It was barely six in the morning, and already the warm August sun cast long shadows across the grass. Hardly any sane person would be awake at this hour, despite the light and the gentle chirping of the summer birds. But then again, Jack's sanity had been questioned on numerous occasions.

The soft scratching of a pencil was the only sound that interrupted the gentle, deep breathing that filled the room. Peering up over the rim of his notebook, Jack smiled warmly as he studied the other boy's profile; his chocolate brown eyes lovingly noting each pale freckle that danced across the boy's rounded cheeks. Lips slightly parted in sleep, Jack was almost tempted to lean over and place a kiss to wake him up.. But as inviting as it was to see those vibrant olive green eyes staring up at him, dazed and unfocused as he blinked back sleep.. That would mean ruining the moment, so Jack forced himself to refrain.

The sheets pooled around Jack's waist, exposing ivory skin to warming touch of the sun's rays as he sat up a little straighter. In his right hand he held a tooth marked pencil, its lead hovering upon a page of his notebook, temporarily frozen in place as he admired the bare body that lay beside him. His drawing forgotten, Jack could no longer hold back. He set his pencil down beside his book, and be damned if it were to be lost within the sheets. Oh so carefully, he reached over and took one hand between both of his own and raised it to his lips, where he placed a tender kiss on the boy's finger tips.

"Hiccup.." He murmured in the softest of tones, his mouth traveling farther down the boy's hand, coming to a stop at his wrist. "Wake up.."

"Wake up Hiccup.." He repeated, delighting in the small groan that came from the smaller boy. His eyes pressed shut, determined to cling onto the last grains of sleep that weighed his lithe body down. Jack smiled against the warm skin, once more pressing his lips against Hiccup's wrist for another kiss. He traveled lower, exploring up the boy's arm and leaving a trail of kisses in his wake.

The other began to giggle softly as Jack's eyelashes fluttered, and tickled the crook of his elbow, traveling up to meet his shoulder.

"Jack.." He groaned, his voice heavy with sleep. "Jack st'p.. Ticklin' me.." A lazy grin pulled at Hiccup's lips, exposing his teeth, forgetting his self-doubt in the precious moment between the waking world and the sleeping.

Jack chuckled, lightly nipping at the boy's collar bone, and eliciting a small cry and another giggle from Hiccup in the process.

Lazily he pulled himself on top of Hiccup to end his assault of affection with a warm kiss on his lips. Hiccup's lanky arms wound around Jack's neck, weakly holding him in place.

When the two broke apart, smiles were met along side soft giggles. "Good morning to you too.." Hiccup's purred, his fingers lightly caressing the bare skin on Jack's shoulders. "What are you even doing up this early..? You forget it was summer vacation?"

Jack smirked, the action light and teasing as his hand brushed the tousled auburn hair off of Hiccup's forehead. "I remembered.." He promised, taking a second to dip his head and steal another kiss. "I just wanted to wake up early, so I can capture your beauty.."

"Beauty..?" Hiccup's echoed. Although he smiled, there was skepticism in his voice. He looked over, and caught a glimpse of Jack's forgotten drawing. "Have I ever told you how unbelievably creepy you can be?" This brought forth a laugh from the fair haired boy above him.

"I'm not creepy, I'm an artist. And one day, I'm going to use my art so you can see yourself the way how I see you."