Chapter 11 – At Rest


A few weeks passed since we got Lucas to open up about the tragic events of his last moments. We noticed we saw less and less of him. When he was around, he would stand off by himself staring outside. I guessed maybe he was seeing the Light and being coaxed into it. It was now the week of Halloween and Charlie called to let me know the grave was being dug for Lucas' remains. The stones were also in and the new one I had for Lucas' parents, Caleb and Lucinda had been placed on their graves. Lucas' stone was also in and Emmett was going to pick it up.

I had received the small child's casket and had it in my medical room. Esme and the others knew it was here but they couldn't bring themselves to come and see it. I didn't blame them. It's not the kind of thing anyone wants to see. Esme was upset that Lucas was not around much and was beginning to mourn his leaving us. We knew the time was coming, we just didn't know when. We had decided to bury his remains before Halloween because we did not want any type of vandalism happening. I had called Billy and Sam and told them the day. They are going to join us. We are going to do the interment on the evening before Halloween. The Pack will come in human form and be with us. We are going to transport the remains and carry him to his new resting place next to his parents. I am telling him this when I see him today. About an hour later, Lucas appeared in our living room with all of us.

"Hey Little Dude, where've you been," Emmett asked.

"I was talking to the Angel. He wants me to come with him into the Light," Lucas said.

"Come here my little man," I said to him. Lucas eagerly ran to me and I picked him up and sat him on my lap. "Lucas, do you know who the Angel is?" I asked him wondering.

"No, I don't know his name," Lucas replied.

"Are you ready to go with the Angel?" I asked him.

"I-I think so, but…I'll miss all of you so much," Lucas said sadly.

"We'll miss you too, baby," Esme said. Her eyes welling up with venom tears.

"Lucas, little Dude, what do you want to do?" Emmett asked him.

"I don't belong here, do I Daddy?" Lucas asked.

"No, not really. You belong in the Light where your real mommy and daddy are waiting for you. You deserve to have the peace and love that you will find in the Light and be happy forever," I said to him caressing his cheek.

"Are you sure Arvis won't be there?" Lucas asked with a worried look.

"I'm sure, my little man. He will not be there, I promise you," I said to him.

"I hate Arvis," Lucas said.

"Lucas, you shouldn't hate anyone. Arvis was a man who was very unhappy and you don't know what happened in his life that caused him to be this way and be so angry. You must try to get past this and forgive him. Hating someone does nothing but keep angry, unhappy feelings from healing. You don't have to forget what he did, but you can forgive what he did. You will feel better about everything if you release the anger and hate you have for him. Just try to consider it, my little man," I suggested to him.

"I'll try Daddy, but it's hard," Lucas said.

"I know it is, my little man, but you can do it. Just try it," I said to him.

"I'll do it for you, Daddy," Lucas said lying back against me.

"Such a good boy, I'm so proud of you my little man," I said hugging him tighter.

"No one's ever said they were proud of me before," Lucas said.

"Well I've always been proud of you," I said kissing his cheek. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Momma, will you remember me?" He asked.

"Of course, baby. We will always remember you. You're our little ghost boy," Esme said rubbing her hand down his hair.

"Daddy, what about my bed?" Lucas wanted to know.

"I got you a new bed and it is right next to your mommy and daddy's bed. I got you a new marker also," I said to him.

"Oooohh, thanks Daddy. I can't wait to see it," Lucas said excitedly. "I was so lonely in my old bed."

"Not any more Little Dude. Pops has you all fixed up," Emmett said.

"Is that what you have in your doctor room Daddy?" He asked.

"Yes my little boy, it is," I said kissing his cheek.

"I peeked at it. It looks comfy," he said smiling. "When can I try it?"

"Wednesday night. We are going to place it next to your parents. The Wolf Pack is joining us," I explained.

"Wow, for me? I never had a funeral," Lucas said.

"Uh…I need to be excused," Rosalie said choking up and running from the room. It got all of us.

Lucas stayed a long time with us and just sat around talking and laughing with us. It was a happy and sad time all at the same time. We knew he was leaving soon and we were happy for him but sad for all of us. We truly loved our little ghost boy.

The next day, I informed my family that I was going to lay Lucas' remains in the casket I had in my medical room. Emmett and Edward offered to be there with me. I told them it was not necessary but they insisted. The others said they couldn't do it. I did not want Esme to be a part of this. It would affect her the most.

I arranged Lucas' bones in the casket. I carefully placed them gently on the padded cushioning of the satin casket lining. I arranged them in anatomical order. Emmett and Edward were helping me. Emmett could only bear it so long and had to leave. It was tearing him apart.

"Pops, I can't take it anymore! Little Dude's bones, this is unbearable. I can't look at them anymore. How could anyone do this to the little guy. Sorry Pops, I have to leave," Emmett said choking up.

"Go ahead son, I know it's hard," I said looking at Emmett.

"I'll stay with you, Dad," Edward offered.

"You don't have to son, I know it's an awful thing to witness. Feel free to go and stay with the others," I told him.

"Are you sure?" Edward asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. I've seen my share of tragic situations, being a physician. It doesn't get to me like it used to. This one does because I know and love this little man," I shared.

Edward put his hand on my shoulder and I put my hand on top of his. I smiled at him and he left to go join the others. I went back to my gruesome task and was joined by Leah, Jake and Seth. I looked at them and they came and stood behind me.

"We want to be here, Dad. We will stay with you," Jake said.

"You don't have to," I said to them. "This is not something anyone wants to do."

"Dad, we're used to it. We revere our dead and have a special bond with them. Death is a big part of our culture so we are not turned off by something like this. He was an innocent, we want to show our respects to him," Jake stated.

"Thank you, all three of you," I said gratefully.


We watched Dad as he methodically placed Lucas' bones in the casket in the correct order. He did it with the skill of a physician and the gentleness of a father. He finally got them all placed and then took a small blanket to replace the one Lucas was buried with and laid it on top of the remains. As he did this, Lucas was standing across from Dad and we all looked up and saw him. Lucas looked into the casket and saw the blanket covering him as if he was taking nap. He looked up at Dad and smiled.

"Thank you Daddy," Lucas said to him.

"You're welcome, Little Man," Dad said to Lucas. Lucas then vanished.

It was at that point, the man we have come to love as our father, the physician and healer, the wise old vampire from the 1600's who has suffered many hardships, the gentle compassionate man we call Dad and who loves us so easily and unconditionally, broke and crumpled to his knees and sobbed. It was at that time, the three of us, his three wolf children, held him up as he let go of all his pent up emotions that he kept hidden from us all. All three of us had a hold of him and we sobbed along with him as we held him in our arms. This was a moment we will remember forever, the moment we were able to be there for him, as he has been for us so many times.


After that emotional task and release, I have come to realize how truly blessed I am and our family is to have Jake, Leah and Seth now be a part of it. This one small child has given me the greatest gift of experiencing first hand how much my wolf children mean to me. They couldn't be more mine than if they had my venom in them. I love all my children, but these three were once considered foes to us and to see how far we have come and to have it revealed to me in such a heart-wrenching way, truly shows the love and respect we all have for one another. This, because of one little lost spirit of a little boy, who experienced the worst in life, gave our family one of the best moments in life, the truth beyond a shadow of a doubt of the love of family members for one another who are not bound by blood, but by love. I only hope that this short time Lucas has been with us, has given him something he never was able to experience, the love of two adoring parents and sibling love. The willingness and respect the wolf pack displayed, also shows how working and respecting each other, two opposing foes can come together and forge a lasting friendship and respect for one another. To look out for each other and come to the other's aide and stand with them at times of happiness and sorrow, is the best lesson we can teach our young. I hope Lucas will remember us fondly as we will remember him.

The Burial:

It was the day of the burial and we haven't seen Lucas since the other day when he was here for so long. I was wondering if he had already gone into the Light. I came home from my shift at the hospital and we loaded Lucas' bed in Emmett's jeep. It was evening and the sun was not shining. We all drove and followed each other to the cemetery. When we arrived there, we all got out and the Wolf Pack and Billy were there waiting for us. They formed a pathway from his grave to the road where we stopped. We got Lucas' bed out of the jeep and Emmett, Jazz, Edward, Jake, and Seth carried it to the gravesite. I walked with Esme. As we walked past each member of the Pack, they following behind us and accompanied us to the gravesite. The boys placed his bed down on the grave and stepped back.

Billy wheeled forward and said some wonderful words and then sang and chanted in his native language. It was such a touching tribute. Lucas then appeared from behind the gravesite and walked toward us. He was fully formed with all the energy he could garner from the entire pack. He walked up and smiled at us. He had a different look about him and seemed to be at ease for the first time. He then looked up at us. He pointed to his left.

"The Angel is here to take me to the Light," he said.

We looked to where he pointed and there was someone standing there with a glow around him. He smiled at all of us. We looked back to Lucas who was staring at his new 'bed'.

"I want to see inside," Lucas said.

I was not in favor of opening the casket because it would be hard for everyone to see his little bones lying there covered with the blanket. I looked up at him and he met my eyes with his and said, "Please Daddy." What could I say? I nodded and we all held each other's hand bracing ourselves. Sam opened the lid slowly and we all slowly looked inside. We couldn't believe what we saw. There lying in the casket was Lucas' fully formed body in death with a peaceful look on his face as if he was sleeping. He was grasping the blanket in his hands and he was lying on his side. We all gasped in wonder.

"I wanted you to remember me like this Daddy, not the way you saw me in your doctor's room," Lucas said smiling at me.

I lost it at that point but quickly regained my composure. I held my arms out to him and he ran into them. I scooped him up and kissed his little face.

"Thank you my little man," I said hugging him close. "What a thoughtful gift you gave us," I said to him.

"The Angel wants me to come with him now," Lucas said. He hugged us all goodbye and we looked over and the Angel was standing there holding his hand out to Lucas. Lucas turned to look back at us and then ran to the Angel who smiled beautifully at him and grasped his hand. The Angel held his hand out and a bright Light appeared that we could barely look at. It quickly dimmed so that we could see two figures emerge. It was Caleb and Lucinda. The Angel walked with Lucas over to meet them. We watched intently as we saw his parents reach down and hug him. He returned the hug. Lucinda then looked at the Angel who then nodded to her. Lucinda and Lucas suddenly were standing right in front of us. Lucinda looked at us as she held Lucas' hand. She then turned to Esme.

"Thank you for taking care of my little boy," Lucinda said Esme.

"It was my pleasure. We're going to miss him so much," Esme said beginning to cry.

"One good deed deserves another in return. The Angel said I could do this for you," Lucinda said.

Esme looked at her in wonder. Lucinda stepped aside and standing there smiling at Esme, was her little boy, William, who she lost when he was but a few days old. Esme recognized him at once. Esme crumpled to her knees in shock. She held her arms out to him and he came forward.

"William! My baby," Esme said sobbing. Looking up at Lucinda, she asked, "How? He's not a baby?"

"No, in the Light, babies and children grow and learn just like children do here in the physical world," Lucinda explained.

"My baby, how I've missed you. I love you so much," Esme said kissing and hugging her baby.

The family and pack were all stunned and most of us were crying and overcome with joy for Esme at this moment. Esme was overcome with emotion and held onto William for as long as she could. Lucinda then put her hand on Esme's shoulder.

"We have to go now, but I promise I will look after your son, as you looked after mine," Lucinda promised Esme.

"Thank you! I-I have no words to express my joy at this wonderful gift," Esme said to her.

"I'll be waiting for you mommy," William said to his mother. Esme sadly looked down to the ground knowing this wasn't ever going to happen.

"Lucinda, is there any chance for us," I asked her. Lucinda looked to the Angel and he said something to her we couldn't hear.

"The Angel said the good that you do does not go unnoticed. Eternity is but a blink of an eye in the Light and all things are possible. There is always hope in the Light. Don't give up," Lucinda said.

"Oh…oh thank you," Esme said to Lucinda and smiling at the Angel.

"You have given us a glimmer of hope. You have no idea how comforting this is to us," I said to her. I looked to the Angel and nodded to him. He nodded in return.

We watched as Lucinda and Lucas walked back to the Light slowly. The Angel had disappeared and Caleb waited at the light for them. When Lucinda and Lucas reached the Light, they turned with Caleb and waved to us. They took a step into the Light, which now vanished along with our little ghost boy. We all looked in that direction sadly but happy that he and his family are now together as they should be.

We then turned back to the task at hand and began covering the casket with dirt. We each took a shovel full and threw it in the grave. After we all had a turn, Emmett and my boys and some of the wolf pack finished the burial. Emmett then took the stone he had made for Lucas and removed the covering he had on it. He plunked it down into the ground at the head of the grave next to Lucinda and Caleb's stone. The cemetery will situate it tomorrow. We read what Emmett had inscribed on the stone and we were all moved.

"Aww, Emmy, how sweet," Esme said brushing away tears.

Inscribed on the stone was Lucas name and date of birth and his date of death. At the bottom under the dates was written in quotes: "Little Dude". It was a very touching tribute. We stood for a while and then we all turned to go back home, a little saddened that we would not be seeing Lucas anymore, but happy and proud we could be a part of his life for just a bit and help him to get home.

Two weeks later:

We were all sitting around in the living room just hanging out together. We missed Lucas and we felt better when we were all together as a family. We talk about him a lot and sometimes we even have to wonder if it all really happened. A family of vampires and a little ghost boy meeting each other. He wasn't even afraid of us. We weren't afraid of him, well, except for Emmett at first. What an experience. As we were sitting talking about it, we heard a familiar laugh and we all knew who it belonged to.

"Lucas?" Esme called out. Immediately, Lucas formed solidly in front of us.

"Miss me?" Lucas asked. We all said yes together. He looked different, like he had aged in the short time he has been gone from us. We all noticed this and he knew we were wondering what had happened.

"Oh yeah, I grew since being in the Light. I'm not at the age of 10. What'd ya think Daddy? I'm a big boy now," Lucas said laughing. "Too hard to spank me now," Lucas laughed.

"Oh, Little Dude, you have no idea. Pops could spank a bear if he wanted to," Emmett said. Everyone laughed.

"I just came to tell you I followed your advice and I forgave Arvis for what he did to me. I'm happy now and it's wonderful to be in the Light. I do miss all of you though," Lucas admitted.

"How could you forgive that monster?" Emmett asked.

"Daddy told me I should let go of the hatred and forgive him. I don't have to forget what he did, but it would be better to forgive him. Besides, no one should be deprived of being in the Light and I didn't want to be the cause for him not to be able to come in. So I forgave him," Lucas explained.

"That was a very noble thing to do. You have become a man, my little man, and a wise one at that. I've never been more proud of you," I said to him bursting with pride.

"I understand it now more than ever," Lucas said to me.

"Lucas, I thought I'd find you here," Lucinda said now coming into form. "Hello, my friends," she said to us. "I bet my little man, as he likes to be called, came to tell you something Carlisle," Lucinda said proudly.

"Yes he did. I am so proud of him," I said to her.

"Like I said Carlisle, the good that you do, does not go unnoticed. You were responsible for Lucas forgiving Arvis. Because of you and what you taught Lucas and inspired him to let go of his feelings of hatred, allowed a sorry, lost soul to be forgiven and come into the Light. Arvis still has some things to work out and learn, but he now helps others who are lost. Come on my little dude, we must go now, say goodbye to your other family," Lucinda said to him.

"Bye Momma, Daddy, Dude…" and he went down the list naming everyone. He hugged us all and Esme and I kissed him goodbye again.

"We hope to see you again sometime," I said to him.

"I'll try, but I'm really not suppose to come back often," Lucas said. He turned and walked with Lucinda.

"Oh Lucas, did you ever find out the name of the Angel who tried to get you to come into the Light, or who he was?" I asked still with curiosity.

"Yes. Turns out he wasn't an Angel. His name was Arvis," Lucas said as he and Lucinda both vanished.

We were all stunned and looked at one another.

Never lose hope…

End of story.

Happy Halloween!

A/N: I forgot to include this author's note at the time I published this last chapter. Please watch the video on YouTube of "The Forgotten" song by Green Day that was featured in Breaking Dawn Part 2. It fits this story. Either watch the video or listen to it while reading the burial scene of this chapter. I hope you find it adds to the story. CC