his attention to the other two mammals grazing with the buck, he noted one to be smaller, a female perhaps, and then a youngling that didn't dare drift too far from its mother's side. Only the buck would be considered worthy prey.
Before Nev'ka could decide what he wanted to do, a loud explosion pierced the air, echoing through the woods, and startling the mammals from their serene moment. Nev'ka watched as the female and youngling darted off into the trees, their legs carrying them swiftly, much faster than he had anticipated them to be able to move. It wasn't until then, that he realized that only the female and youngling had run. Turning his gaze back to the buck, he spotted it lying on its side, the back leg twitching in its final death throws. Switching to infrared, Nev'ka watched as the body began to cool, and felt disappointment cloud his thoughts.
"There we go," a soft voice called out from below, and he watched as a human stepped through the brush, and around the tree he clung to.
Humans were the main species that inhabited this planet, and many Yautjas came from all over, to hunt the prized prey, adding their skulls and spine to their trophy wall. He watched as the new heat signature approached the buck to inspect it's kill.
"At least I won't go hungry this winter," the human mused to itself. "Now let's get you back home, shall we."
Is the ooman speaking to me, or the mammal, he wondered. Either one seemed rather insane. For one, the human would not be able to see him as he stood rather still on the tree branch above it. And second, the mammal was dead, and could not speak back to it.
Nev'ka cocked his head to the other side, finding he was curious about the strange bipedal creature. Changing out of infrared, Nev'ka zoomed in on the human to get a closer look. His hopes of maybe hunting the human were dashed, when he realized it was female. As females, could breed stronger prey for Yautja's, their kind were considered off limits. He wondered if the rule was similar to humans. The female had killed the male mammal only, allowing the female, and youngling to escape.
Maybe there were more similarities between their species, than he had originally thought. He watched as the female tied the buck with a rope, which she slung over her shoulder, and began to drag it back in the direction she had come from. Curious, Nev'ka followed the female, sticking to the tree limbs as his preferred method following her without being seen. His movements were stealthy, not even disturbing nesting birds, as he traveled from tree branch, to tree branch. The female was none the wiser, not even bothering to look up. If she had, she would have seen the warped image of his cloaked body, following close behind her.
Nev'ka stumbled upon her home by surprise, coming to a halt in the treetops as the trees made way to a small clearing. He had not even realized humans lived in seclusion, such as this. From all his time hunting their species, he had found that they lived in very populated areas much like a hive would. This made him more curious, wondering why the female defected, from the rest of her kind.
The home was a one-story building, small in nature as it seemed to only house the female. A quick scan of the area showed him that hers was the only heat signature within range. Music played from an open window, and as the female reached the porch, that lined the front of her home, she began to hum to the soft melody playing.
Nev'ka crouched on the limb of one of the many trees, which lined the clearing, that surrounded the house. He was hidden by the shade of the tree, with the sun sitting high above them, so even if the female looked right at him, she would not have been able to even see the distortion his cloaking device made. He watched, as the female strung the buck up on her porch, and began to clean, and dress her kill.
He purred at the sight, watching her carefully work, as she cleaned the mammal of its organs and blood, before skinning it. She made work of the hide, and he could see that for one of her size, the hide could be used as a blanket. Tossing his head, the appendage like dreads that lined the crown of his head snapped at the air from the sharp movement, before setting back down against his back. Nev'ka decided he was not disappointed any longer, for losing the opportunity of killing the buck. The female made sure to use as much of it as possible, more than he would have even bothered with. The mammal would have gone to waste, had he taken his chance to kill it.
After the female finished, she cleaned up the mess, and made sure to dispose of the remains properly, so as to not attract any unwanted predators. If she only knew that she had already gained one predator's attention, she might not have gone out that morning to hunt.
Once the female disappeared inside her home, Nev'ka leaped from his perch upon the branch, his knees bending as he did so, and his legs absorbed the impact of his landing. Straightening, he started for the home. He paused outside one of the large square windows, peering in through the glass to get a closer look. The female moved about the place, as if she were on a mission. He followed her about, albeit not as closely, as he would have liked. She moved from room to room, taking care of the meat, and cleaning the tools she had used on the buck.
Time passed, and soon darkness began to descend upon him, and yet Nev'ka did not leave to seek shelter. The female was rather interesting in her simple life, reminding him much of a Yautja's choice of livelihood. She hunted for trophies, and food much like his kind did, while living a very solitary life. He had stayed all day to see if anyone joined her, but no one had.
The female had made herself a meal, completely butchering the steaks in his opinion, by cooking them over the stove. It was strange though, as the smells from the cooked meat had been rather tantalizing to his sensitive taste buds. He had smelled nothing like it before, and wondered if the steaks had come from the buck she had killed that morning, or from another kill, perhaps?
After eating, the female began preparation for bed. He watched as she went into the bathroom to change into different skins, ones not as bulky, and warm as the skins she had worn all day. Nev'ka followed the female, traveling to another window, and peered inside as she entered a smaller room. There was less furnishings in this room than the others, but there was a rather large sleeping matt on the wall farthest from the door. She climbed into the bed, leaving a light on, that sat on the stand next to her. She then opened a book, and started to read.
Nev'ka watched a little while longer, but found his curiosity waning as time passed. He did not understand how she could sit there for so long, reading a book in the silence of her room. The only movements she made were to turn a page, and blink while her eyes darted across the pages.
Perhaps he could visit in the morning, before returning to the pod. He hoped for another interesting display of hunting, and maybe witness her method of hunting, to see if he could learn something from it. He wasn't prone to looking down on his prey, like most of his kind did. He had plenty male humans give him challenging hunts in the past, and he liked to learn from each generation to understand his prey a little better over time.
Nev'ka turned to head back into the woods, when a sound from inside the room caught his attention. He had not even realized the window on the other side of the room, had been left open, and he could hear the soft sigh escape the female. Turning back to the window, Nev'ka cocked his head to the side, and watched as the female had placed the book, page down on the nightstand. He half expected her to slide further down into her furs, and turn the light off, but she did neither.
Instead the female shifted in her bed, as if uncomfortable, before throwing the blankets off her heated form. Once exposed, he could see that her skin was flush, and glistening with sweat. Nev'ka's gaze traveled over the female, studying her closely. Her legs were planted against the mattress, her back resting against her pillow, and her head bent forward, because of the headboard. She shimmied down the bed some more, her body stretching out the length of it.
The female pushed the dark tresses of her hair back from her face, then using that same hand, dragged it down the length of her body. Her fingers started at her neck, the tips of her fingers drawing symbols across her exposed flesh, before dragging further down.
Nev'ka watched transfixed, as she pulled the top skins to expose her mammary glands to him. Her fingers pinched the bare nipple, hardening it into a peak, before kneading the flesh, causing a soft sigh to escape passed her fleshy lips. Tilting his head to the other side, Nev'ka trilled to himself.
What was the female doing now, he wondered as his curiosity was piqued once more.
The female repeated the motion with the other gland, before tracing her fingers down her belly, to the hem of her bottom skins. A low moan escaped the female, and she arched her back up off the mattress to tug her skins down, and kicked them aside.
Another trill escaped him, finding the naked female form not all that flattering, but intriguing none the less. She was much too fleshy, with large mammary glands, and wide birthing hips. Her flesh was pale, not the bold colorings the females from his home, had. Her tresses though, were another matter. The dark strands spilled across her pillow, as she shifted more on the bed, and they fanned out beneath her in a thick wave. They were not the thick appendages his kind had, but appeared soft, and delicate to him. He wondered if they were as sensitive as his own tresses were.
The female drew his attention further down her body to the V of her thighs, exposing a small patch of dark fur there. The female's fingers had caressed, and massaged their way down her body, her legs parting for her in anticipation. The right leg bent at the knee, and suddenly blocked his view of where her hands had traveled to.
He could see that her hands were moving, but could not see what it was they were doing, and where. Strange ooman, he mused, only to have his thoughts darken at the sound of her low, throaty moan.
A Yautja female, did not moan. They hissed, and scratched, and roared if a male got too close. Females of his kind, were not soft, and pliable as the female human, who laid on the bed before him, was.
Nev'ka zoomed his vision in closer, studying the way the female pulled her legs further apart, her left leg trying to stay propped, like her right was, but it could find no purchase on the soft covers she lay on. He wanted to know what she was doing, but the female would not move her right leg, to allow him to see. Remembering the other window, Nev'ka reluctantly left his perch, and traveled to the other side of the room. This window had been left wide open, letting a cool breeze to enter the room, and proved to be a much better angle, for him to see into the room.
Nev'ka zoomed his vision in closer once again, now that he had a better view of the female, as she writhed on top of the soft furs. He could see that her hands were still at the v of her legs. However, it was the smell, and not the actions, that informed him what she was doing. The heady scent, wafted to him through the open window, growing stronger with each wave, and slipped in through the vents of his mask. He felt his eyes widen, when he realized the female was pleasuring herself, something that was taboo, amongst his kind. Female Yautja's never pleasured themselves. They mated only one time during the year, and that was during the mating season, and they always had plenty of males to pick from to keep them satisfied.
He had heard from the scientist, that liked to study the different species on each planet, that humans could mate at any time, not needing a time table to dictate when they could breed.
But surely the female can pick from a collection of males, he reasoned. Instead of being left to pleasure herself. It seemed rather unusual to him, that a female, that may not be pleasing to his eye, but pleasing nonetheless, would not attract many males of her own species. She seemed like a fine specimen.
Nev'ka huffed out a breath of air, the scent of her arousal causing his member to harden, and strain against his loin cloth, in reaction to the scent. The pheromones of the female in heat, was affecting him in a strange manner, and he was confused by his reaction to it.
A breathy moan escaped the female, and she began to rock against her hand. He could see the index finger of her right hand, flicking back forth over the hard nub at the apex of her sex. Each pass of her finger seemed to send a jolt through her body, and her legs quivered in response. The fingers of her left hand however, had found the opening of her sex, and were sliding in and out, following the rhythm of her thrusting hips.
Nev'ka braced a hand against the windowsill, that he stood outside of. From his vantage point he could see her sex glistening in the light of the room, the smell growing stronger with each passing moment, with each flick of her finger, against that hardened nub. He tossed his head, the tresses behind him snapping at his shoulders, but he hardly seemed to notice it. He had to brace his feet wide apart, to accommodate the tightness in his loincloth. His cock had swollen incredibly hard, the pain of it nearly taking his breath away.
Between the smell of her arousal, and her soft little moans, it was all he could do, not to claw his way into her room, and mount her like he would a female Yautja. Of its own violation, however, his hand traveled south, the tip of his talon touching the swell of his cock, and it jerked violently.
He huffed again, his head tossing back and forth. Snorting, he pawed at the window with his other hand, before sinking his talons into the soft wood. His left hand was busy caressing up his swollen cock, watching as the female increased her speed with her own finger. Nev'ka wasn't even aware he was doing it, as he was completely engrossed in what she was doing, unable to tear his eyes away from the image. When the female flicked her finger across her swollen nub, he stroked his cock. When the female increased her speed, so did he. He jerked at the swollen flesh, harder and faster, listening to the words she pleaded to the empty room, and complying with her commands.
He imagined taking the small female, like he would a female Yautja. But not as violently, he amended. The fantasy came to him unbidden, nearly startling him, with the vividness his mind was able to create it. Never had he fantasized about mating before, let alone with a prey species. But his body, and mind were beyond his own control, it seemed. With each stroke of his hand, his hips thrust against his hand, drawing him closer, and closer to his desired release.
Nev'ka couldn't look away from the female, and his eyes, and ears became tuned in to the sights, and sounds she made as she pleasured herself. Only in his mind, he saw her bent over the solid surface of her kitchen counter, instead of lying on her back in her bed. It wasn't her hands that brought out mewling cries from her throat, anymore. He had her bent over the kitchen counter, her clothes scattered about the floor, as he mounted her from behind. He held her down by the neck, her face turned to the side as she stared at him from over her shoulder, with her eyes dilated with arousal.
His swollen cock slid deep inside her sex, a low trilling growl escaping him, as the female squirmed beneath him. Pulling his hips back, he painfully slid his cock out of the tight heat of her sex, only to snap his hips forward, and slamming his cock back inside her. He could hear her cries, as she scrambled for purchase on the counter, trying to grab anything to hold onto. He would fuck her, listening to the way she would mewl, and cry, her back arching to take him even deeper. She would cry for him to thrust deeper, to thrust harder, and thrust faster inside her.
Inside the room, the female arched her back off the mattress, a wordless scream tearing free from her throat, as she suddenly came violently. Nev'ka felt his own burning heat rushing straight to his groin. A strangled roar escaped him, as the sound of her scream sent him over the edge, and he came hard inside his loincloth.
The only indication that she heard him was her tired head tilting down, to peak out the open window. She stared straight at him, a rather satisfied smile quirking the corner of her lips. The female rolled to her side then, her shaking legs barely holding her up, when she managed to roll herself out of bed. She staggered to the window, peering outside for a moment to search the darkness. With a tired yawn, she reached up, and closed the window, making sure to lock it before heading back to bed.
Nev'ka stared through the closed window, watching the female as she climbed back into bed, pulling her thick furs over her shivering form. One hand reached out blinding, and the only light in the room was snuffed out, with one turn of her wrist.
Retreating away from the window, Nev'ka started for the tree line, his steps shaky, and weak as he began the long trek back to his pod. He had gone to the small human planet to experience some moment of peace, with nothing mounting on him, other than to wait for the Youngblood's trial to end. Instead he had stumbled across a human's dwelling by pure accident, but the experience had not been at all displeasing. In fact, he had found it rather satisfying, even if it was taboo.
Nev'ka would have to make sure to come back again.
AN: ~Revised 08/27/18
So I wrote this one shot in like the span of like two hours to see how well I could do with a smut scene, between a human and a Yautja. I apologies for any errors as I do not have a beta reader.
Now considering I don't write much smut at all in my stories, just a lot of teases, and stuff, I would like some feedback on it. I am trying to expand my horizons in my writing skills, and this idea came to me while working on The Hunt Continues. But I couldn't see it fitting into the story line at all. Then I thought poor Nev'ka, he hardly got any limelight in the story, and I decided, Hell with it, I will give him his own story (which only makes me want to cry, because I killed him off in The Hunt Continues :( I guess I am a glutton for punishment.)
Well I would like your feedback, how was my first smut scene, did you loved/liked/hated it?
Inky Out