Written for OkiKagu Month. Prompt: Connection

"I hate you."

"You don't."

"Do too. You hate me too."

"Too much effort."

"Finding the shogun's new hairstyle is too much effort too, but that didn't stop me now did it."


"Never gonna work."

"Listen, why won't you."

"Die, why don't you."

"First comes rock…"


"Youch! Take that, China!"

"Oww! Die, Sadist!"

"… fine. I don't hate you."

"It's about time. What made you finally own up hey hey?"

"Don't mock me. If I hated you you would be dead."

"So when you tell me to die that means 'be my master', right?"

"Die, Sadist."

"Gladly. Here's a collar made just for you."


"Hey! I spent lots of time creating that! It even had that gross seaweed scent to it!"

"Why are you still here."

"Ask yourself that, piggy alien."

"… I don't hate you."

"I don't hate you either."

"Maybe we're not so different after all."

"Is that a confession?"

"It's a connection."

"That doesn't make sense."

"It's for a prompt you stupid Sadist."

"What kind of prompt is that? Prompt me up a new collar, eh author?"

"Yeah, he needs one."

"So you admit you do like S an - owww!"

"Thanks author."

"… why does this author always make me suffer."

"Cuz you dumb."

"Maybe she's a sadist too."

"Don't be getting any ideas."

"I got it! We're all connected by our sadistic natures!"

"No! You can't say that! She's denying it! This stupid dialogue will end! Noooo! SADIST I LIKE YOU!"

"I knew you'd fall for my ch - CHINA MARRY ME!"




"Pfffttt. That's what they get for calling me a sadist," said the evilly smirking author as she imagined the shock, pain, and rage on the faces of the sadistic couple.