He looked down as the elevator opened its doors. His long shaggy golden bangs hiding his eyes as he steps out. His short unkempt hair which reached halfway down his neck and uncaring ice blue eyes gave him a bored look. "In our match today we have the swallow versus a crowd favorite! The vulture!"
He sighed and prepared to fight. The match was over before it begun. But he didn't kill his opponent. He never did.
After his match he walked through the hall to clear his head. His dull crimson knee high cargo shorts and slightly baggy black sweater swishing silently as he walked. It exposed the tops of his shoulders slightly as the sleeves went mid way over his fingers. He wore the standard collar and two silver bracelets,
one on each wrist. His chunky black military boots which reached mid calf made a slight thud as they hit the ground.
He was tall for his age. Being only fourteen the others thought he'd be an easy target.
He'd been in wonderland for a month now and had yet lost.
Most feared him, yet he found it sad. He thought of how sad it was that once upon a time they were normal people. Not paying attention to his surroundings he bumped into a man and woman.
"Owww", he rubs his head and looks up to see two other deadmen who he knew as the owl and game fowl. Sighing he stood and offered a hand to the game fowl. He respected women and tried to help when he could. She accepted his hand and hoisted herself up. Owl smiled apologetically at him,"Apologies we didn't mean to bump into you."
He shrugged and started walking off.
"Wait!" The game fowl now stood in front of him. "Wanna help us kick ass?" He looked at her confused. Owl stepped in and tried to clarify. "We are a band of rebels. Its is our goal to take this place out."
He just looked at them then grinned. "Love to."
They walked to the rebel base together. He learned their names were Nagi and Karako.
They were nice and kind of funny. He missed funny.
The door opened to reveal a large group. They all widened their eyes at the sight of him. "I'd like you all to meet the newest member of our group. Please make him feel at home."
For twenty minutes he was meeting people and actually enjoying himself. " Hey Tetsu! Want some tea?" Karako half yelled in his ear. He just laughed and accepted the drink. It felt nice to hear someone else say his name.